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The Rain
The Rain | Virginia Bergin
One minute sixteen-year-old Ruby Morris is having her first proper snog with Caspar McCloud in a hot tub, and the next shes being bundled inside the house, dripping wet, cold and in her underwear. Not cool. As she and Caspar shiver in the kitchen, it starts to rain. They turn on the radio to hear panicked voices Its in the rain . . . its in the rain . . . ' That was two weeks ago, and now Ruby is totally alone. People werent prepared for the rain, got caught out in it, didnt realize that you couldnt drink water from the taps either. Even a drip of rain would infect your blood, and eat you from the inside out. Ruby knows she has to get to London to find her dad, but she just doesnt know where to start . . . After rescuing all the neighbourhood dogs, Ruby sets off on a journey that will take her the length of the country surviving in the only way she knows how.
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The Rain | Virginia Bergin
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I *have* read books in the last 6 weeks, honest! Let‘s catch up with some reviews…

It‘s taken me 5 years, a pandemic & now officially a drought (so bizarre), but I finally got to The Rain. A lot of fun (in an everyone dies kind of way 🤔!). Teenage Ruby is in first-lust, and living in my hippy soggy old home town. Then the world changes. The virus is in the rain, and kills anyone who comes into contact with it… Or anyone who touches anyone…

rockpools Reading it now, the start was a little ewch (it was written in 2014) - no hugs, first attempts at isolation, and worse. But then it descended nicely into YA-Hot-Fuzz-Without-Zombies territory, and all got quite silly.

The familiar sites kept me very happy (I‘ve also spent ridiculous amounts of time in that Morrisons carpark!). Thank you @TrishB
rockpools I think this was my very first Litsy swap. Sorry it‘s taken FOREVER to read. (But I do think I appreciate it more now 😘) 2y
rockpools And because I‘m SO good at starting things, I‘ll be using this to kick off #192025 #2014 @librarybelle and #Devon for #ReadAroundTheUK #BotherIveForgottenTheHashtag - help @jenniferw88 2y
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squirrelbrain This whole post made me 🤣! 2y
rockpools @squirrelbrain If you have any spare organisational skills, I could use them Helen! 2y
rockpools @jenniferw88 THANK YOU 😁 2y
squirrelbrain Ooh, do you need a spreadsheet? 💃 *excited dance* 2y
rockpools 🤔 Hot Fuzz didn‘t have Zombies in in the first place, did it?! Can someone please turn the heat down? 2y
TrishB 😂😂 every book has its day! I‘m glad it was (eventually) enjoyable. And yes, someone please turn the heat down. 2y
Librarybelle Woohoo! This post made me laugh!! 2y
eraderneely Is this the book the show is based on? Is the show based on a book? How could I watch an originally-a-book show WITHOUT READING FIRST? 2y
eraderneely 😂 in looking through the other posts for this book I realized I asked @TrishB this question 3 years ago! Brain completely gone at this point 2y
TrishB @eraderneely I‘d have probably still just answered! 2y
rockpools @eraderneely 😂 I think you can rest easy Emily - not 100% sure, but it doesn‘t look like the two are related. Just similar. Same concept- killer virus in rain, much unpleasant deathiness, teen mcs, - but different characters, plot and location. 2y
Centique This whole thread was the most fun part of my day. Thank you for the laughter! 2y
rockpools @Knitmaths This is coming your way. Remind me if I forget!! 1y
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H2O | Virginia Bergin
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With all our rain storms, of course I read the book about killer water. 💦#nextlevel #recommendsday

