I knew Laura Ingalls Wilder was a teacher but it's been so long since I've read this I had to Goggle which book!
I knew Laura Ingalls Wilder was a teacher but it's been so long since I've read this I had to Goggle which book!
1. I always loved the name Laura, especially when I saw Laura Ingalls‘ name cards in Little Town.
I had another copy of this in my youth, but it literally fell apart. When Borders closed, I was able to replace it and fill out the rest of the series. I was happy to see the same kitten illustration on the cover as on my childhood copy. #prairie #storysettings
I just finished this book!!! I love this series!!! I grew up with these books. I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars.
One of my favorite Little House books. Filled with sweet adventures and not many perils.
#LittleHouse @megnews
Enjoying this read along. Felt like less happened this book.
On a fluke, Laura gets her teaching certificate 2 months early and already has a job lined up 12 miles away. I can‘t lie. It bothers me that everything seems to revolve around Mary. Laura has to teach solely to allow Mary to attend college. It‘s a nice sacrifice but the obligation they put her under rubs me the wrong way. As others have said, the tone of this book is much happier than others in the series. What are your final thoughts?
Read a little, listened a little. I am really enjoying this reread, even more so with the group here.
Yesterday and todays chapters see Almanzo walking Laura home from town event. As others mentioned, there is a 10 year age gap and Laura is just shy of 16. By today‘s standards, in most communities, this would be taboo but I think during this time there were no teen years. You went from being a child to an adult. As we‘ll see in the next chapter, Laura is about to become a schoolteacher, and therefore, an adult. Also I think about the isolation👇🏻
#LittleHouse #SeriesLove2023
Laura is growing up and studying hard to be a teacher while her nemesis Nellie Olsen returns. It‘s been such a joy to revisit these books and relive all of Lauras adventures.
Not Laura hoping a husband will come along so she doesn‘t have to teach for long. 😂
The Ingalls continue to enjoy life in town. As someone said on the last post it seems the tough times are behind them. I found today‘s chapter about the minstrel show and accompanying illustration distasteful.
Sociables, literaries, whirls of gaiety, a letter from Mary, another Christmas, and Laura finally gets the Tennyson book but is disappointed. And now an invitation to a party. Time seems to be flying and life seems suddenly different from the long endless days in the big woods or alone on the prairie. What stands out to you in these 3 chapters? I thought Pa was a hero when he shut down the literary bureaucracy! 😂
Laura gets a ride with Almanzo‘s beautiful horses and trades name cards with him. This is the first I recall hearing her middle name. And then Ma let‘s her cut bangs for the church sociable which turns out to be a bust. 😳
The school board visits. Ms Wilder takes no personal responsibility, further demonstrating her immaturity and gullibility. Pa and Laura uncover what is probably happening with Nellie. But it just leaves you wondering what happens next, this being nowhere near resolved.
While I‘m sure all this is driven by Nellie Olsen, it shows Ms Wilder‘s immaturity and cruelty. I feel so bad and angry for Carrie and proud of Laura for standing up to Ms Wilder. If I was Ma I‘d be demanding her job.
Laura finds a book of poetry in Ma‘s dresser. She can‘t wait to find out the end of the poem at Christmas, which is just around the corner as they‘ve moved back into town for the winter again.
Nellie Oleson returns and is being typical Nellie Oleson. I don‘t understand why the girls do what she said or why Miss Wilder allowed her to be like that.
Mary leaves for school and gets settled in. But what stands out in this chapter is the hilarious antics the girls left at home get into all kn the name of trying to help, very similar to a past experience of the same. Never ceases to amaze me how all ends well.
I could never be a farm wife. Fire. Grasshoppers. King winters. What next? Clouds of crows. This picture terrifies me.
In other news: Mary is getting closer and closer to leaving for college
Edited to ask: who would try crow pie? Not I!
Laura and Carrie enjoy Independence Day in town with Pa. Grace is too young to go and Mary is back to being Mary. This chapter made me think though. Is her preference for home just a defense mechanism due to her blindness? There‘s a full reading of the Declaration of Independence. Have you ever experienced this as a part of a 4th of July celebration? The only time I did was at Washington‘s Mount Vernon. They see their first horse race &👇🏻
And just like that Laura‘s job has ended. The rush for shirts is over after 6 weeks and Laura has only made $9. About $267 today. Laura feels she hasn‘t contributed enough for Mary to go to college but Ma reassures her. Sounds like Mary could be going any day.
Ma is really unhappy about the rough circumstances Laura is exposed to in town. Can you imagine how she‘d feel if they were dropped into today?
Laura finally starts her job in town. Sewing! And finds that all families aren‘t quite like hers.
Pa helps the town the continue to grow. The kitten catches its first mouse. Laura reminisces about life in the big woods. And Pa asks Laura about working in town again. The tension about this job continues to build. Hopefully we find out tomorrow!
The Ingalls discover they have a mouse problem on their homestead and get a 🐈⬛. Still no word on Laura‘s job. Did Ma‘s no just shut that down? That‘s unlike pa.
