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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
62 posts | 44 read | 74 to read
The new novel everyone's been waiting for from bestselling author Michelle Paver. "Something has been let loose..." In Edwardian Suffolk, a manor house stands alone in a lost corner of the Fens: a glinting wilderness of water whose whispering reeds guard ancient secrets. Maud is a lonely child growing up without a mother, ruled by her repressive father. When he finds a painted medieval devil in a graveyard, unhallowed forces are awakened. Maud's battle has begun. She must survive a world haunted by witchcraft, the age-old legends of her beloved fen and the even more nightmarish demons of her father's past. Spanning five centuries, Wakenhyrst is a darkly gothic thriller about murderous obsession and one girl's longing to fly free by the bestselling author of Dark Matter and Thin Air. Wakenhyrst is an outstanding new piece of story-telling, a tale of mystery and imagination laced with terror. It is a masterwork in the modern gothic tradition that ranges from Mary Shelley and Bram Stoker to Neil Gaiman and Sarah Perry.
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Set in the Suffolk fens this gothic tale of the difficult relationship between maud and her troubling father. The bk opens in the 1960's when an older Maud has to confront the publicity of an act of violence yrs before in the rambling home she now maintains. We then revisit her as a child with Father Edmund, who becomes obsessed with a 16c local mystic + a diabolic wall painting unearthed nearby. Folkloric + well told I was suitably unsettled

LeahBergen I liked this one, too. 9mo
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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A weak Pick for this Gothic-esque tale. It had atmosphere by the bucketful but I found it hard to get through - due mainly to the frustratingly uneven flow of the narrative i.e. the father's diary sections. This sort of exposition being common in the Gothic, I can understand why the author did this, but it didn't work for me. But I did love the character of Maud, the creepiness, the fen as liminal space, the lovely writing, the awful father!

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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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This one next. My reading pace is picking up slightly...if only I could stay awake past 9.30pm I'd get much more done! I used to be such a night owl...

SlytherinBookLady I know the feeling!!! It takes a lot for me to stay up past 9:30 or 10 anymore when I used to be able to stay up all night long 2y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I had an urge for something “gothicky” and randomly plucked this one off my shelves.

A creepy manor house on the creepy fens with a creepy father and a lonely child. What‘s not to love? 😆

KristiAhlers Sounds amazing. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photo 💙 2y
LeahBergen @KristiAhlers I‘m really enjoying it so far! 2y
Centique And it looks gorgeous too! 2y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Couldn‘t sleep so finished this creepy gothic tale. I found it atmospheric and totally engrossing. A descent into madness, murder and possible ghosts are all weaved into the story although you‘re never quite sure what‘s real
Really enjoyed this one
4 ⭐️

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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver

I very much enjoyed this atmospheric And gothic style story. There is a good sense of time and place and the feeling of pervading menace is very strong. It‘s creepy and sinister as well as being quite sad in parts. It‘s beautifully written and I liked the epistolary sections. The characters really came alive for me and the descriptions of the Fens are very vivid. An engaging, eerie and engrossing read.

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver

A quick read

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I think I‘m going to go with a high so-so for this one. I enjoyed the fenland setting, and quite enjoyed the story. It definitely got bogged down in Edmund‘s sin and diaries in the middle. He really had zero redeeming features. And as a non-horror reader, I kind of wanted more creep and scariness than the pondweed provided. No, I can‘t figure that out either.

Thanks for getting me to try something different #Glastonerds!

squirrelbrain Yes, I wasn‘t sure what was going on with the pondweed either… 3y
Caroline2 Pondweed!! 😂 spot on review. 👍 3y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I made it to the lull-period at about 40%. It was good up to there.

squirrelbrain Oh dear 😔 3y
TrishB Same 🤷‍♀️ 3y
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Caroline2 Yeahhhh, this needed serious editing. Too much of the father‘s diary entries. It got really repetitive and predictable didn‘t it. 3y
Cathythoughts Ok 🙄… such a shame when it‘s so good at the start 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
julesG @Caroline2 Yeah, too much diary, too little plot. 3y
rockpools 😂😂 Ah well. 3y
Oryx Hmmm. I think I'm about 40% at the moment (but haven't read it in more than a week). 3y
Leniverse I read from 25% to 53% today, and I'm ok with the diary entries and all. But I need it to move on a bit now, and I don't understand how there can be almost half the book left still. 3y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I am currently the grumpiest person in Grumpyville.

I was pinged this afternoon & have to spend a full 10 days self-isolating. Obviously (🙄) I celebrated ‘freedom day‘ (🙄) way too recklessly by leaving the house for a full 30 minutes yesterday to go to the greengrocer.

