Book 78📚 3⭐️
First book finished on vacation!😊
Abandon subway rave 🚇 ✔️
Disemboweled bodies ✔️
Something lurking in the shadows ✔️
Tons of gore and very creepy!🩸
1/6 books down I have from this writer!👌🏻
Book 78📚 3⭐️
First book finished on vacation!😊
Abandon subway rave 🚇 ✔️
Disemboweled bodies ✔️
Something lurking in the shadows ✔️
Tons of gore and very creepy!🩸
1/6 books down I have from this writer!👌🏻
This makes me sad. I was a huge fan of the merciless series so I had high hopes. The gore and suspense were great but pretty much everything else sucked. This takes the “reckless teens making stupid decisions” to a whole nother level and I‘m sorry but after seeing your dismembered friends body, the last thing you should care about is who your ex slept with.
This was my #DoubleSpin
The #20in4 readathon continues with one of my spins. Either #BookSpin or #DoubleSpin I can‘t remember.
But I have good company during my reading spree 😻🐈⬛#FatButt
This was a fast paced book that I quickly devoured. It felt a little amateurish at times, but the premise - a killer loose at an all night rave called Survive The Night where you aren't allowed to leave - had me hooked. I did enjoy this story, but I have to say that it took a turn that I wish it hadn't, turning into something I wasn't expecting. The ending was disappointing.. However, if you're looking for a fast paced bit of horror, this is it!
It didn't get any better. It got a lot weirder and the ending just kind of left you wondering.
Debating DNF-info but I only have 1.5 hrs of reading time to finish it.
+10 #teamstoker #scarathlon @TheReadingMermaid
First of all, the matte cover has a GLITTER SKULL on it. Glitter is my jam. Awesome surprise.
The book was...different? An illegal underground rave, drug addiction and the (glittery) murder of teenagers by someone or SOMETHING that stalks the subway tunnels of NYC. Mix in some unnecessary boy drama and an occasional eyeball and you've got this book. Not scary and no real resolution but a fun read.
Reads like a teen slasher, but a twist takes it into huh? territory... the book starts out well enough, but once the first victim is found, it feels like the pacing goes from 0 to 60 too quickly and any sort of character development is swiftly ended. On a whole, I found the ending rushed and unfulfilling. I will say, if you want a quick read, this is one for you, but if you‘ve got a weak stomach for gore, I‘d skip this one. ⭐️⭐️
This book, for me, was unenjoyable if you just took it at face value. The real beauty came through when you dissected what was going on and realized it‘s meaning was much deeper than a monster in the tunnels. It was a monster within the mind of our damaged characters. Check out my blog for a spoiler-free and spoiler in depth review!! https://literarylabyrinth.home.blog/2019/01/08/survive-the-night/hickleberrypunc...
One of this weeks spooky Ya read. #SurviveTheNight #DanielleVega #OctoberTBR #halloween #SpookyReads #bookphotography #bookish #booklover #books #booklover
I really wanted to like this book, as I'm a sucker for YA survival-type stores. However, I had a lot of problems with the setup, and as a result I couldn't suspend my disbelief at all for the duration.
The writing isn't bad, but the story really needed so much more work. Bail on this one. #SaveYourShelf
I cannot put this book down !!! I can't wait until I get to the end !! 😬😬😬
This has awful ratings but I loved it! A weird plot twist I didn't see coming but absolutely loved! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #ya
My poor cat hasn‘t been feeling well so I‘ve been spending as much time with him as I can when I get home. That means a lot of reading has been getting done. I‘m hoping he feels better soon!
Next horror book for this lovely month of October... Apparently I'm hooked on Danielle Vega's novels! They're such quick and interesting reads! 👻🖤☠️
#manicmonday apparently this is a crazy night. #awesomeautumnbooks
Hopefully this is better than the last teen horror novel I read. #allthatgore #backtoreading
I went to Oklahoma the weekend before last and visited my first #booksamillion me and mom got stuck there for a couple hours and we scored some good deals. I got this for 3 bucks even though I have several books I'm reading. You can't have enough books
You ever finish a book and ask yourself, "what did I just read?"
This book started out strong and then I was intrigued when they found their friend murdered. I was biting my nails and on the edge of my seating wondering if they would meet the murder. Then it took a left turn and I was left scratching my head.
The story reminded me of a really cheesy horror film that makes you cringe.
Finally managed to get my blog post up for this! Brutalbookworm.blogspot.com
This book started off really strong and then ended super flipping weird. Full review will be up on my blog! Brutalbookworm.blogspot.com
Guess I should have listened to my better judgement. I'm a big fat scaredy cat and this book didn't scare me in the slightest. It's also one of those YA books that I feel you can read at only a certain age. This might have appealed to 15 year old Cynthia, but it made 26 year old Cynthia feel old as hell. On the plus, your MC actually had some character development, but it wasn't enough to save the book.
I heard some really mixed things about this writer, but I've been really curious. Then this showed up at my library. The pink really caught my eye. 😁😁😁
I decided to read this because it seemed like a good Halloween book... This book started okay... But then it got strange and annoying.
So I left my book I was half way through at home😡 over 2 hours away. Guess I have to pick another. Since it's October I think I will choose Survive the night. For those of you participating in my photo challenge I spent this weekend packing and trying to get my house on the market. So I am behind, but I am going to look through everything at lunch today. PROMISE.