Survived my first solo night shift, stopped for grinders on the way home and discovered my server wrote notes on all the sandwiches. 😊
🦄 Beauty and the Beast is my favorite classic (though not my favorite Disney)
🦄 Monsters Inc! Shrek was ok, I guess.
🦄 9ish it's been pretty and pink lately.
🦄 Mayo or something like it, avocado, ranch. I cannot eat a dry sandwich, I won't touch it.
🦄 @LaurenReads 😙
Thanks for the fun @jesshowbooks!
I like peanut butter, mayo, and green olive sandwiches.
It's a rainy Sunday afternoon, so I'm sitting at the kitchen counter browsing this remarkably thorough book of sandwich facts and recipes while waiting for my raspberry cream cheese scones to cool.
I picked this up for YALSA's #hubchallenge (it's one of their quick picks), and it's well-illustrated and fun. I have noticed a couple of editorial mistakes and inconsistencies in the sandwich facts, though. 🥙
Post-bookclub lunch with friends! 😁 My favorite sandwich place in #NYC. Italian sandwich with paper-thin slices of salami, fresh mozzarella, arugula, artichokes, and balsamic drizzle. Sooooo delicious! 😋 Happy reads and happy eats!
Browsing through this book was a weirdly calming experience.