On the bright side, I might actually finish our bookclub book…

TrishB Oh Rachel!! Hope you‘re ok. 3y
rockpools @TrishB I honestly think the risk is minimal- but trying to keep out of Mum‘s airspace (she hasn‘t been vaxed) for 10 whole days is a frigging nightmare! 3y
BookishMarginalia Big hug 💜 3y
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LeahBergen Ohhh, that‘s too bad!! Sending ❤️❤️. 3y
rockpools @BookishMarginalia Thank you 😊. Intercontinental hugs are the bestest right now! 3y
rockpools @LeahBergen Thanks Leah. It‘s a little bit rubbish. But at least the sun‘s shining! 😘 3y
julesG Hugs! Enjoy the books. 3y
rockpools @julesG @julesG Thank you 😊. Did you get through this one in the end? 3y
julesG Unfortunately not. I think, I'd have finished it had it been on audio. I worked on a sewing project today and listened to 3y
rockpools @julesG That sounds good! 3y
BookwormM Oh no I know a lot of people pinged who haven‘t been in close contact with anyone out of their bubble. Friend and her dad went out for meal no contact with anyone apart from food delivered to table she got pinged he didn‘t 🤷‍♀️ 3y
rockpools @BookwormM It‘s kind of bizarre, isn‘t it? I feel like any exposure I had would be minimal (I literally went to the grocers & back, 5 people in there, none close, all wearing masks, doors wide open, I‘m double-jabbed…) but I don‘t want to put mum at risk so just don‘t know what level of paranoid to run with. Which is a tad stressful! How are you? 3y
BookwormM I am doing good well I will be once it cools down. Still trying to sell house and move which is stressful as our buyer just pulled out good job we haven‘t found anywhere we like yet 🤣🤣 3y
CarolynM How are you going in isolation? Hope you have plenty of entertainment🙂 3y
rockpools @BookwormM Oh how frustrating! Good luck - hope a new stress-free buyer shows up quickly! 3y
rockpools @CarolynM I‘m planning a weekend of spring cleaning! Massively exciting! It‘s amazing just how much you miss the ‘daily exercise‘ thing when you‘re not supposed to be doing it. Would also help if I didn‘t have a nagging feeling of ‘the horse has well & truly bolted.‘ But I‘m not likely to run out of books in the next 8 days! How are you? I guess you‘re back in lockdown as well are you? Hope you‘re keeping ok 😘 3y
CarolynM All good, thanks lovely😘 We are in lockdown in Melbourne, but it's looking good for restrictions to start easing soon. Not in Sydney though, their numbers are still rising and they're still not taking it seriously enough😡 3y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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The first half of this book was a 5 star read! I stayed up late and couldn‘t put it down. Then, it dipped in the middle. Too much of the father‘s diary, it felt repetitive and I started skimming. The ending is predictable. BUT overall, a solid pick. Full of gothic atmosphere with a creeping dread. A good eerie read. 👍 😉

TrishB I loved the first half too- but I‘m in that dip and can‘t motivate myself to pick back up. 3y
julesG @TrishB same. 3y
Caroline2 Such a shame isn‘t it! 🤦‍♀️ @TrishB @julesG 3y
squirrelbrain Great review! I felt a bit of the dip but you know I skim-read a lot anyway so…. Probably didn‘t notice the dip as much as you! 🤷‍♀️ 3y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Sorry, finished 4 books in the last 2 days so going a bit review-crazy…!

I wasn‘t really sure if I wanted to read this, fellow #bookclubbers - it‘s just not my ‘thing‘. But I really liked it!

There wasn‘t the fantasy element that I expected so that helped, and I got a real sense of the eerieness and claustrophobia. It reminded me a bit of The Essex Serpent but, for me, a more coherent storyline that I enjoyed far more.

