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Star Wars: Last Shot: A Han and Lando Novel
Star Wars: Last Shot: A Han and Lando Novel | Daniel Jos Older
Han Solo and Chewbacca team up with the galaxysmost charming rogue, Lando Calrissian, in an epic novel that spans decadessetboth around the events of the new Han Solo film and years later, after Return of the Jedi.
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Yes that says JANUARY. I did read it closer to Jan, but I never posted my review. I quite liked this one although there were times that I would have liked to spend a little longer in a particular timeline. I don‘t mind the multi-thread construction, but occasionally it felt a bit fragmented. Still I enjoyed the adventure, the characters, the humor, the action. Well done.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great review! And I always want to spend more time in all the timelines. They added together nicely, but each one could have made its own book! 3y
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I also want fuzzy snuggles forever 😍


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It‘s the end of the month already! How‘d it go #StarWarsBuddyRead ? I saw some loves and some bails, there definitely are very different focuses depending on which book you picked up in the new canon. I loved this one, but bailed on December‘s pick myself (Shadow Fall), so I completely understand.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa For me I loved seeing these characters again, seeing how Leia and Han are handling a new family in the middle of what is basically war reconstruction, both struggling with new responsibilities and pulling priorities. I loved seeing Lando in love, I want more of that story. I even liked seeing an Ewok and Gungan in atypical roles. And I loved getting a bit more of L3‘s story. The 3 timelines could be jousting, but I liked how they came together. 3y
BookwormAHN I loved it and that was the only Gungan I didn't hate 😸 3y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookwormAHN Right... there were both great characters that pushed the stereotypes set up in the movies. 3y
MoMogrl I'm still working my way through it, not because I'm not enjoying it, but I keep allowing other distractions get in the way of my reading. 3y
Jari-chan Love it so, so much 😍 3y
Andrew65 Where did January go? Thanks 😊 3y
NovelGirl82 I really enjoyed it! 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MoMogrl Life happens sometimes....darn it for interrupting our reading time though. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Andrew65 I don‘t know...too fast, that‘s for sure. 3y
CSeydel Still reading! Cant believe January is already over. But I‘ve just finished a big project and should have more reading time now ... 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CSeydel I saw you were working on that! So glad you got it done. 3y
bookandcat I read this one in 2018; it was a 2 star one for me. Not my most favorite one, which is a bummer since I adored the original Han Solo origin trilogy pre canon reset and this premise was promising! 3y
CrowCAH Man wish I had known about this buddy read. This book has been in my TBR. I ❤️ Han Solo!!! 3y
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I couldn't get into the story because it switched point in time and characters within two minutes of the chapter starting. Also not in the mood to read about a man's midlife crisis using "the fate of the Galaxy" as an excuse to bail on his kid because he feels inadequate as a parent. Probably redeemed in the end, but I couldn't handle the whiplash required to get there. Bummed because I really wanted to read more about L3.


TieDyeDude Good to know. I've been trying to keep up with the new canon novels, but I've been putting off this one. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TieDyeDude I really liked this one 🤷‍♀️ 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m sorry it wasn‘t for you @taraWritesSci 3y
CampbellTaraL @Riveted_Reader_Melissa It's no biggie! Plenty more waiting to be read. 🤓 3y
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Just finished my re-read and I have to say, I still enjoyed this one. I loved the Leia & Han loving banter, the Han & Lando bro-banter, Han struggling with fatherhood, and I loved the addition of an Ewok & Gungan in unexpected but delightful roles, and as always I love L3.

Han & Lando in another adventure to save their skins (and the galaxy)! Can they save the galaxy from murderous robots? Or themselves? And is Lando falling in love?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa There should be more books set in this time of the galaxy, with these characters. So much going on as they struggle to rebuild and their roles change to ones they are unfamiliar with, and as we know it doesn‘t always go well... but I still love reading about them. 3y
TheSpineView 👍📖📚 3y
BookwormAHN This is one of my favorite time periods in Star Wars. I wish (or they may) have one with Luke. 3y
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1. I‘m working on a 3000-word feature article about how biological sex differences influence drug efficacy, and it‘s due Friday.