Lreads Yikes! That sounds good! 4y
TrishB Written by the friend of a friend 👍🏻 4y
Sharpeipup @TrishB No way! It‘s such a small cool world... 4y
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Sharpeipup @QuietlyLaura It‘s good so far and the first in a trilogy. 4y
Lreads Cool! I love book series. ☺️ 4y
TrishB My friend is in the acknowledgments 😁 4y
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The Rain | Virginia Bergin
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#rain #ayupaugust
Poisonous rain in this one.
I love this song ❤️

squirrelbrain I knew this one would be right up your street Trish! 😁😘 5y
Cinfhen Honestly, the lyrics that @EadieB posted, sounded terrible but maybe I need to listen to the song. And the book sounds good ( although YA) but those darn Litsy ratings 😬 5y
TrishB @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen one of my fav ‘goth period‘ songs. This book definitely too YA for you Cindy. It‘s written by the friend of one of my best friends, so it‘s funny that‘s there‘s a big dedication to her in the back 😁 5y
eraderneely Is the Danish Netflix show based on this? Because the show is quite good; not overly sentimental and YA-y. 5y
TrishB @eraderneely I‘m not sure - not aware of the series (I‘m not very up on Netflix stuff) 5y
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H2O | Virginia Bergin
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Saw this today at #BookCon2019 if anyone needs a #clifi choice! I'm going to throw this on my #Libby list!
@BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft

The_Old_Astronomer Such a cool cover! :O 5y
IamIamIam @The_Old_Astronomer YES!!! It's great!!! 5y
Cinfhen Thanks for sharing!! Looks good 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Good to have another option—thanks! 5y
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H2O | Virginia Bergin

I picked this one up on a recommendation, but to be honest YA is not my preferred genre. That being said, this book wasn‘t awful, it held my interest, and I really did end up wanting to find out how the story ended. It got in my head a little, considering we were iced in all weekend after about 2 inches of freezing sleet came through. I thought twice about getting a drink of water!!

H2O | Virginia Bergin
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🔸Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen. And now that I‘ve thought of it , here it is again! 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶
🔸I‘m ready to bail. Don‘t think it‘s my thing.
🔸Either The Count of Monte Cristo or Atlas Shrugged. AS felt longer. I didn‘t think it was ever. Going. To. End.
🔸 @LitsyOwl

LauraBeth @Bklover I dated an artist in my 20s and I spent SO many months reading Atlas Shrugged that now there are a gazillion paintings and sketches that he did of me while I was reading that. Also - you can see me reading that book in nearly every picture I‘m in from that time period. The end result was that I hated AS and sorry I spent so much of my time reading it! 😂 SO.MUCH.TIME. (edited) 6y
Bklover @LauraBeth I feel your pain. I had a cousin that I greatly admired (hero worship) and she looooved it and I was determined to be just like her. But dear lord what a slog. And yes I hate it too. 😂 6y
GarthRanzz Atlas Shrugged is one I‘ve never been brace enough to try. Don‘t think I ever will be. Thanks for participating! 6y
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H2O | Virginia Bergin
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First #bookhaul in awhile. Plus some bookmarks, a notebook for the start of my traveling book, and not pictured, some goodies for my #blanketandabookswap and #phs #potterheadswap matches.

H2O | Virginia Bergin
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Loved this book so much that I read it in a day. Loved the concept, though was not entirely sold on the main character. Have read that the sequel has more mature character development so I look forward to that.

RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍😀Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
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H2O | Virginia Bergin
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Raise your hand if you like apocalyptic books that make you think the world is ending. ✋️

Quasifesto ✋🏻 6y
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H2O | Virginia Bergin
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Makes you rethink water. Follow my link to read my whole review: https://lifebooksandcc.blogspot.com/2017/11/book-review-h2o-water.html?m=1

The Rain: | Virginia Bergin
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#rain #jubilantjuly
This fits. Y/A novel written by a friend of a friend. My friend is mentioned in the thank yous 😀

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The Rain: | Virginia Bergin
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TrishB I'll have to do the front cover now 😀 7y
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The Rain: | Virginia Bergin
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The Rain - I heard about originally through @TrishB and, I have to admit, I'd forgotten all about! It's set in Totnes, a town my family lived in for years, so super-happy to get a copy of this one (and I fully expect friends/relations to nick it as soon as I finish it! ) #summersantagoespostal #summersolsticebookexchange

TrishB I would love to live in Totnes 💜 a gorgeous little town! 7y
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H2O | Virginia Bergin

It took me a week to finish this book which is a pretty long time for me. I liked the book and I plan on reading the next one but it didn't have any pivotal points that forced me to keep going. I just put it down and came back over and over again. I did like it tho. :)

The Rain: | Virginia Bergin
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Day 2 of #AprilBookShowers
These are the first 8 books I found that I've read where the titles are all somewhat #weather related.