BookishMarginalia What a beautiful #cover! 3y
Oryx I'm about a third of the way through on audio - am quite enjoying it too actually - the only reason I haven't finished is that I have Ducks on the go on audio still, so that keeps tempting me over this one. I should hopefully finish it before book club though. 3y
BekahB I haven‘t read this one yet but I loved Dark Matter and enjoyed Thin Air. Dark Matter by Paver is one of my favorite creepy, build up the tension and dread type of ghost stories. 3y
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jenniferw88 Not sure I'm going to get to it in time, but will still join in book club! Glad you enjoyed it though. 3y
TrishB Oh good 👍🏻 going to try and get to over the weekend. 3y
Caroline2 I‘m really looking forward to this. I‘ve loved her previous books. 👍 3y
squirrelbrain It is isn‘t it @BookishMarginalia ? Much nicer than the other (US?) cover. 3y
squirrelbrain I haven‘t read any others @BekahB @Caroline2 - I may give one again sometime as I really liked this one. 3y
squirrelbrain I think I‘d prefer listening to 🦆 🦆 too! @Oryx 3y
Caroline2 Dark matter is a really good creepy read! 👻 😱 😉 3y
Cathythoughts Nice review 👍🏻 3y
BarbaraBB 4 books in 2 days 😳? Still vacationing? 3y
rockpools So glad you enjoyed it! I will get to it one day… 3y
squirrelbrain No @BarbaraBB - not on holiday 😜! And I haven‘t *read* 4 books in 2 days - just finished them all at the same time…most of them I started at the weekend! 3y
LeahBergen Oh, good! I‘m glad you liked it as it‘s waiting on my shelves. 👌 3y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Audiowalking with Miss Daisy, and hoping we don't get soaked. Started this one. Anyone else started @TrishB @squirrelbrain @julesG @caroline2 @jenniferw88 @scripturient @eraderneely @youneverarrived @Susanita @Leniverse @rockpools @jhod (and apologies if I forgot someone!)

rockpools Hadn‘t slipped my mind at all - honest 🤫. I‘m quite envious of your walk - it looks gorgeously green. 3y
squirrelbrain Hopefully you managed to avoid the rain… I have the book on my bingo card for the month but I‘m not entirely sure I fancy it (yet)! 😳 3y
TrishB Not yet! 3y
Caroline2 I‘m gonna start it next week. Be interesting to hear what you think of it. 😀 👍 looks like a lovely walk. 3y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 205
#BooksToRead #TBRPile #TBRMountain

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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This is a strange read. Maud is a difficult character to like at first, she's very spiky but when you consider her childhood experiences it's not surprising. Her father is one of the most loathsome characters I've ever read about. Overall I liked parts of it, but other aspects were frustrating, therefore I rate this one 3.5🌟

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers, Head of Zeus, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

#20in4 @andrew65

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Well, I feel bad admitting this but I‘m 75% in and bored. I don‘t feel like there is much mystery to keep me going. I‘m sad because I really really loved my experience with Dark Matter.

readordierachel Oh bummer. I've been so curious about this book. Sorry it didn't work for you! 4y
Tamra @readordierachel I hope it works for you! It‘s probably just timing. 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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That sound is me clapping about my library hold coming in! 👏🏾

LeahBergen I have this waiting on my shelves! 👍🏻 4y
Tamra @LeahBergen excellent! I have really enjoyed her other two novels so I‘m a bit worried my expectations are too high. 🤞🏾 4y
BarbaraBB Bit annoying though that they put that barcode across the title 🙈😀 4y
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Cathythoughts I think I tried this but the timing was wrong. .... I think I‘ll try again soon 👍🏻❤️ 4y
Tamra @BarbaraBB yes indeed! 4y
Tamra @Cathythoughts I‘m 🤞🏾🤞🏾 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Storming through #bookspinbingo this month @TheAromaofBooks 🙌 for the holidays! This was a slow burning, atmospheric, deliciously gothic tale full of family secrets, madness, and intense hatred, and the reader is never quite sure who is gaslighting who. I loved it!

TheAromaofBooks Awesome progress!!! 4y
Tamra This has been on my TBR for a long while and I‘m anxious to get to it! 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I'm so tired today even if I didn't go to work!
I did shopping and get a new beautiful bag, mum's gift!
I'm obsessed with bags 😍😍

#wakenhyrst #michellepaver #dayoff #shopping #Christmasiscoming

Palimpsest I loved this book! 4y
Ast_Arslan @Palimpsest I hope I'll like it too 😉😘 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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She is so confortable... my foot is under her and it's burning 🤣

#dog #dogofLitsy #coldnight #wakenhyrst #michellepaver #degasbookmark #bedtime #reading

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Christmas is coming to town!
The first one is a Christmas from a friend of mine, the second one is a gift by myself 🤣
Hope I'll like them both!

#neverletmego #kazuoishiguro #wakenhyrst #michellepaver

BarbaraBB What is the English title of the Ishiguro? (edited) 4y
Ast_Arslan @BarbaraBB it's 'Never let me go' 😉 4y
BarbaraBB Ah! Enjoy, it is so good!! (edited) 4y
Ast_Arslan @BarbaraBB thank you! I hope I'll like it! 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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A well written insidious descent into madness 😈

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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I realized I never reviewed this book. It was a great pick for me and I loved being immersed in the Edwardian fen with Maud. The kind of novel I love where the you see the characters ponder what is real or imagined. I wanted a little bit of a different ending, but I understand why the author chose to write it the way she did. Great October read!

