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A Few Right Thinking Men
A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
32 posts | 9 read | 40 to read
Historical crime fiction at its best: gripping, beautifully-written and deeply-researched. The first in the 'Rowland Sinclair' series starts in Australia's 1930's Great Depression and is based on extraordinary yet real events, many of which seem incredible today. This story about art, money, crime and treason will appeal to both the popular market as well as literary lovers!
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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I've had a couple of resting days. Today spent all day reading this book. I really enjoyed it. Thanks to @CarolynM I've been introduced to another talented Aussie author. Will read my way through this delightful series.

Tamra This sounds fun! 1y
CarolynM Knew you‘d like it🥰 Lots more adventures with Roly and the gang ahead! 1y
Rissreads Love this cover! 💛 1y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Thank you so much, @CarolynM ! Your lovely birthday parcel arrived today. I‘m thrilled that you sent me this Australian 1930s mystery as I‘d had my eye on it ever since reading your reviews. The card and bookmark are lovely and the tea towel! The tea towel I‘m giving it‘s own post. 😆

You‘re a dear friend! 😘😘

vivastory Happy belated Birthday, friend! 📚🎉🎂 3y
LeahBergen @vivastory Thanks, Scott! 😘 3y
batsy So pretty 😍 3y
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ShelleyBooksie Happy Belated Birthday! ♡♡ 3y
AlaMich Happy Birthday! That is a beautiful bookmark! 3y
CarolynM I'm glad it's arrived🙂 Hope you enjoy the book. 3y
LeahBergen @batsy Right? 😊 3y
LeahBergen @ShelleyBooksie Thanks! 😊 3y
LeahBergen @AlaMich Thank you! 😘 3y
LeahBergen @CarolynM I‘m sure I will! 😘😘 3y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Next mystery read

CarolynM I loved this one. Hope you enjoy it. 4y
Verity @CarolynM I‘m always looking for more historical crime series to glom on. This might be it 4y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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#20series20days The Rowland Sinclair series

Being the adventures of gentleman painter Rowland Sinclair and his bohemian artist friends from their base in his Sydney mansion and in their extensive travels throughout Australia and the rest of the world. Set against the background of real events of the 1930's the spectre of fascism is ever present and the friends encounter many real historical figures in the course of their escapades.

Ruthiella Yet another COMPLETELY new to me series! 😃 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve seen these on Litsy before but still haven‘t read them. They sound good. 4y
rockpools ❤️ 4y
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LeahBergen I need to try one of these! 4y
Heideschrampf The first came across my way via our postal book club and i raced through the following books, but the latest wasn‘t published as audiobook and now i can‘t get myself to get the paper... 4y
Andrew65 Looks great. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I've been meaning to read these based solely on the covers!! 4y
bookandbedandtea Seriously gorgeous covers! I've never heard of these but I think I'll search them out. 4y
AlaMich Those covers!! You could look at those for hours and keep discovering new details. 4y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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This was great! A fun historical fiction-murder mystery-political thriller-type thing, set in 1930s Sydney. Rowly Sinclair, gentleman artist, shares his home with his bohemian friends, much to his older brother‘s disapproval. When his uncle is killed, Rowly‘s search for answers lead him towards the far-right groups that are emerging.

As soon as I‘d finished, I hit Google and started watching the Pathé news reels of the opening of...

rockpools ...Sydney Harbour bridge. 1 internet rabbit-hole later, and I‘m thrown by how many real people/events are running through this book. I‘ll absolutely be reading more. (And a bunch of them are free on Kindle Unlimited, if that‘s your thing).

I‘m also still obsessed by the cover, and currently offended on the artist & author‘s behalf by the cover on Amazon, where the title blocks out the view of the bridge...?!
(edited) 4y
rockpools Thank you so much for sending me this one @CarolynM - we definitely need more Australian fiction round this corner of the world - I loved it!

