I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys books about love, fate, family and identity! This book was beautifully written- lyrical and moving.
I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys books about love, fate, family and identity! This book was beautifully written- lyrical and moving.
Although I wouldn't recommend this novel to middle school aged kiddos, this book was a fantastic account of what it's like to recover from trauma.
What a brilliantly written novel that speaks to addiction, loss, and family!
I tried to read this book months ago, but struggled to enjoy it. After picking it up again three days ago, and emerging myself in the Empire, I can't say enough great things about this novel! Packed with action and tough decisions of love, loyalty, and courage, I'd recommend this novel to anyone.
"Instead, I count my blessings everyday for my blemished, damaged family, which is full of love, and that is fine, and that is all we need..."
This book was a tear-jerker! An amazing story of hardship, family bonds, and the unrelenting power of love.
It's funny how one's past has a way of lingering around for years and years...
As I began this book, I worried that the screenplay format would skew my opinion of the storyline. However, I highly recommend this book to any Harry Potter fan! Fantastic, quick read!
Teachers: Are you interested in personalizing learning in your classroom? Check out this fantastic, witty, guide.
Are you a fan of the TV shows Criminal Minds and Law and Order SVU? If so, pick up this book!