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The Hooker and the Hermit
The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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New York's Finest Blogging as *The Socialmedialite* April 22 LADIES AND GENTS! I have an announcement! You know that guy I featured on my blog a few months ago? The really, really hot Irish rugby player who plays the position of 'hooker' in the RLI (Rugby League International)? The one with the anger management issues, the body of a gladiator and the face of a movie star? The one with the questionable fashion choices leading me to ask whether he was the lovechild of a leprechaun and a hobbit? Ronan Fitzpatrick? Yeah, that guy. Well, I have a confession to make... THE HERMIT Annie Catrel, social media expert extraordinaire at Davidson & Croft Media and clandestine celebrity blogger, can make anyone shine in the court of public opinion. She is the Socialmedialite, anonymous creator of New York's Finest and the internet's darling. Virtual reality is Annie's forte, but actual reality? Not so much. THE HOOKER Ronan Fitzpatrick, aka the best hooker the world of rugby has seen in decades, despises the media-social or otherwise. The press has spun a web of lies depicting him as rugby's wild and reckless bad boy. Suspended from his team, Ronan has come to Manhattan to escape the drama, lay low, fly under the radar. Only, Ronan isn't easy to overlook, and he can't escape the notice of the Socialmedialite... THE PLAN When Ronan is sent to Davidson & Croft Media to reshape his public image, he never expects to cross paths with shy but beautiful Annie, nor does he expect his fierce attraction to her. He couldn't be happier when her boss suggests pairing them together. What lengths will Annie take to keep her virtual identity concealed? And what happens when the hooker discovers who the hermit really is? The Hooker and the Hermit is a collaboration between authors L.H. Cosway and Penny Reid, is a full length 110k word novel, and is a standalone.
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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway

This is such a good book. It was a reread and I had forgotten how amazing these ladies are at writing together. Ronan and Annie are adorable and relatable. I love the challenges they face especially Annie‘s issues.9

The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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The two main characters meet when he starts cleaning eclaire off of her lap at random. Borderline harassment meet-cute. Yikes.

Eyelit Agreed! Ick. 6y
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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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My was this a funny read. Got it on sale and am so glad that I did. It was a funny read. Also it is great to see male athletes treated as emotionally intelligent. Yeah Ronan makes some mistakes but he trusts himself much sooner. There is also some light bondage but nothing that goes too far.

The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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I normally shy away from collaborative efforts of novels. I took a chance on The Hooker and the Hermit because Penny Reid makes me laugh and I desperately needed a solid HEA that could make me laugh.

I‘m so glad I took the risk. This was funny, well-written, and hot. I loved the main couple so much. As always, there‘s a great supporting cast of characters, too, and I stayed up way past my bedtime because I couldn‘t put the book down

julesG I loved this book, too. 7y
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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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Meh... this one didn't really do anything for me. The hero was just too pushy and too many of his "courting" behaviors made me cringe.

The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway

Heroine seems to be a mishmash of traits (& possibly a skewed Mary Sue), the evil mom & bitch ex tropes are lazy & internalized misogyny, & the hero is definitely off—he buys a skittish woman a diamond necklace & orders her to never be alone with another man! Another problem is that they do dumb stuff, then there‘s an interior monologue in which they analyze themselves like evolved characters, & then they keep lying or not communicating! #romantsy

Jaya And someone added “essential oils” to the heroine‘s bath. Having just read the New Yorker article on this pyramid industry, I‘m just 🤦🏽‍♀️ 7y
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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway

Sadly, not seeing what the Amazon reviews were raving about. Orphan heroine who stumbles while walking and spills things. Evil mother of hero. Hero verging into sexual harassment and symptoms of future abusive behavior :( #pennyreidfail?

MarriedtoMrT Amazon reviews are pretty much always lies. I‘m sorry the book isn‘t working for you. ☹️ 7y
Jas16 I will admit I liked this one. 7y
Jaya @MarriedtoMrT are they?! I usually ignore reviews but thought I‘d check since it‘s co-written. I 7y
Jaya @Jas16 glad you did. It‘s a bit of a bummer for me. Feels much more raw than Reid‘s recent work. 7y
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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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Finished listening to this while working on the next shawl project.