Yay. I finished May‘s #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks ! Also #hatoncover for #booked2020 @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen and #neverendingseries (1/10 so far) for #bbrc @LibrarianRyan @BookwormAHN
(edited) 4y
CarolynM I'm so glad you enjoyed it🙂 I'm also really glad you followed up on the history - it would be easy to believe some of that stuff was made up, but no, all true. All of the books in the series are similarly set against a background of real events and feature a few real people. I'm not sure what you'll make of the next couple, but the fourth one gets into some juicy stuff again. (edited) 4y
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rockpools @CarolynM I presumed the politics was broadly what-was-going-on, but when we got to the bridge opening, what happened was so bizarre I figured it had to be true! And promptly discovered how many names I recognised. Might be one for a re-read with Wikipedia one day 😁. Thanks for the note of caution about the next couple. 4y
Itchyfeetreader Sounds fab - hope you are keeping well? 4y
writerlibrarian The cover is so lovely. This is going on my TRP. 4y
rockpools @writerlibrarian Oh good! I hope you enjoy it when you get there 😊 4y
rockpools @Itchyfeetreader Hi Jo. It is really good! Doing great physically thanks (mumble mumble everything else). How are things with you? 😘 4y
rockpools I don‘t think my tags worked yesterday @TheAromaofBooks ! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Thanks for tagging me again, Rachel!! I don't know why but every once in a while Litsy decides I don't get to know about a tag! Also, that cover really is gorgeous! I don't come across historical fiction set in Australia very often, so I'm totally stacking this one!! 4y
rockpools @TheAromaofBooks Think it was my fault yesterday- because I was wittering on, I‘d cut and paste, rather than typing directly into Litsy. That‘s obviously bad! And yes, this one‘s worth stacking 😁. Thanks for finally convincing me to read it! 4y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Here are the first five of my #bookspinbonanza books (because 20 ain‘t gonna happen. 1 doesn‘t usually happen....) Don‘t they look wonderful?! And as I seem to be on a slightly unusual YA thing right now, pretty readable. Massively excited to start in Australia 😊

alisiakae looks like a way to start off! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Love it!! 4y
CarolynM Really hope you enjoy getting to know Rowland Sinclair and his friends🙂 (edited) 4y
rockpools @CarolynM I‘m really sorry I‘ve left it so long! I tend to ‘save‘ the books I most want to read, which is ridiculous but hey-ho. Anyhow, I‘m on chapter 5 and loving it so far - it‘s just the right mix of serious but not too heavy. I might actually get through it!!!! (Unusual right now). Thank you Carolyn 😊 4y
CarolynM No need to apologise, I've been known to do that too. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it, hope it stays that way😘 4y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Finally finished this #TBRRead and I really enjoyed it!
I would definitely consider reading the others in the series (eventually). The writing is lovely, and I liked the newspaper snippets at the start of most of the chapters.

#WinterGames #TeamNutcracker
@Clwojick @StayCurious

16 points

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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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It is Christmas party day at work, so most of the department are already out beautifying themselves!

As I am still here watching my column go into storage, it is book time!

#TBRread #TeamNutcracker #WinterGames
@Clwojick @StayCurious

1 point

A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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This is my busiest week of Dec.

Monday‘s I have dance class for 2 hours after work, Tuesday was my partners dads birthday, so we went out for drinks and korean food (I recommend peach soju by the way alcohol drinkers!), and friday is works Xmas party!
BUT today I had a teensy bit of time to chill in the evening!

Cue squeezing in a couple of chapters of this book before bed! I‘m loving it so far :)

#TBRRead #WinterGames #TeamNutcracker

1 point

TEArificbooks Next week is my busy week. We have a 3 holiday parties, 2 recitals and 2 rehearsals for those recitals, 2 field trips to chaperone, 2 oral presentations to attend, 2 school play rehearsals, 3 doctors appts, and 2 service people appts at the house. 5y
Bookworm54 @mdm139 wow 😱😱😱 5y
LeahBergen You ARE busy! 5y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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#7covers7days #covercrush

If you haven‘t already (or even if you have) do you fancy a round @CocoReads @Jennifer3 ? 7 covers, 7 days, no explanations, try & tag someone new every day.

Jennifer3 Definitely! I would love to do it! 5y
sudi 😍 5y
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rockpools Day 4! 5y
Lizpixie This whole series was on my list too!👍 5y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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#7days7covers #covercrush #day7 For the finale of this challenge, I decided to go with the 7 new covers of the Rowly Sinclair Mysteries(I couldn‘t choose just 1)While I do love the original covers, these are exceptional. Each one is a snapshot of the story inside which is about a wealthy artist in 1930s Sydney who solves mysteries with his friends, a sculptress & two “red raggers” I won this signed set from Booktopia, there‘s actually 2 more now.

CarolynM As you know, these aren't my favourite covers for the series, but I have to say they do look very good en masse! Thanks for playing along😘 5y
bookladyreads Those covers are absolutely gorgeous. They could all be framed art. 5y
Leftcoastzen Love those covers! 5y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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I have re-establishing my old Scribd subscription for the Aussie April challenge as there are so many Australian authors on the platform. I left Scribd when they throttled the audio options, so now that it‘s unlimited, I am thrilled to be back. I‘m especially excited because this has an appearance of Sir Walter Mosley- the odious fascist who married a Mitford. I filmed a vlog about the Mitford sisters. One word- WOW! That family was bonkers!!!

