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A Thread of Grace
A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
25 posts | 22 read | 18 to read
Claudette Blum and her father flee across the Alps into Italy with other Jews seeking refuge, only to find an open battle ground among the Nazis, Allied forces, resistance fighters, and ordinary Italians struggling to survive.
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell

I stuck it out and was rewarded with the book just getting more and more depressing! All the different groups fighting for different things never stopped confusing me. Yet I did learn a lot and I don't know if I can say I'm sorry I read it. Just don't expect it to be anything like The Sparrow. Unfortunately some of her characters come off cheesy rather than profound and moving in this book.

Suet624 Thanks for the warning.
Susanita Confusing and depressing is pretty accurate. 4mo
Tamra I was sorely disappointed with this one - she should have left well enough alone. I loved The Sparrow! (It‘s not even in my wheelhouse.) (edited) 4mo
sherrisilvera Good to know. It's now of my tbr. I loved Doc and have been meaning to try her others. 4mo
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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Current read. I have another Maisie Dobbs waiting for me but trying to be disciplined and finish this first. Lots of events I never knew about. I have to go to Cape Town for 3 nights on Sunday so hoping to make progress with the library books I so energetically borrowed 😬

BarbaraJean I know I‘ve read this but remember very little about it other than being disappointed comparing it to The Sparrow. COMPLETELY different genres, I know—but I anticipated this one being more impactful, and it wasn‘t. 5mo
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @BarbaraJean no, it's not The Sparrow 🙂 I don't know, I'm almost halfway and I'm enjoying it for the most part. I never knew this stuff about Italy, the Jews, Germany turn invading Italy after they surrendered. I'm finding it very interesting. I think my expectations were not very high 🙂 4mo
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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Posting these two together since it‘s the same author (and I forgot yesterday 😜 ) The Sparrow is my favorite #AboutScience #SciFi and the tagged book is my #BookYouOftenRecommend #WWII #HistoricalFiction

#marchMagic 💚☘️🪄

Eggs Well done👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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I loved this book! Russell never disappoints, but reading this book, with themes of how war is never a good thing, but how people reach out to help others in the worst situations, was particularly relevant with all we‘re hearing coming out of Ukraine. So many WWII books center on France, this is the less often told story of the war in Italy and the country people who helped those in need.

LeslieO This is one of my favorites! 💕💕 2y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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This is both the perfect time and the worst time to be reading this book!

A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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A character list and two maps at the beginning of this book mean I‘m going to love it (plus it‘s by Russell) but I can already hear certain members of my book club whining that it‘s too complicated. 🙄 And I chose it because I consider her a good author whose work is accessible. #bookclubwoes

Lcsmcat @megnews Me too! And 2y
Suet624 Sounds like an interesting read. 2y
megnews I‘ve had Soc on my tbr for awhile. 2y
lauraisntwilder I love that one! 2y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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Ok, I give up at 3/4 mark. The title should read “Too Many Threads.” This is a disappointment because I‘ve enjoyed Russell‘s novels. I‘m glad this wasn‘t my first otherwise I would have been reluctant to read her again.

Who is more interested in the sandwich????? Yes, the dog AND cat sit at the table in the camper. Spoiled much? 😜

MicheleinPhilly “You gonna finish that?” 🤣 3y
Tamra @MicheleinPhilly lol, he asked the same about her chips. 😅 (edited) 3y
kspenmoll 🤣 3y
Cathythoughts Oh no 🙈😂😂 3y
S3V3N So Cute! 3y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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This book has been recreating today - golf carting, mini-golfing, and now lake swimming. Not a bad life for a paperback.😄

I almost bailed yesterday because it‘s difficult to keep all the names of characters and places straight. At the halfway mark and bailing is still not out of the question. I might admit to some skimming. 🤫

A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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Ok ok, I‘ll read if I must. The sacrifices parents make for kids. 😏

In all fairness it‘s too cold to sit outside anyway. Had the furnace running this morning in the camper. I‘m such a wimp.

MicheleinPhilly And yet looking at the kids you would think it is 90 degrees. I remember those blue-lipped days well. “I‘m not cold! What are you talking about?” 🤣 3y
Lauram I remember heading out to the unheated pool before it was fully light outside. NOTHING was going to keep me out of the water. 😆 @MicheleinPhilly 3y
Tamra @MicheleinPhilly haha yes! Though they didn‘t try the lake - it was in the 40s with a stiff wind. Mid 60s won‘t stop them tomorrow. Crazy fools. 🥶 3y
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Tamra @Lauram they have braved cold water in northern lakes, but not today. 😅 They are always telling me it‘s fine once you‘re in, trying to get me out. No way…… (edited) 3y
MicheleinPhilly @Lauram @Tamra YEP! Blue lips, chattering teeth…Time of my life! 😂 3y
Tamra @MicheleinPhilly what childhood memories are made of! 3y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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My reading view in the camper last night - not ideal. This book light is blinding. 😵‍💫

The dialogue writing is excellent, but I‘m getting confused with all the names and places.