2. Coffee Crisp! I got 4 in my Christmas stocking and I‘m savoring them.

3. First thing in the morning, while I‘m drinking my coffee and getting ready for the day. And last thing at night when I‘m tucked in and relaxing.


BiblioLitten I love Coffee Crisp! 3y
Cupcake12 Good luck with your feature article 👍🏻 Have a good week and thanks for playing x 3y
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I really enjoyed this book. It takes place after The Aftermath Trilogy and features Han Solo and Lando Calrissian on a mission to find and destroy a transmitter that will turn all Droids against the rest of the galaxy 🤖

bookwrm526 I think this is the only book of his I haven‘t picked up yet, I love his writing so so much! 3y
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Starting this tonight for #starwarsbuddyread.

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This afternoon, trying out another chocolate from #Brazil for #FoodandLit and reading this great book for the #StarWarsBuddyRead ❤️🥰😋

@Texreader @Butterfinger

Butterfinger I hope that is tastier than yesterday's. 3y
TheGremo Good book!!! And...who doesn‘t love Han, Chewie and Lando?!?!?! 😊 3y
Jari-chan @Butterfinger It was perfect 😍 Absolutely loved it! Crunchy and with chocolate, but not to sweet - amazing. 3y
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Jari-chan @TheGremo Exactly!!! 3y
Liz_M Sounds good. Where did you find all your Brazilian treats? 3y
Jari-chan @Liz_M I bought them in an Swiss online shop, that sells Brazilian food - I got a lot more to try out the coming weeks 😋 3y
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It‘s time for some old favorite characters to come back onto the scene. I‘m looking forward to this Han & Lando adventure.

 @CSeydel @alicia @bookandcat @DivaDiane @ElyssaReads @NovelGirl82 @Shadowfat @callielafleur @annkuch13 @PSreads73 @SenatorMothma @InLibrisVeritas @Andrew65 @GrilledCheeseSamurai @Jari-chan @teainthelibrary @BookwormAHN @taraWritesSci @TheGremo @MoMogrl

Anyone want added or removed from this list, just let me know.

NovelGirl82 Oh good- I was wanting to get back to this one. 3y
CSeydel Hi! Happy new year! Sorry I‘ve been absent for quite a while. But I checked out Last Shot on my Kindle and I‘m going to try to keep up 😀 3y
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BookwormAHN I've already started this one and it's really good and fun. 3y
CampbellTaraL I'm waiting on library loan which shows about a week out. Can't wait to dive in. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CSeydel Great to see you again! You have been so quiet I was worried about you! 3y
CSeydel @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Ahh sorry to make you worry :) I took on two new gigs this year but then with Covid, my kids are schooling-at-home and it‘s been, just ... a lot. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CSeydel That describes the year to a T... it‘s definitely a lot! 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CSeydel Anyway, I‘m glad you are ok, and just busy. 3y
Jari-chan I ordered the book today, it should arrive by tomorrow 😊 3y
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Just an update/reminder to anyone interested in the #StarWarsBuddyRead and starting their 2021 planning.

The first half of the year are the few new canon books we haven‘t read yet, and then we are onto the newer ones in release order!

BookwormAHN Have you watched The Mandelorian there were references to operation cinder in the newest episode. 3y
CampbellTaraL Heck yeah, I'd love to join! 🤓 3y
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Jari-chan Wohoo! 🤩 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookwormAHN No, but I just got Disney + so I‘m planning on a Christmas/New Year holiday marathon the end of this month! 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @taraWritesSci I‘ll add you to the group tag! 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CSeydel I was thinking about you and our childhood fantasy reads discussion awhile back. I haven‘t seen you post or comment lately, and just wanted to check in. I hope everything‘s ok. 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheGremo Maybe you‘d be interested in reading with us. 3y
TheGremo @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Oh yes, it could be great!!! Thank you very much 😊 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheGremo You are welcome, I saw your post with a bunch of these on your to read pile. 3y
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And now some science fiction.
I love Star Wars (I know every word of the films) but this is my first Star Wars book.
Personally I‘ve found this book quite good but nothing special.
I loved the fact that it shows the behavior that the various characters have in the movies of the 70s.
Also because...who doesn‘t love Han & Lando?!?!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa If you have any interest, try a Star Wars book on audiobook, they have the score and sound effects added into the narration. 4y
TheGremo Well, in my opinion that‘s the main problem about Star Wars books, authors try to describe (for example) a blaster battle, but it‘s a little bit strangers read about it. So...I‘ll try audiobooks for sure (edited) 4y
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Star Wars shelves part 2 for Star Wars day.

