#7covers7days #covercrush
Day 3
#7covers7days #covercrush
Day 3
This was my very first cookbook my mom bought me when I was little. It‘s always been my favorite because of that but also has my favorite apple crisp recipe that I still use.
#24in48 #foodrelatedbook
I've been MIA for a while now for a lot of reasons, but I thought I'd share today's book haul. The Betty Crocker was my first cookbook. I'm indulging in some nostalgia.
And thanks to Nick Offerman's Gumption, and The Botany of Desire, I'm on a Michael Pollan kick.
@Hobbinol asked to see some recipes from this cookbook. Here's an idea for your next dinner party ... "It's better than a real candle, because you can eat it". ?
Here's a kid's cookbook even older than those posted by rachelm and susanw
Given to me in the 1950s and now falling apart.
Some books you just have to keep forever. #cookbooklove
This book got lots of use on Saturday night sleepovers. See kids, before computers and video games, we cooked a batch of cookies or brownies with friends, then we ate them!! #cookbooklove #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading
This book has been splashed and splattered for too many years. My Fun Friday copy is tattered and torn but much loved
#FunFridayPhoto. I earned my Girl Scout cooking badge with recipes out of my beloved 1960s Betty Crocker children's cookbook. Bunny Salad wasn't half bad! (But the less said about the too-suggestive "Rocket Salad," the better.)
#FunPhotoFriday I loved to death my 1960s edition of Betty Crocker's children's cookbook. I had this very cake for my 10th birthday. I cried with joy.