Chapter 2. Pa is expanding the shanty. Ma combines spring cleaning with the move. Laura is feeding her beloved animals. Curtains are hung. The whatnot is set up and the shepherdess put in her place of honor. We still don‘t know Pa‘s plan for Laura but she and Mary had quite a heartlfelt talk. We get more insight into Mary. What did you all think?
The first chapter in the next book in the #LittleHouse series is quite short but surprises us with a bit of a cliffhanger. The family is back to the homestead but what job in town is Pa thinking of for Laura?
repost for @megnews:
Reminder: our next #LittleHouse readalong chapter a day book starts in a couple weeks.
Original post:
Reminder: our next #LittleHouse readalong chapter a day book starts in a couple weeks.
1. I loved the Little House books and this one is set in South Dakota 😊
2. I‘ve never been but Custer State Park looks beautiful in pictures 😍
#TravelTuesday 🚘 #RoadTripUSA2022 @megnews
#BookNerd 🤓💙📚
This is such an enjoyable series. The illustrations are very nice. There is one uncomfortable bit of town entertainment near the end, unfortunately, but at the time that it would have happened it wasn‘t frowned upon, though it most certainly is now. So, due to the time period it is set, there are some no-so-good things about the book, but overall, I still find these books a lot of fun
After the Long Winter, it was lovely to read about life in town. I love how they make so much of what to us contemporary folk looks like so little. These books help ground me and make me grateful for the daily blessings I have to know so little of what was so normal to them.
It was a late walk home from ballet on Thursday night as we didn‘t finish until 9pm but I scored these at the Book Swap on the way. It usually takes me about an hour. I am named after the imaginary friend in this tv series, Little House on the Prairie. Mum was ironing and saw an episode when pregnant with me and just like that I had a name. If I was a boy I was going to be Mitchell. I love the movie Nim‘s Island. I didn‘t realise there was a book.
Loved it once again; probably my favourite after Long Winter. And of course now I have to read Golden Years! Then it‘s back to my bingo card. One book crossed off for #BookSpinBingo.
Woke up to a winter wonderland! I started my #Bookspin last night, but this morning I‘m in the mood for a comfort read, so Little Town it is. It‘s been years since I read it, but since I read Long Winter for my November bingo board I decided I needed to read more Laura in January. It‘s the perfect choice this morning. Back in bed with ☕️.
Oh how times have changed for the Ingalls family. Seasonlly moving from the claim to town and back again. With Mary off to college, Laura takes on more responsibilities while still enjoying building relationships with peers at school and even young Almanzo Wilder who Laura thinks is so much older than herself. At this point, I'm sure she enjoys his horses more than him.
Day 6 of #7books7days
I devoured this series in my youth. When I got to the end, I‘d start back again with the first one.
I #crave the yummy dishes that authors take time and care to describe, and Laura Ingalls Wilder's descriptions of food always makes my mouth water! This description of Ben Woodworth's birthday party meal stayed in my mind for aaaages 😆
#MOvember @Cinfhen
A lot of this book focused on Laura‘s time in school. Thanks to Nellie, who moved to town, the teacher hates Laura. Luckily she has sweet friends who stand by her. It‘s important to note that Ma‘s hatred of the Indians and a black face musical show are unfortunate parts of the book. I know that those things were accepted in that time. I‘ve use them to open conversations about prejudice with my kiddo. No matter when it‘s written, it‘s still not ok.
Another delightful read in the series. This book captures so much of Laura's maturing through so many different experiences. It gives a picture into whom and what shapes her.
I'll be through this series soon. Probably would already if I weren't doing HoL Book Club, too, and perpetually falling behind. Ha
I was out last night and didn‘t have my reading glasses, so I‘m only just now caught up with you dear Littens. Once again I‘m late to the party!
1. Youngest
2. Sometimes! OTOH they were out of the house when I was in high school, so it was almost like being an only child.
3. Two (not including various steps)
4. Ingalls sisters
5. I think @JuliaTheBookNerd and @Seekingtardis are also the youngest of three. Any others?
By: Laura Ingalls Wilder- Historical Fiction
Award: Newbery Honor Award
This book is the 7th out of the 9 books from this special series! I can somewhat relate to this book because I too want to become a teacher. Laura takes on a responsibility to help her sister make her way to a college for the blind (amazing deed) they are present with some trials but that moves on to the next book! This book is certainly an IR- students can take this book
Current mood. #lauraingallswilder #garthwilliams #littlehouse
Laura was only #fifteen when she got her teaching certificate. Pretty young to handle mad Mrs. Brewster pulling a knife, but I guess that's prairie life. #novemberbythenumbers #15 #lauraingallswilder
I literally can‘t believe I have never read these books before. This has instantly became one of my favorites.
I love this book, because it takes you back to a different time in America. Yes, somethings were obviously not good but it was as simpler time. I long for such a time I fear I‘ll never see.