Cathythoughts Oh dear !! Mind the eyes … that‘s a lovely picture in the book 3y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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My TBR closet……both fun and frustrating! I decided to go with the tagged book. I‘ve really enjoyed Russell‘s other books - except for the sequel to The Sparrow. She should have left well enough alone, IMHO. 🙂

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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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So. I‘m trying to become a more regular library user and to stop buying so many books (since I‘m unemployed.) and what do I find a the library today? A $4.00 used book bag sale! Got a few gems. The tagged book is my favorite WWII story. I loaned out my copy years ago and never saw it again. Found this perfect hardcover version. Three Maisie Dobbs! And of course one book I already own. #bookhaul #librariesrock

CaffeineAndCandy sᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴄᴏᴏʟ ʏᴀʏ 🥳📚 4y
marleed One of my pure joys is thrifting a mint condition hardback of a book I loved. My ultimate goal is that my personal library is filled with books ranking from my 4.25, B+ to 5, A+. Of course, I also need to keep some classics that I may have starred lowered but gave myself a gold star for getting through it (happening now!). 4y
LeslieO @marleed I love used book shopping. I should set some goals, like yours, but I‘m more of a random shopper! 4y
kspenmoll Great haul!!! At least they are not new books! Our town library just reopened today. I am so excited!! 4y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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Mary Doria Russell is one of the most versatile authors I‘ve read. She‘s written a space odyssey (The Sparrow and Children of God), westerns (Doc and Epitaph), and a WWII book (A Thread Of Grace) all of which were 4-5 star reads. She has two other books that I have not read yet but, believe me, they are high up on my TBR list.

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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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Continuing my TBR project:
This is one of the oldest selection on my TBR list - Originally added March 31, 2015.

catebutler This one sounds great! 5y
Cathythoughts It does sound good 👍🏻. I‘ll look out for your review 5y
KathyWheeler I loved this book. 5y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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Wishing you a brilliant and beautiful life.

#thread #readingresolutions @Jess7 #may

TheBookgeekFrau Love this! 6y
EadieB @C.Perone I love it too. Great quote! 6y
hannah_frances Beautiful quote! 6y
Nute I love that you shared this quote. It's how I feel about connections. Meeting someone and talking for just a few minutes can sometimes impact for a lifetime. And it often feels like destiny. 6y
EadieB @Nute I believe that too. Everyone you meet has an impact on your life either large or small. 6y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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I‘m updating our emergency preparedness kit, so of course I started with the books.

Here are my recent finds at the Library Friends book sale!

dsfisher Excellent choices 6y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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I'll admit, most of my issues with this book have nothing to do with the quality or the importance of the story.

There was more head hopping than I really enjoy. And each character had first and last names, and two or three nicknames depending on the native language of the narrator.

I'm also burned out on WWII novels after six months of two book clubs. This was the first with Jewish main characters though, and I appreciate that. 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑

TrishB I'm pretty much on a break of a few months from WWII novels. I will come back to them eventually! 7y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - Edmund Burke

A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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More WWII historical fiction favs. One is about the Italian resistance and one is about occupied France. #war #maybookflowers

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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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#catsoflitsy It's hard to do anything when Leo gets lovey, and reading becomes a contact sport. Trying to wrap up book #31 for this year.

LilMamaMastro Good pace! And, 😻. 7y
Reviewsbylola 😂😂 7y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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Another hold came in so Kabul Beauty School is on the back burner again. It's not a huge problem; I always enjoy Mary Doria Russell's work.

MrBook Oooh, MDR!!!! I've only read Sparrow so far. 7y
tracyrowanreads If you're a fan of Western history, try "Doc." 7y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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This passage of my favorite book by my favorite author has been running through my head...

A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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"There's a saying in Hebrew," he tells her. "'No matter how dark the tapestry God weaves for us, there's always a thread of grace.'"

A beautiful, but also heart-wrenching, tale of the little-known but wonderfully true efforts of the vast underground of Italian citizens who saved the lives of some 43,000 Jews in the final phase of WWII. A poignant reminder that humanity's deepest evils and greatest goodness are often found side by side.

[DELETED] 1224677159 Ooh I have this and haven't read it yet. I really liked The Sparrow! 8y
mandasarah Given how hard MDR broke my heart with The Sparrow, I'm not sure I could take a Holocaust story from her. 8y
Court7 Obviously this one is quite a different story than The Sparrow but I would say a similar reading experience. The writing is gorgeous. The characters carried and complex and easy to love. The plot clearly heading somewhere bleak. I would highly recommend it but yes be prepared to have your heart broken. 8y
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A Thread of Grace: A Novel | Mary Doria Russell
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I've had to put this down several times today, as I didn't want to be seen tearing up at work. It doesn't grip quite as hard as The Sparrow did, but good writing and so many characters to invest in.

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