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callielafleur I loved this book! 6y
Aimeesue 😂😂😂 6y
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This one took me awhile to read, I had it from the library, had to return it, waited for it to circle back for awhile, and finally bought it....but it was worth the wait. Han & Lando in another adventure to save their skins (and the galaxy), Leia and young Ben, Chewy and L3, and some great new characters that I look forward to seeing again. Can they save the galaxy from murderous robots? Can they save themselves? And is Lando falling in love?

JazzFeathers My goodness, l love these illustrations 😍 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers Aren‘t they great? The first two are on the main release dust jacket...the bottom two on a special convention cover edition. They are so beautifully done. 6y
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Making some progress here with my overly ambitious reading plans!
Now to get back on track with my #StarWarsBuddyRead

Maybe try to catch up with some other Litsy readalongs, and of course read my new Library Book New Release before I go see the new movie later this month. 😉

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This was fun! I mostly listened to see if my Star Wars devotee son would like it...other than it having what I believe he will judge to be way too much romance, I think he might. 😉 For me, it was worth the read for the painfully adorable baby Ben Solo moments alone. 😍😢 This is my first time reading Older, but hopefully not my last because I did enjoy his writing.

silentrequiem How did I not know Older wrote a Star Wars book??? 😍 6y
AlaMich He‘s been on my TBR list for his urban fantasy, but I might give this a try even though I haven‘t read a Star Wars book since...well, pretty much since SW came out. 😂 6y
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Han is my favorite, so naturally I loved this! Can‘t wait for the movie!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I can‘t wait to read this one. 👍 6y
ssravp @Riveted_Reader_Melissa It‘s so good! 6y
TricksyTails 😍♥️😍♥️ 6y
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April Reads

Vector Prime by R. A. Salvatore
Dark Haven by Gail Z. Martin
Last Shot by Daniel Jose Older
I'll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara
From a Certain Point of View by various amazing people

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It's absolutely perfect outdoor reading weather right now.

Crystalblu Is that a Han bookmark?! I love it so! 6y
annkuch13 @Crystalblu It is! It's by an artist @shorelledraws on Instagram. She has a whole series of Star Wars bookmarks in her shop. They are all wonderful! 6y
Crystalblu Sweet!!! 6y
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The multiple timelines are a little confusing.

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So much fun!!! Check out my spoiler free review here: https://youtu.be/2JJUNNuoWqY 🖤📚

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Finally warm weather for reading on the patio!

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Picked this up today while grabbing groceries! I might behind in reading all of them, but atleast I own them I guess. 😅

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Hahahaha! I was thinking, guess I can wait to pick it up when it goes on sale...because by our list I won‘t get to it until next year.😂 6y
InLibrisVeritas @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 😂 I know! The only bad thing about going in pub order. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @InLibrisVeritas Well, we could say, read the current ones as they come out AND work on the back list. 6y
InLibrisVeritas @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Just now seeing this, and that might be a good idea! 6y
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Quiet evening in the hotel room with some Star Wars adventuring.

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So much fun!! Definitely one of my faves now!

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Incoherent screeching noises.

And yes I immediately flipped it to the Lando jacket.

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I love Daniel Jose Older's Brooklyn-based urban fantasy series Bone Street Rumba. He tackles Star Wars in a new book being published 4/17. Gotta admit. Pretty excited.

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