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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Here are the three cover styles I was talking about @howjessreads A Few Right Thinking Men is the first in the series.

LeahBergen I like the bottom right. 😄 6y
CarolynM @LeahBergen That's the latest. I like the top one, which was the first, but it obviously didn't sell so well😬 6y
Lizpixie I have the first 7 in the top left covers, then I won a comp on Booktopia.com.au and received the whole series in the new covers, all signed as well! I like the originals, they fit the theme of the books really well, but the new covers are so bright and colourful, like a painting of a scene from the book. I can‘t choose.🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Thank you so much @CarolynM ! Your parcel arrived this morning (already!!). I‘m super-excited to start the Rowland Sinclair series - they really do sound great (Australian 1930s-set crime fiction, anyone?)! I love the bookmark, & the Nyrex clock notes, and, sad geographer that I am, I‘ll be poring over the notelet with a magnifying glass later (we have so many placenames in common!). Thank you 😘

batsy Everything is so pretty 😍 6y
CarolynM Glad to see it arrived safely. Hope you enjoy the book🙂 6y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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#MusicalNewYear #day16 #LaVieBoheme Rowly Sinclair & his friends are definitely living the bohemian life, albeit in a large Woolahra mansion. Though Rowland was born with a silver spoon, he much prefers being a painter & sharing his life, and house, with his friends, a red ragger poet, another communist painter & a sculptress called Ed. To hell with rules of etiquette!

CarolynM Nice choice! And I like these covers, but I loved the original ones, wish they'd stuck with them. 6y
vivastory Nice covers 6y
Lizpixie @CarolynM @vivastory thank you! I have all of them in the old covers too, except for the last one. I actually won these on booktopia.com.au for pre ordering A Dangerous Language. They‘re all signed too!🙌🇦🇺 6y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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#shelfie from the couch

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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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When there‘s time to read at work... #bringabooktoworkday

A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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emilyhaldi Yum!!!🤤 6y
CarolynM I love that book. The background to the story is all true and quite a few real historical figures make an appearance. Hope you enjoy it. 6y
Heideschrampf @CarolynM oh, i didn‘t know that! I‘ll keep an eye out and my wiki open, thanks! 6y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Was reading on my patio out back when I caught this beauty. Good Sunday evening to you and yours on this fine day. 😁

Libby1 Beautiful. 💛 6y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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A little morning read time at Starbucks with the most annoying human in the world (not pictured). Just kidding, she's not so bad but she is making fun of my "cringeworthy caption" so I felt compelled to add to it. ?

Quirkybookworm Let her and who cares! You have fun! 6y
CarolynM I love this book to death. I hope you're enjoying it.🙂 6y
gibblr @Quirkybookworm Right on! I had fun for sure. @CarolynM I really haven't yet, but I'm not really trying. I'll let you know! (edited) 6y
Quirkybookworm @gibblr 😊👍🏻👍🏻 6y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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#Aprella #day8 #Homage Catching up again on this months challenge, I suck at deadlines! Ok, I think the “cozy Crime” series of today are an homage to the golden age of crime writing. Authors like Joseph Jefferson Farjeon, Dame Ngaio Marsh, Dorothy L Sayers, Josephine Tey & of course, the one & only Dame Agatha Christie were inspiration to the pictured authors. I‘ve been a lifelong Dame Agatha fan & love the series above as much #christiecrimeclub

emilyhaldi I love this. I still have never read Agatha Christie but she‘s on my list! Would her books be considered "cozy mysteries"? 6y
Lizpixie @emilyhaldi she‘s part of the “Golden Age Of Crime” which shares a lot with cozy‘s, but they‘re more of a serious version, not so fluffy & humorous as most cozy‘s are. You really should read her books, they‘re fantastic! I‘d start with 6y
Cinfhen Love this collage 💕 6y
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emilyhaldi Good to know! I tried Kerry Greenwood earlier this year and while the book was well-done, I decided cozy just isn‘t for me. But Christie might be more my speed! 6y
Mdargusch Christie is definitely not as fluffy as most cozy writers @emilyhaldi - you have to read at least one! (edited) 6y
kspenmoll Just finished reading a book published in 1878 that was read to Agatha Christie at Age 8 & whom she bases her habit on telling the story through dialogue on the the book/ author, Anna Katherine Green. Poirot mentions the book in The Clocks. The novel was was the assigned reading for Yale Law students. Worth a read, social & class issues in NYC at the time. 6y
kspenmoll Took information from introduction to the book by Michael Sims 6y
Reviewsbylola I enjoyed the first Phryne Fisher! A lot of the authors you listed are ones I‘ve been meaning to read. 6y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Three pages in, and I think I‘m going to enjoy this! 😄

CarolynM I love this series to bits. It's great to find another fan.🙂 7y
MayJasper 😀 7y
KerriNTurner @CarolynM I‘ve been meaning to start reading it for the longest time, so glad to finally be doing so. It‘s got me hooked already! 7y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Being lazy tonight by getting Vietnamese takeaway. What else are weekends for?!