I especially enjoyed the Irish accent of the male narrator.

#romantsy #romance


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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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My amazon order arrived. No books. Carcassonne to play with the kids and a new TV set (I wanted a small one but the kids talked me into an exact replacement of the one my husband is taking to his new flat).

In between delivery arrivals I moved furniture to use up the space Himself's move out created.

#audiofurnituremoving #audioparcelopening

Sarah83 sorry to hear that 😑 7y
monkeygirlsmama Yay for shopping and rearranging, but sorry about the circumstances. ((Hugs)) I've never heard of that game before; hope you have fun! 7y
julesG @monkeygirlsmama @Sarah83 - Thanks. I could really use a break now. The last 18 months have been a steep downhill race and it feels like I haven't hit rock bottom yet. 7y
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Sarah83 😣😳😢 That's so sad. Hope you can deal with it 7y
monkeygirlsmama @julesG 😢😢😢 Prayerfully you have and just don't realize it yet. Always here for you if you need to talk. 👭 7y
Avanders Yay for a new game and other entertainment! Boo for what sounds like a selfish "himself" ? Hope you feel like you get that break.. sometimes a big tv with a colorful cartoon is just the right amount of escape ... (edited) 7y
hlgreenfield Sorry about the circumstances 🙁 but yay for the purchases. Carcassonne is a great game! 7y
LauraBeth Here's to new beginnings, new memories, not hitting rock bottom and to you getting the break that you deserve. ❤️ 7y
Mimi28 (((((( Hugs)))))))) ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
alisiakae Sorry to hear about the circumstances, I hope the new game and TV help give you a little break. 7y
Lacythebookworm We're all here for you 💖 7y
Kangaj1 Hugs and prayers 7y
Ms_T Here's hoping you can look forward to a new beginning. In the meantime, big hugs x 7y
ScientistSam Sending hugs! 7y
julesG Thank you. It's so nice of all of you. @Avanders That's what my son and I did, watch some Bugs Bunny and Duffy Duck cartoons. @hlgreenfield We played the game at my friend's and the kids loved it more than the Settlers of Catan. @LauraBeth Thank you. I hope you're right. I'm trying to be positive. 7y
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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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#audiobook while winding yarn. Now I need to find a pair of knitting needles of the right size.

I've started another book. I might need an intervention! 🙈🙈

Four chapters in and I am hooked. Great narration and a very funny story.

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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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I won this German copy of the above mentioned book and it was the first (and is probably the only) physical book with a half-naked guy showing off #muscles that I own.
I normally limit my #NoShame #GuiltyPleasures to e-books.

@RealLifeReading #AprilBookShowers

@Kalalalatja Thanks for the #-tag ;)

Kalalalatja You are welcome! Books should never be shameful! 😉 7y
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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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It was a lot more fun than I thought! I'd read other books by this team. 😁😜

The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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I was unable to resist this title. I was hoping it was about a crocheter who bakes raisin nut cookies. It's not but it's satisfying my need to read about "real" people for a bit.

The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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I should be sleeping but... #osrbc #romantsy

BooksTeasAndBookishThings What does osrbc stand for? I am assuming something something romance book cover? 8y
Deebee @BooksTeasAndBookishThings Old School Romance Book Club 😊 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings Ah! Gotcha 😊 I was seeing it on a few posts and was curious. Thank you ❤ 8y
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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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Won an instagram giveaway for the German edition of the book tagged.
Both authors even signed the book.

Now I can compare the German translation to the OV. ;)

The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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I don't know why I waited so long to read this, but it was just as fun as I'd imagined. Characters were quirky and deep, plus the male audiobook narrator had a wonderful voice! #romantsy

EloisaJames I really enjoy these two writing together--perhaps even more than Penny Reid alone, though she's fantastic! 8y
CoffeeK8 @EloisaJames yes! I completely agree 8y
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The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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A saucy, saucy wench 😁💪😉

The Hooker and the Hermit | Penny Reid, L.H Cosway
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BRAND NEW KINDLE!!! So excited!

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