28 Dec-3 Jan 25!(audiobook)
Another good addition to the collection. The Devil‘s Foot was probably my favourite but The Dying Detective was also memorable.
28 Dec-3 Jan 25!(audiobook)
Another good addition to the collection. The Devil‘s Foot was probably my favourite but The Dying Detective was also memorable.
A late edition to the Sherlock and Holmes mysteries, with a fabulous finishing touch of espionage to round it out as Holmes and Watson undertake a mission in defensive of England as WW1 begins.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record.... another excellent installment of the series.
Just completed the last remaining of Conan Doyle‘s Sherlock Holmes stories. His Last Bow: a 1917 collection including the short story, "His Last Bow. The War Service of Sherlock Holmes" (1917). In the last story the reader is made aware of the advances in technology during the early 20th century and also makes reference to the First World War. The most enjoyable read amongst these stories was The Adventures of the Devils Foot (1910).
Finished reading His Last Bow so I only have one more collection/chapter left in the anthology!
Christmas present from The Hubs. 🤩
Spent all day running around. Tonight I‘m just relaxing with Sherlock.
Wowee! Love everything. The books are gorgeous and the bookmarks are so cool. I'm really excited. @batsy what a great bunch of gifts. I hope you get yours today. I hope you like it as much as I like mine. I strayed from the theme a little and didn't wrap. @Beckykearns #conandoyleswap
Another collection of Holmes stories, in the vein of previous ones, with some addition of patriotic and spy elements, a nod to the coming war. The world has changed since the last collection - there are motorcars and submarines, and Holmes and Watson grow older and more famous. Fun and dependable as usual.
In the Adventure of the Dying Detective, Holmes has quite a bit more than a case of the #sniffles .
This short story involves a distraught Watson, tropical fever and a poison box.
These tales may not be as zippy as the classics in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, but I enjoyed them nonetheless. My favourite was The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans.