Watched the last Halmark Movie last night. Finished one bingo board #HallmarkMovieBingo 100 pts for that
#WinterGames24 #HolidayBookDragons @StayCurious
Watched the last Halmark Movie last night. Finished one bingo board #HallmarkMovieBingo 100 pts for that
#WinterGames24 #HolidayBookDragons @StayCurious
Doing really well with my #HallmarkHolidayMovieBingos #WinterGames24 #HolidayBookDragons @StayCurious This one was called Believe in Christmas and it was pretty good.
Another Hallmark Movie last night. This one was cute even though the acting was not the best. #HallmarkHolidayMovieBingo another bingo line. #WinterGames @StayCurious @Clwojick
#HallmarkHolidayMovieBingo #TeamReindeerGamers #WinterGames After a busy day with family, we settled down and watched this. It's pretty cute and more bingo spots. @StayCurious @Clwojick
#TeamReindeerGamers #HallmarkHolidayMovieBingo #WinterGames More Hallmark Movies more bingo spot @StayCurious @Clwojick
#HallmarkHolidayMovieBingo watched two move Hallmark movies yesterday. 🎬 @StayCurious @Clwojick
#HallmarkHolidayMovieBingo I watched this yesterday. It really fulfilled the random hunk spot. 🙂 @StayCurious @Clwojick
#WinterGames #TeamReindeerGamers #HallmarkHolidayMovieBingo and #ScavengerPhotoChallenge Me watching another Hallmark movie with Oakley. @StayCurious @Clwojick
#WinterGames #TeamReindeerGamers Another movie watched. 🎬 Light up the Holly Lit Up A few more bingos for #HallmarkHolidayMovieBingo @Clwojick @StayCurious
Watched a few more Hallmark movies last night, thanks to YouTube. One however had a holiday title, but ended up being this summery movie, The Love Gala. Was half way through before I noticed the lack of all things Christmas. 😂🫣 #TeamEvergreen
#WinterGames #TeamReindeerGamers #HallmarkHolidayMovieBingo watched this one this evening and finished my bingo board. Gave me 100 bonus pts for getting the whole board. @StayCurious @Clwojick
#WinterGames#TeamReindeerGamers #HallmarkHolidayMovieBingo I like this one, got me some more bingo lines. It had skiing but not ice skating. Still looking for that random hunk. @StayCurious @Clwojick
#WinterGames. #TeamReindeerGamers. Look what I found on Google Drive the Team Hosts @StayCurious @Clwojick . Have set up.
Since I'm a fan of Hallmark Christmas movies, this will work well. @annahenke @kezzlou85 @JessClark78 @Karons1 @TorieStorieS @MatchlessMarie @aperfectmjk @Bluebird
Sooooo...I've been watching a lot of Hallmark movies. 😳 I'm making lots of progress on the Hallmark Bingo cards. #wintergames2021 #teamgamesleighers @StayCurious
Christmas at castle hart on hallmark. #wintergames #teamgamesleighers @StayCurious
Getting a Halmark Christmas movie off #wintergames2021 #mistletoemaniacs +26pts
Week 1 of #wintergames2021, included lots of Hallmark movies. (I'm not obsessed lol!) Don't have bingo yet but I'm super close. #teamgamesleighers @staycurious
The great thing about working from home is having Hallmark Christmas movies on while I work away. Also, I'm fully aware that I have an addiction, but I'm gonna crush the Hallmark Bingo cards! #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious
Many of you know I work at a Hallmark store. Check out this beautiful card 😍
I might buy it just because.
#wintergames2020 #readnosedreindeer @StayCurious #holidaymovie
Mid day movie watching and reading.
#wintergames2020 #readnosedreindeer #holidaymovies @staycurious
Another Hallmark BINGO
#wintergames2020 #readnosedreindeer @StayCurious #holidaymovie
Yet another Hallmark movie.
#wintergames2020 #readnosedreindeer @StayCurious #holidaymovie
Chriatmas at the plaza
#wintergames2020 #readnosedreindeer @StayCurious
5 star Christmas
While wrapping gifts
That's two Bingo boards down!
I'm a bit Christmas Movie/TVShow fatigued now. Might have to do something else next week!
@clwojick #wintergames #MerryReaders
Yepp, did not read a single book. watched xmas movies instead! 10, including Dash&Lily, which all in all provided me with heaps of christmas cliches - i could have doubled and tripled some items easily: 25 lines in total means +501!! Now all I have left is:
amneasia 🌀money problems🌀truck🌀big city bf (2x)🌀work crisis🌀dream job🌀costumed kids🌀snowy roads🌀heirlooms🌀child star🌀family recipe!
Anyone know a movie with all these per chance?😂
The joys of spending the weekend at home: having mom pamper you (and herself) with some cozy tea and xmas fluff. The only actually good one was NIGHTMARE, of course. Didn‘t really like HOME ALONE (didn‘t either the last time i watched as a kid in the 90s). Then there was DROP OFF which I‘m definitely not the right audience for and RENT-AN-ELF which i liked because of Sean Patrick Thomas and because it was just too much - in a good way! +21
Orphaned atheist....foreclose on a country Inn....Santa Claus or a ghost both work. I had chocolate but technically it was Ferrero Roche.
Did i watch four cheesy xmas movies in a row with my mom today? Yes. Did i think any of these was particularly good? No. Did i enjoy cuddling up and nursing a glass of bubbly while nursing my cramps anyhow? Yes.
#TeamReadNosedReindeer +21
@scripturient postet this on insta and i HAD to share! Sorry it‘s broken in two posts, the graphic was too big!
““An orphaned corporate lawyer finds herself stuck in her hometown during a pandemic locktown, after she came home to celebrate her two friends finally opening an inn. Against her better judgement, she falls in love with the widowed town librarian (😍). Together, they learn the true meaning of christmas.”
#HolidayLaughs #TeamReadNosedReindeer +6
It‘s the season for Hallmark movies and knitting until Santa comes! 🎄❤️🎅🏻
Hallmark is giving away cards so I thought this is perfect for the #Litsylove folks out there.
Two more bingos from the Hallmark Bingo Card. Boy do they have some cheesy movies with some pretty big stars. Just watched the one with Kristin Chenoweth. 🎄
#WinterGames #TMSkellington @Crimson613 @StayCurious @Clwojick
If you are looking for a #holidaymovie consider watching Hallmark tonight featuring a marvelous national nonprofit with headquarters here in San Antonio, and with whom I work on almost a daily basis. Wonderful cause, wonderful people. 9 est/8cst
#wintergames #tmskellington @crimson613 @clwojick @staycurious
I binged Hallmark movies yesterday (a few of them above) & blew up my Hallmark bingo board 😂
#wintergames #TeamFestivus #Hallmarkbingo #holidaytradition
BTW, if you‘re like me & don‘t have cable but have either a smart TV or a device that allows you to do apps (like Amazon Fire TV), you can download the Hallmark movies now app or Hallmark channel app and get a free 7-day trial if you want to complete your Hallmark bingo board.
#WinterGames Team #ReadNosedReindeer And another Bingo card just for those delicious Hallmark movies. Same rules apply. These can be completed throughout the month. @jenniferw88 @TorieStorieS @AnneCecilie @CaitZ @Crazeedi @SaturnDoo @j9brown @overtheedge @Cosyreader @Mogoeg @Mandoul @AlobelThee @TheEllieMo @Allylu
A little #LitsyHumor for my fellow Hallmark movie watchers. 😂❤️🎄
1. Anything Hallmark
2. When I have short hair (which I currently do), in the morning
3. Lousie, after my mom
4. Go to the movies tonight, hang out with friends on Saturday, go listen to a theologian I like and wrap coats with my Spiritual Community on Sunday (we bought coats for 82 kids today)
#friyayintro @howjessreads