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H2O | Virginia Bergin
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Hoping to get through this series in a flash. It's pretty interesting so far for an end of the world book!

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H2O | Virginia Bergin
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Very good book, hard to put down. Ruby tells her story about loosing her family to of all things acid rain that has swept the world leaving only .27% surviving.

H2O | Virginia Bergin
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Yeah... I got a ton of Kindle ebooks (and other ebooks) cuz I went crazy on Book Bub last summer...
...And I have literally a whole bookshelf of tangible, unread books in my room (it's worse in the house I grew up in)
...And I'm reading 3 books simultaneously for my history class...
The struggle is real 😖

The Rain: | Virginia Bergin
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#setinabelovedlocation. This is actually set in a fictional place - but based on Totnes in South Devon, where I actually brought this copy. Totnes is the scene of many family holidays for me. As a adult going back - the high street has an independent bookshop, wine shop and cheese shop. What more do you need 😀
Author is friend of a friend! It's good Y.A!

rockpools 💗 I used to work at tourist info in Totnes. How have I not heard of this? 7y
TrishB @RachelO fab job, lovely place 💟 you have to read now as you will recognise all the places! The book launch was done in the bookshop there. 7y
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The Rain: | Virginia Bergin

I had high expectations. I blame my sister.

H2O | Virginia Bergin

Went to book con and this was the giveaway. It is an apocalyptic coming of age. Ruby is left standing after rain begins to kill her friends during a party. It is worth the read.

H2O | Virginia Bergin
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Ruby, a teenager, is quite teenagery, as she deals with the widespread catastrophe of killer rain. A good read if you like young adult end-of-world doom and gloom.

H2O | Virginia Bergin

Ruby, a teenager, is quite teenagery, as she deals with the widespread catastrophe of killer rain. A good read if you like young adult end-of-world doom and gloom.

H2O | Virginia Bergin

Unfortunately, the style of writing in this novel was a huge turn off.

H2O | Virginia Bergin

Already have book 2 Storm in my stack

H2O | Virginia Bergin
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This is the kind of book you'll want to read on a bright sunny day. "A" for concept (all water suddenly becomes deadly), just not sure it was the book for me, what with all the animal death and a teen heroine with ABSOLUTELY ZERO survival skills.

H2O | Virginia Bergin

Such a great book. Truly chilling. Why? Because it's believable. This kind of situation? It could happen. Let's keep our water clean and safe to be around folks.

H2O | Virginia Bergin
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Re-read this one before The Storm. Still as great as I remember!

H2O | Virginia Bergin
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H2O | Virginia Bergin
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H2O combines a chillingly plausible scenario with a regular teen girl challenged with the task of surviving the seemingly inescapable killer rain. While Ruby starts out a little bratty at first, the weight of the situation quickly whips her into shape. She has become one of my favorite heroines!!!

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H2O | Virginia Bergin

The first few chapters of the book were intense a kept me on the edge of my seat, but the farther I got into the book the more I felt like it was being dragged on. I thought towards the middle there was to much detail and found myself sleeping through some parts. Over all it had an intriguing start

Onceuponatime I'm about 1/3 of the way in and it's losing momentum for me! 😕 8y
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H2O | Virginia Bergin

I wish it was more backstory. I want to know more about the rain where came from. I also feel parts of the book I slept through like there wasn't enough for me. So to be fair, something did keep me reading I couldn't put down the book had to know what happen next so that counts for something.

H2O | Virginia Bergin
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This book was so intense! I loved it

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H2O | Virginia Bergin

I had some issues with it, but there was something about this book that just kept me going. I just had to see how it all turned out.