A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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#EmojiNov #day7 #🍀 #Lucky #BookMail! These are the signed, brand new cover, Rowland Sinclair series, books that I won on booktopia.com.au Aren‘t they gorgeous? Add in the brand new novel, A Dangerous Language, Bk8 in the series which is also signed (buying that is what put me in the prize draw) and I have a complete set. So very lucky!The covers are gorgeous aren‘t they? And also 7 books for #NovemberByTheNumbers

LeahBergen Oh, they are gorgeous! I just checked the old covers and these are SO much nicer. Congrats! 7y
batsy Congrats on the win! These covers are lovely 😍 7y
Lizpixie @LeahBergen I now have a set of both covers. I quite liked the old ones, but these are just beautiful😍 @batsy thank you! I nearly fell over when I got the email, I never win anything😵 7y
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erzascarletbookgasm Congrats on winning! These cover are more gorgeous than the old (I googled). Another author I don‘t know, have to look her up. I seem to be saying that a lot lately.. 7y
Simona Congrats 👏👏👏😘 7y
laurieluna Congrats! Thats one awesome win! 🙌 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Wow - what a fantastic haul! 7y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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Once again, Litsy database has no listing for an Australian book. This is three in a row now👎 The tagged book is the first in this brilliant series by Sulari Gentill. This though, is the latest novel, A Dangerous Language, which was released this week. And it's signed! I love the new covers, but my other books are all in the old ones(which I also love) and the colour change is very drastic. Makes it stand out. Don't you hate it when they do that?

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled There have been a few Australian books Ive wanted to purchase and theyre not even on Amazon (Im in the US), which makes me that more determined to find them. Arrrggh. 7y
Lizpixie @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled which books are you after? 7y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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How amazing do all the new Rowland Sinclair covers look together

A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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The historical whodunnit panel at #hnsa2017

A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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The new covers for her series gave me the perfect excuse to buy and get started on Sulari Gentill's books.

rubyslippersreads 😍📚😍 7y
melrailey Beautiful cover! I may need that! 7y
robinb Haven't heard of this series....love this cover! TBR, oh yeah! 😊🙌👊 7y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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I'm trapped at home with a sick kid. Social media is too apocalyptic today. And tv is too... political. Even way up here in Canada. It's a great day to start a new book!

britt_brooke 💚💚💚 8y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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My 500th mystery added to Goodreads!! Woohoo!
If you enjoy historical mysteries, especially those that take place in the inter-war years (my personal favorite), you should read this! Super excited that the rest of the series will soon be published in the US.

JazzFeathers Wow! I've never heard of this series. And l'm so happy to meet a fellow inter war years mystery fan 😀 7y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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#augustofpages #augustphotochallenge #day26 #underhypedbook Sulari Gentill is the author of a totally under hyped series of books set in Sydney in the 1930s. The Rowland Sinclair mysteries remind me of Agatha Christie,Rowly is a wealthy young man who has disregarded his family's upperclass lifestyle to become a painter.He lives in his mansion with a sculptress & 2 communist friends, and gets involved in scandalous affairs.The books are brilliant.

brendanmleonard My wife loves Miss Fisher so I'll have to check this out. 8y
LeeRHarry I think these books sound fab 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag These sound excellent! And set in Australia too ☺️ 8y
Lizpixie They are awesome! I especially love Miles Off Course which is partly set in The Hydro Majestic hotel in the Blue Mountains, then they go to the Snowys. I'm so glad I stumbled across these.😊 8y
Laalaleighh These sound fantastic! And I would have never heard of them otherwise! 📚 8y
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A Few Right Thinking Men | Sulari Gentill
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My #recommendsday pick this week is little known Aussie author Sulari Gentill. Her Rowland Sinclair series, set in 1930s Sydney, is about Rowly Sinclair, a bohemian painter from an entitled family who lives in his Woolahra mansion with Edna the sculptress and their two communist friends, they become involved in scandals & murders. It's the Australian version of an Agatha Christie style series, very entertaining and not very high brow.5⭐️

StaceyKondla These sound great! 8y
MrBook Nice pic! No Jenga here though 😜. 8y
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