When Ms. Marvel goes missing her friends must band together and try to fill her very big shoes!
I loved this one! Such great messages about helping and supporting your friends! Plus the return of Red Dagger and Bruno from Wakanda. 😉
Really great to break the mold a bit and feature some of the smaller players in the first few issues of this collection. Ms Marvel is missing, and her friends are trying to pick up the slack. The Red Dagger is here from Pakistan and Bruno has returned from Wakanda. The last half has some real teen angst which gave me the feels.
I ❤️ Wilson's Ms. Marvel! Kamala is so fun. This volume, she wants to get away from it all, and the first half of the book, her friends are trying to take over Ms. Marvel's role in keeping the city safe - even though they don't have any powers! Until the return of a few old foes forces Kamala out of retirement. Plus, the return of Bruno from Wakanda! I'm so sad I only have one volume left of this series...
This current illustrator is not my favorite, but Volume 9 was a fun read, with a big focus on Kamala‘s friends. On to Volume 10, and the conclusion of G. Willow Wilson‘s 5 year run at the helm. 😣
I had insomnia last night, and just woke from a 3 hour nap! 😴 I never do that! I feel much better, but still groggy, so trying to wake myself up with tea and the last two volumes of Ms. Marvel.
Some cool character moments in this one! Eager for volume 10!
I LOVED this volume. Ms. Marvel has become disillusioned and gone into hiding. Her friends take over as stand-ins for Jersey City‘s superhero. This reminded me so much of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when the Scooby gang has to take over patrols after Buffy dies. Plus, Kamala becomes an auntie and Bruno is back!
I am spending my Saturday morning with Ms Marvel and am waiting for it to warm up a little so that I can take the pooches out for a walk.
Last post from me about this volume, I swear! I love this quote:
"We like to think we choose the people we love. But we don't, really. Life puts those people in our path. We love them because we're in it together. Maybe it's destiny, maybe it's something else. Whatever it is, it's something real.
There are always so many thing I love & appreciate about the new Ms. Marvel comics. The representation of diverse identities has always been a big one. In this volume, I love this moment in Bruno & Kwezi's friendship & how it demonstrates that men can be affectionate & care about each other & it's not weird or fake or threatening. At least...that's how I read it!
"Have fun storming the castle!" It's a Princess Bride reference! ??
I say this often, actually. Most recently to my colleague when he leaves our office to got to a meeting at our agency's main location. ??
Ms Marvel‘s friends step up when she has disappeared to try to figure things out. They do an impressive job, until an old rival shows up. Then they find a way to contact the real super heroes. Someone tracks down the real Ms Marvel, and she realizes again, she can‘t run away from her problems, and comes back. She even finds love in the end. Great end to the series, though I hope it‘s really not. Great series, I miss her already! 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
When you can't figure out whether this is the artist's comment on the competence of Newark Airport contractors, a reality of the incompetence of the artist, or a sign that this entire full page panel is meant to be a reflection in a giant mirror...
Great #library #bookhaul today! #craft #graphicnovel
And tonight's comic catchup reading..... Ms Marvel! I read the entirety of the Teenage Wasteland arc and enjoyed it greatly. The love that Nakia and Zoe and crew have for Kamala aka MS MARVEL is so wonderful and they are valiant in their endeavors to keep Jersey City safe when Ms Marvel disappears...if not the most effective, especially with THE INVENTOR on the loose! Aaaahhhh! Where is Ms Marvel? Will she arrive in time to save the day?
It‘s always good when Captain Marvel makes a guest appearance in Ms Marvel though :) #badasswomen
I just love their friendship. I was hoping from the beginning of this issue that Kamala would finally TELL them (though I suspected they already knew). And I love the way that Kamala and Mike put their friendship OVER their feelings for Bruno.
Catching up. I love that all is right with Kamala and Carol again!
#MariReads2018 #comics #marvelcomics #kamalakorps