LeahBergen I recently bought this, too. 👍🏻 4y
Palimpsest @LeahBergen I think you‘ll really like this one as it reminds me of the types of stories Laura Purcell writes. I‘m looking for more like them. If you have any recommendations please send them my way! 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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A perfectly chilling Gothic tale for October. The story takes place in the fens of Suffolk during the early years of the 20th Century. Are the fens haunted? Or is Maud's cruel and controlling father the true demon?

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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1. Wakenhyrst and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
2. The Master and Margarita
3. Yes! Cry of the Werewolf, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Crimson Peak, and I am Lisa. I love Halloween movies as long as they aren‘t super scary. 🎃🧛‍♂️#weekendreads

BekahB I just got Wakenhyrst in the mail the other day! Dark Matter is one of my favorite creepy books. I‘m excited to read this one! 4y
Palimpsest @BekahB I haven‘t heard of Dark Matter. I‘m going to stack it because I‘m really enjoying Wakenhyrst and Paver‘s writing style. The story is creepy in that it reminds me of gothic novels and mystery. I don‘t want to spoil it so I won‘t say more, but enjoy! 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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🌞Edwardian fen reveals hidden past
🌞Coffee: It‘s invigorating and inspiring. I also need books!
🌞1601 to see Shakespeare perform in his own play,
Early 1800s to hear Paganini perform, or 1851 to see The Crystal Palace expedition.
Thank you for the tag! @rubyslippersreads #wondrouswednesday would you like to share?
@La_Cori @Mishu94 @BiblioLitten

Mishu94 Thank you for the tag! ❤️ 4y
MargaretPinardAuthor Ooh, good description!! Much better than the title, lol 4y
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MargaretPinardAuthor And yes to the Crystal Palace! 4y
BiblioLitten Thank you for tagging me 💙 4y
Eggs Love the book description! And coffee ☕️! And your years for time travel!! Thanks for your thoughtful responses 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Palimpsest @Eggs thank you for the questions for today. It was a lot of fun thinking about each of them. 😊 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Excited to start this book. I love October. 🎃🖤

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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3.5 🌟
A must read for gothic victorian lover out there. Wakenhyrst begins with discovery of some devil paintings from a lunatic called Edmund Stearne. The public begins to take notice of the discovery since Edmund is the owner of Wakenhyrst, an secluded gothic manor with mysterious fen and tangled garden. He is admitted to an asylum for killing.
The book goes back from 1966 to 1906 to tell it all.

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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@ImperfectCJ I'm impressed with your new technique on bookmarks. Thank you 🧡💚💗💛

ImperfectCJ I'm glad you like it! I miss exchanging letters with you. 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I can't bring myself to steal the Kobo from my daughter again just to get a photo of the cover, so here's a cool shell I saw at the beach recently.

Wakenhyrst is an interesting, complex gothic story that gets a little convoluted at times. Paver does a very good job with setting and mood and with illustrating Maud's isolation, and there's a decent amount of creepiness, too. Good, not awesome, but still a "pick".

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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1. A pashmina I found at the thrift store. Got a lot more wear in Massachusetts than it does in SoCal.
2. I think I've visited all the major desert regions in the western US, and I lived in the Great Basin. I ❤️ the desert.
3. Tagged plus Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus and a bunch of history books for homeschool. I'm having trouble getting into anything right now. Sigh.
#ThoughtfulThursday @MoonWitch94

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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From prologue: "Like a witch's lair in a fairytale the ancient manor house crouches in its tangled garden."

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Progress on my book isn't going so well but vitamin D synthesis is taking off. I haven't sunbathed since high school so it only takes about ten minutes before I have to hit the shade, even with the filtering effect of my leg hair.

UwannaPublishme 😁👍🏻 4y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

I'm going to have to move Voltaire towards the top of my reading list, I think. Might help me understand where we are and where we're headed (which I suppose is the general purpose of philosophy).

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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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About half way through, different to Dark Matter and Thin Ice but very good draws you in slowly..... such a lot of detail...... spanning five centuries there‘s a lot of folklore and the fens and waterways around the house are very much a part of this book ... so far I like it a lot!!

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver

I loved reading this book once I got into it understood what was happening. Gorgeous and imaginative. Read full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/03/04/book-review-wakenhyrst-by-...

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Despite my lack of concentration recently, when I did pick up this book I couldn‘t put it down! A great gothic horror set in an old house next to an English Fen which explores the story of a murder that has been talked about for many years. Maud, the main female lead finally tells her story, or some of it...
I found switching between the two points of view, Maud and her fathers diary, kept things flowing. Highly recommended to fans of the genre!!

