Interesting, exciting, well written. Enjoyed the science themes and knowledge along with the criminal thrill. Great story, can't make something like that up (which it happens to be based on true events).
Interesting, exciting, well written. Enjoyed the science themes and knowledge along with the criminal thrill. Great story, can't make something like that up (which it happens to be based on true events).
Not about Saturn, but this nonfiction tale is set in NASA and stars a major egomaniac who will do just about anything to gain notoriety. I‘m not a fan of this book, but I know some people who are. Mezrich writes about the guy who decides to steal moon rocks from NASA. #Saturn5 #RedRoseSeptember
This was a switch from the gritty true crime audio I‘ve been listening to lately. It‘s the story of three young adults who steal moon rocks from NASA and attempt to sell them. I didn‘t find Thad (the main person) particularly likable.
I felt more empathy for Joe in You and Hidden Bodies than I did for Thad. Serious eye rolling at his justification for the choices he made.
#popsugar2018 #heist
Halfway through this and really disliking Thad. Need to take a break from him so I‘m going to dip into The Immortalists for a bit.
1. Local temple
2. Troublemaker kid steals moon rock
3. Literary fiction and science nonfiction
4. 36 C and sunny
5. Last minute shopping and prep before my parents arrive next week and the baby comes!
#humpdaypost @MinDea
#RockinMay Day 25 Which sounds like more fun #WalkingontheMoon or some Sex on the Moon??? Ben Mezrich's book was pretty much panned but I found it entertaining and incredulous. Thad Roberts, a bright Mormon boy from Utah and an elite fellow of NASA plotted and carried out a "moon rock" heist just to impress his girlfriend! So crazzzy, but it's the truth! And here's a nice moon based cocktail ? recipe below in comments ??
Ehhhh, tipping toward ??. The story in and of itself (thieving moon rocks from NASA) is interesting but after a while I didn't care about Thad at all. There's a level of "I deserve this bc I didn't get caught before" that set my teeth on edge. Also, I feel super-bad for his wife. The best part of the book is the planning/actual heist.
Also, Casey Affleck is not a good book narrator, tbh.
Mezrich's fill-in-the-gaps prose and insistence on making narcisist, liar and thief Thad Roberts into a heroic figure make this book an excercise in reading between the lines. Great cover though.