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La invencion de Morel/ The Invention of Morel
La invencion de Morel/ The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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similarities to Lolita
-fictitious editor
-book artifact of story
-pretentious narrator
-on the lamb
-addresses audience about his plight
-destroying object of desire in attempt to possess
-impossible to be loved by her, on separate planes
-when object spurns him, calls her gross
-she‘s an actress
-competing with his shadow, a filmmaker
-questions if hallucinating
-destroys himself when realizes he cannot be with her
-ends with imminent doom

The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

1. Tagged
2. The Wheel of Time books, though sounds like that's already in the works
3. Getting to spend the day and catch up with a childhood friend

Your turn @IuliaC @julesG @Ast_Arslan @SamAnne

julesG Thanks for the tag. 3y
Eggs #3 perfection!! 3y
IuliaC Thanks for the tag 😃 3y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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I had a little too much fun shopping during the last #nyrb sale a couple of weeks ago. Excited to add these to my collection! #bookhaul

Billypar I loved Dud Avocado and Invention of Morel! The Other and A Month In The Country were good too. 3y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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Another book I can thank Litsy for bringing to my attention. The protagonist, a Venezuelan fugitive, takes refuge on a seemingly uninhabited island containing a museum, a swimming pool, a chapel, and a mysterious rotting disease that affects plant, animal, and person alike. When visitors suddenly appear, it throws the MC's world into turmoil, but the truth of who they are and what happened to them is even stranger than it first appears. 👇

The_Penniless_Author Fantastic old-school sci-fi in the mold of HG Wells, with a heavy philosophical bent. 3y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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This absorbing novella is a kind of literary Twilight Zone episode. A fugitive hides out on a deserted island that contains a museum, swimming pool, chapel, and not much else besides a tree-ravaging disease. He's surprised to find he suddenly has visitors, and things get stranger from there. Casares has a gifted storytelling capacity for intriguing the reader with mysteries and resolving them in a way that is surprising but not too complicated.

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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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A great little novella about a wanted man who escapes to a deserted island that is rumored to be cursed. To say much more would spoil the entire plot of this compact adventure story. The plot moves quickly and with purpose to it‘s plot twist. It is the perfect length. This story would be campy in less capable hands but it‘s masterfully told. A great little one sitter. I highly recommend it.

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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms

The point of the Tome Infinity and Beyond readathon is to read sci-fi books from authors around the globe. I had a hellova time finding South American sci-fi authors who caught my interest. I came across this tinsy little one sitter. I‘m definitely looking forward to getting through this one tonight.

vivastory I really enjoyed it 5y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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Hey, #NYRBBookClub friends, the 24 hour sale is here!!! Just bought lotsa titles, might as well, while we are here in California with family.

vivastory Thanks for posting! I will definitely check it out. 5y
BarbaraBB I filled up my shopping car and then had 70$ shipping costs. Too bad 😢 5y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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This book is deliciously bizarre! 🤪 I had no idea what is really going on until I reached the second half; and yet everything is just my imagination and guess-work

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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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I just started this. No idea what is going on 😅

squirrelbrain 🤣🤣 6y
vivastory It's a strange little book 6y
QuintusMarcus If you figure it out, let me know: I never was able to make sense of it. 6y
LeahBergen But the cover is wonderful. 😆 6y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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shawnmooney This is a wacky story which, if you can get past the antiquated writing style, is quite memorable… 8y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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Halfway through tonight's @RoscoeBooks Classics in Brief book club selection. So far, it feels like a mashup of Richard Connell's The Most Dangerous Game and George Saunder's Lincoln in the Bardo. In a good way. #bookandcoffee #morningreading

Marchpane That description is intriguing! 8y
Lola @Marchpane An now I'm going to add, a touch of The Shining 😳 8y
Marchpane 😳can't wait to see your final review! 8y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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Coffee and a little of my @RoscoeBooks Classics in Brief book club reading before work. I do love books with maps. Beautiful bookmark handcrafted made by my awesome #litsygoespostalog book-sender, @LitHousewife #bookandcoffee #morningreading

LukkiAnn Awesome 👏🏻 8y
LitHousewife I loved that bookmark! I'm glad you do, too. ❤ 8y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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Book 1 of 2017: The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares and translated by Ruth L.C. Simms. This stunning Argentinian novella offers a mystery, some suspense and a touch of the bizarre. What a joy to read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #translatedfiction

shawnmooney I'm not sure I entirely understood what I was reading, but I quite enjoyed it when I read it last year too! :-) 8y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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My pick for today's #Booktober #SouthAmerican challenge is this creepy, surreal virtual reality classic. At times it seems cliched- but this is the book that WROTE the cliche. It's a bit like a cross between Lost and The great gatsby...but far better.

Pair with wine and suspense.


katedensen ❤️❤️❤️ NYRB. 8y
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The Invention of Morel | Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ruth L.C. Simms
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I'm not sure if this counts as set in South America — Adolfo Bioy Casares was from Argentina; the story takes place on an unknown island — but I really enjoyed this book in college, so I'm fudging things a bit. I just remember being totally wrapped up in the dreamlike quality of it. Bioy Casares was a masterful writer. #booktober #bookssetinsamerica #novella

RealLifeReading Well he's from Argentina so I think it counts! 8y
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