"But you can do the job without making things worse."
"But you can do the job without making things worse."
I'm enjoying this more than I thought I would be. Looking forward to finishing it.
There are some books that are so comfortable it's like meeting up with friends again and again when I read them.
"Well Leominster nick's got vibrating chairs in the rec room." ???
"In 1666, following an unfortunate workplace accident, the city of London burned down."
Otherwise known as the Great London Fire. For three days the city burned destroying nearly 70000 homes of the 80000 inhabitants. But really if you think about it, yes "an unfortunate workplace accident"
If you're not reading this series than what the hell are you doing with your life?!
A coworker suggested this series to me and it's the best. She was right the first book is a little slow and not great but the second is the best. You need the background for the second book so a quick peruse of the first to get the gist then onward to awesomeness.
Gotham. The "something came up" capital of the world.
It was okay. I'm trying a thing but I'm overthinking it. I didn't need to read this but it had some interesting twists.
It was an accident staying up until 3AM when I have to get up at 6AM for work. This is the best ever!
Library book haul, y'all! No one can say I'm not wide read. From comics to new adult fiction, I read a little but of every thing. 😎
I love how they always seem to work in the boxing glove arrow! 🥊🎯🥊🎯
I'm still a little behind when it comes to DC comics. I didn't really enjoy this story until the very end. The final rising action and resolution were interesting. It certainly gives new light to the 2nd trade I am Suicide.
Still so good the 2nd time around. I'm noticing a little pattern with this series which is why on Goodreads I only rate them 4 stars. The resolution to the conflict is too quick and easy. Clearly it doesn't bother me too much. On to the third book which I will be reading for the first time. Yay!
Second time through. Quick cute read. Not a lot of substance which is sometimes just what you need.
Just getting started!
Not bad for a second book. Usually the second book is a toss up with the third book of the series being really good. The second book is always a transition and that can be hard. The author really pulled it off though. The same feel. The same pacing. With some actual growth for the characters. I'm super excited for the next one.
That's an old police trick: If you just warn people they often just ignore you, but if you ask them a question then they have to think about it.
Finished! A very lovely book that made me think about some things. I definitely realized one of the reasons why I think I'm so bad at online dating. I was being overly picky in a way I thought I wasn't. Worth a read!
Lunchtime reading
"Ultimately, meeting in person is the only way to know whether something is going to work."
This was the best. Understated and diverse. This was exactly what I needed to read to get out of my slump. PC Peter Grant is funny and sensible. I've been trying to of what this book was like and the closest thing I can come up with is Jasper Fforde ' s Thursday Next series only more serious and less literature. Definitely worth a read!
And all the time most of us were devising friction free strategies to promote peace in our time, our carriage, and please God at least until I get home. It's called, by people over sixty, common courtesy and it's purpose is to stop us from killing each other.
The most fantastic thing going on this morning. Reading and coffee
I started watching Riverdale on The CW. I couldn't get enough of the world and I knew there was a reboot for the comics. This was super cute. Totally worth the read. Can't wait for the next one!
Yeah sure, no okay. This is one of those books that I'm not entirely sure I understood what was going on the entire time I was reading it. I liked how the author worked the time jumps but I think that I ended up missing important bits because of it. Which might have been the point. I'm also not entirely sure that I like Watson and Holmes as a romantic couple. Which is outrageous. I guess I'll just have to read it again just to make sure. *sigh 😉
The only mystery, what am I going to do all day? Hmmm....
This was great! I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I do. I'm so glad! There were a few moments of "that's not right" but otherwise very good. Merry Christmas Everyone!??
This is so fantastic! The story is moving along at a fast clip but surprising the hell out of me there is an actual story. It's sooo good!
Just started and I'm laughing so hard! This is going to be terrible. I LOVE IT!
I love love love Penny Reid! I was able to pick up Truth or Beard for free and when I finished immediately bought Grin & Beard it. I cannot recommend these books enough.
Not the greatest. The book harps on the weak plot and resolves the conflict too easily. Then because it knows it has a weak plot tries to throw in and angry ex boyfriend for kicks. The tension and conflict for every plot point including the angry ex boyfriend were too easily dealt with. If you don't pay too much attention it's not bad.
It's snowing. First of the year. So today I must read and not do anything else.
I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw this on Litsy. Holy Crap! this was good. It's the Library and Warehouse 13 with some Sherlock thrown in. So, great!
This was fantastic. I'm reading it for a book club. There's lots of crunchy stuff to talk about. I'm so glad too. It started in one place and you thought it might go in one direction but it zagged and hard. It ended up in a somewhat predictable place but the journey was one hell of a ride.
"That's not possible," he told her... "Not everything's ruined, so you must not have ruined everything."
This was sooo fantastic! I love it with my whole heart.😍
"You're wonderful. But I'm supposed to help you, not the other way around."
"Why you alone to help? We friends, no?"
I finally finished! I've been reading the Outlander series for over two years now. I've read all of the big books and most of the novellas including the Lord John Grey books. I love this series so much. I almost always recommend it to anyone who is interested in historical fiction. I can't wait for the next one!
When I started this last night I wasn't sure I was having the correct emotional response to the series. I haven't read the original books so this is the first time I'm hearing the story. I'm really enjoying it though. The art work is gorgeous.
Shades of Grey is a fantastic listen. We listened to it on the long trip to and from North Carolina. Good for adults and kids to a certain age. (some violence) Jasper Fforde is one of those writers that you're never quite sure what you've just read so you keep reading hoping he'll explain. (he almost never does) Great listen, recommend to everybody.