Clearly written by someone who has never truly known the despair of depression. #mentalhealthawareness #depression #suicide
Clearly written by someone who has never truly known the despair of depression. #mentalhealthawareness #depression #suicide
Oh, how my #TBR grows! Jonathan Banks, on the Better Call Saul Insider podcast, was talking about a book he was reading about the complex relationship between Washington and Arnold (that is, between hero and villain) but in the moment could not remember the title. I think this must be it and now I must locate a physical copy. Has anyone here read it?
So, I decided to see how I was doing on my various reading challenges (hint: not great). Based on those not-so-stellar results, I've decided to jump on the TBR Bingo bandwagon. This card has all of the books that fit spaces on my challenges. I figure once I get a bingo, I can read anything else I want to (a new release or anything that's calling to me, since I'm a mood reader). There's a lot here I'm not really looking forward to reading. 😕
A sampling of #CampfireRedBooks from my living room shelves. The tagged book is #TBR, but I imagine there are some lessons to #nevergiveup as well. After all, despite terrible odds, the American Revolution succeeded.
Also, please say hi to Armie, the beaded octopus box my mom made me. She's so talented.
#augustlibrary17 #AugustGrrrl
Some red, white and blue spines!! Happy Independence day America!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #redwhiteandblue #jubilantjuly #sizzlingsummerreads
Oh, look--immigrants have been doing the shit work that nobody else wanted to do and contributing to this country since even before it was a country.
Getting ready for the 4th of July with a little history lesson 🎆🇺🇸
Ready for a new view on history. 😎🙃 If I can stop sneezing long enough!😜
If you like to read history, Nathaniel Philbrick is one of the most readable. In Valiant Ambition he introduces the reader to not only the thinking and emotions of our revolutionary leaders but also the political divides. You come to understand how complicated all history is. One of my favorite lines: "As Great Britain's focus shifted to the French and the ...West Indies, Americans were turning their attention destroying one another".
Book 4 in the history/biography category for the #armchairaudies. Like the premise so far- history is never as simple as it seems.
A certain Broadway musical (coughHAMILTONcough) inspired an interest in Revolutionary War history, and Philbrick's book scratches that itch superbly. One can imagine the heartbreak felt by Americans when their admired hero fell into disgrace and treason. Despite its abrupt and, frankly, kind of unsatisfactory ending, this is a great story, and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to learn more about the creation of our nation.
This book was fascinating and portrayed historical figures as actual people rather than the one-dimensional characters in a history textbook. Recommended to anyone who wants to know about the Revolution.
Benedict Arnold was a badass.
Hmmm, my to read stack appears to be blocking my view of college footballs opening Saturday. A lot of great stuff to read!
Enjoying this on audio! Although I'm bound to get it mixed up with ALEXANDER HAMILTON, since Scott Brick narrates both!
Good morning, fellow readers!
Would you trust this face?
I missed his lecture last night, but luckily work got some extra copies signed that staff could grab. Added to the pile for the next time I want to read about the American Revolution.
Packed house for Nathaniel Philbrick talking about his newest book at the American Antiquarian Society this evening! - view from the balcony
Great timing with this book's release and the events currently portrayed in AMC's Turn: Washington's Spies.
Heard a great reading from Nathaniel Philbrick's latest.