I really liked this one.
This brown-haired, brown-eyed librarian found this passage amusing.
I can't quite say it was the best book ever, but it was indeed pretty great.
Browsing through this book was a weirdly calming experience.
The translation seemed off? Or maybe I didn't care for the writing?
Memoirs are marvellous. Graphic novel memoirs doubly so. And graphic graphic novel memoirs might take the cake.
It's not easy being a tooth fairy when a tooth goes missing...
I love these cookbooks. Now if only I made any of the recipes...
"Everything is science fiction, until someone makes it science fact."
I've never read Ivanhoe, but I think about it a lot when I pack a book for something.
I don't think I'm going to pick up the next volume. I don't understand why a book published in 2017 would use the r word, even if the characters are from 1988.
To remember