This was a book given to me by my birth mother when we first met in January. In just the first chapter, the author totally nails the grief that knocked me over last April. This will be a slow read. Too much emotion to take in for one setting.
This was a book given to me by my birth mother when we first met in January. In just the first chapter, the author totally nails the grief that knocked me over last April. This will be a slow read. Too much emotion to take in for one setting.
Well, this was my plan anyway ... I can‘t get the bottle open! 😂🤣😂 So reading and drinking ... ice water.
It is not what happens to us that matters so much as what happens in us. Jerry Sittser, A Grace Disguised
#quote #amreading #grief #siblingloss
This book was given to me by my birth mom last weekend. I really connect with this writing so far!
#siblingloss #amreading #grief #griefrecovery