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Beautiful Stranger
Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
The all-new scorching sequel to Beautiful Bastard!A charming British playboy. A girl determined to finally live. And a secret liaison revealed in all too vivid color. Escaping a cheating ex, finance whiz Sara Dillons moved to New York City and is looking for excitement and passion without a lot of strings attached. So meeting the irresistible, sexy Brit at a dance club should have meant nothing more than a nights fun. But the mannerand speedwith which he melts her inhibitions turns him from a one-time hookup and into her Beautiful Stranger. The whole city knows that Max Stella loves women, not that hes ever found one he particularly wants to keep around. Despite pulling in plenty with his Wall Street bad boy charm, its not until Saraand the wild photos she lets him take of herthat he starts wondering if theres someone for him outside of the bedroom. Hooking up in places where anybody could catch them, the only thing scarier for Sara than getting caught in public is having Max get too close in private.
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Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
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This #BeautifulStranger is on my "I might read this one day but it's not pressing" TBR.

#MOvember @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I wish there was a spot on Litsy where I could categorize all those types of books 5y
julesG @Cinfhen And some way to easily clean up the TBR list. It's such a bother that I haven't done it in ages. I need to though. 5y
Cinfhen Me too!!! My TBR is a huge mess 5y
Bookzombie @cinfhen I wish you could see it in reverse order. That way I could see the oldest stacked first. I also wish it wouldn‘t allow you to stack duplicates of books. 5y
Cinfhen There has to be a better system and whenever I try to clean up my Litsy TBR it becomes such a hassle @Bookzombie 5y
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Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
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😻 loving the beautiful bastard series!

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Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
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Sara has moved to New York to start over after ending a 6-year relationship that had a lot of issues. But she meets another guy as soon as she gets there. Can she trust her judgement and him after the disaster that was her only other relationship?

I definitely like Sara and Max's story/relationship over Chloe and Bennett's.

#BookishBingo category: Characters make cookies

Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
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Currently listening to the Second book in the Beautiful Bastard Series whine taking a long drive on this snowy evening in Connecticut.

EmilyReadsEverything What is this series about? Romance? 7y
Roselyn_Reads @EmilyReadsEverything yes, romance and hilarious. The characters are awesome. It‘s a series, this is the second. The first one is Beautiful Bastar 7y
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Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
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Still so good the 2nd time around. I'm noticing a little pattern with this series which is why on Goodreads I only rate them 4 stars. The resolution to the conflict is too quick and easy. Clearly it doesn't bother me too much. On to the third book which I will be reading for the first time. Yay!

Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
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Not my favorite Christina Lauren. #beautifulstranger #90sinjuly

Robothugs Perfect! 7y
Cinfhen Gotta echo @Robothugs 🏆 7y
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Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
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Now reading another Christina Lauren book. Barely in and already discovered the hero is such a dirty talker. 😊


Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
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Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren
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MrBook MMMMMM😋! Right up @BookBabe 's alley. 8y
Victorialeanna Follow for a free copy of Staying Alive Through Twenty-Five memoir 8y
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Beautiful Stranger | Christina Lauren

Helloooo Max and Sarah!

This book... lets just say it starts off strong. And keeps up the pace the entire time. Yeah. Definitely addicted to these books!