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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I don't want this to end!!!
Edwardian Suffolk, a manor house stands alone in a corner of the fens: a glinting wilderness of water whose whispering reeds hold dark secrets. Maud is a lonely child growing up without her mother, ruled by her repressive father. When he finds a painted medieval devil in a graveyard, unhallowed forces are awakened. Maid's battle has begun. She must survive a world haunted by witchcraft....

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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A little bit of reading time while I wait for my Sister to arrive for lunch 😊

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Thanks for the tag @DaveGreen7777 😊

1. I am drawn to books for their covers but will read anything if it sounds good.

2. Tagged!

3. I tend to stick to the BBC

4. Snooze, snooze, snooze!

5. I tag anyone who hasn‘t yet played!


DaveGreen7777 You are very welcome! 😊 5y
veritysalter I‘ve just finished Wakenhyrst, I really enjoyed it. I am loving the resurgence of the Gothic genre with really strong female protagonists. 5y
Hufflepuffle @veritysalter I‘m about a quarter of the way through and I‘m obsessed! I‘m loving the development of Maud at the moment. Me too! I think the Gothic genre might be my all time favourite, especially with a strong female lead. 5y
veritysalter Have you tried books by Laura Purcell and Stacey Halls? 5y
Hufflepuffle @veritysalter Yes! I have read The Corset and The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell and I loved The Familiars by Stacey Halls! 5y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver

The reeds stood tall and dead: I had the oddest feeling they wanted me gone. The light was failing. I caught a swampy smell of decay. Behind me something rustled and I saw the reeds part for some unseen creature. I thought: No wonder Maud‘s mad. All her life in a place like this?

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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ An Edwardian Gothic speculative tale, that gave me chills, I found some of the descriptions very similar to M.R. James fabulous ghost stories. An evil has been let loose in the Suffolk Fens; can Maud survive her fathers growing madness and the superstitions of the country to gain the freedom she desires.

veritysalter @TheAromaofBooks this was my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin book. I look forward to doing it again next month. 5y
LeahBergen Ooo, I‘ll have to buy this one! 5y
TheAromaofBooks And that cover is just sooo gorgeous! 5y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Reading with Coco and Pablo #PetsOfLitsy #DogsOfLitsy

Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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@TheAromaofBooks I‘m starting my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin book today. It‘s been on my shelf for a few months now, thank you for helping me tackle #MountTBR

TheAromaofBooks I'm kind of in love with that cover!!! 5y
hes7 ^ agreed! The cover is so lovely! 5y
Geenie 😍 beautiful cover 5y
emmaturi I really liked this book! 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Gorgeous cover! 5y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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Michelle Paver is a master at creating atmosphere. I had listened to her previous book Dark Matter and was transported into an Arctic ghost story. Wakenhyrst is very firmly set in turn of the century England. It is claustrophobic, compelling, and delightfully creepy. I love my edition. It has gorgeous endpapers and an attached ribbon bookmark. Adore!

KimmyM Ooh I got this recently and I'm so excited to read it! 5y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I need this! I loved Dark Matter - and this one looks just as good 5y
Tamra I have loved Paver! Must get! 5y
Bookzombie Stacked! I also love the cover. 5y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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I realised I hadn‘t posted a picture of my #XmasHaul yet, so here it is in all its beauty! There‘s the Illustrated Edition of The Goblet Of Fire, SE of Crooked Kingdom, CE of A Court Of Thorns & Roses, CE of A Conjuring Of Light, SE of And Then There Were None, the Slytherin & Ravenclaw editions of Prisoner Of Azkaban, a signed copy of Darkness For Light, Me by Elton John, Acid For The Children, The Maker Of Swans, Oryx & Crake, Wakenhyrst 👇👇👇

Lizpixie Time Of Contempt & Baptism Of Fire-both Witcher novels, & finally Children Of Virtue & Vengeance which is Bk2 in the Blood & Bone series. I made out well this year! Merry Xmas🎄 5y
TrishB Great haul 👍🏻 5y
LeahBergen Awesome haul! 5y
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Rissreads Wow! 📚🌲❤💚 5y
Gezemice Wow! Awesome! I love many things here but I gotta give double thumbs-up to the Witcher :) 5y
Suet624 Wow! 5y
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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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This is a really great read, a gothic thriller. It had me gripped to the end! #books

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Wakenhyrst | Michelle Paver
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#hollyjollyreading - holiday decorations from Barcelona. They have really lovely lights!
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💙💙💙 5y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! 🎄🎅🏻 5y
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