1 Scifi, fantasy, romance, YA
2 General fiction
3 Mystery, nonfiction
4 romace
5 Thursday Next by Jasper Fforde
6 The Blind Assassin (mostly because I will DNF a book rather than hate read it or try again later)
7 @BethM
1 Scifi, fantasy, romance, YA
2 General fiction
3 Mystery, nonfiction
4 romace
5 Thursday Next by Jasper Fforde
6 The Blind Assassin (mostly because I will DNF a book rather than hate read it or try again later)
7 @BethM
1) Pretty much anything by Tamora Pierce, though it always becomes an 8 course meal instead of a light meal!
2) “Baby it‘s cold outside” for reasons.
3) Yes, since it‘s just 4 of us, but I‘m pretty good about presents for my family-of-choice as well.
4) I never set any, but I‘m having a lot of fun planning some for 2018!
5) Kk.
1. #jryulebookswap and #bookmarkswap
2. Seeing my niece!
3. My local food bank
4. Umm... The desserts
5. 😷🤢😷🤢😷🤢😷
6. I loved it before I moved to FL, now I'm not sure
7. Not remotely
#litsyquestions @GypsyKat
I have just started using Serial Reader and hope someone in here can help me out. Have I understood it correctly than in order to read ahead, it cost money? If so, what does I pay for? To always read ahead? To read the current book? Something else?
It's time for #10Questions!
Thanks, off course to @LazyOwl for making this!!
❓Someone mentioned it on A facebook group and I decided to check it out
❓10, my grandfather had just passed and I needed something to distract me.
❓Harry Potter, the series that made me fall in love with reading
❓The Sun is Also a star
❓Game of Thrones
❓Everything, Everything
❓Nothing, on the lookout though
❓Noo!! I'm broke
❓My English Teacher
1. A friend of mine told me about it
2. Gosh, not sure I remember. I've been an avid reader since I was a kid
3. Where the Sidewalk Ends or The Watchers by Dean Koontz
4. Not sure what the most current/recent book I've read. I did read the Alchemist this year and that had a huge impact
5. Once Upon a Time, writing
6. Once Upon a Time, This Is Us
7. Not something I usually pay attention to
8. 192019
9. N/A
10. Best friend
#10questions @LazyOwl
1. Liberty was raving about it on the All the Books! Podcast
2. As soon I learned to read on my own I guess
3. Nancy Drew and Little House series
4. Year of Yes
5. All things Disney
6. Riverdale
7. The Little Mermaid
8. Goodreads, Pop Sugar, and the Read Harder Challenge
10. My mom. She read to us every night and took us to the library often.
1. Friends gushed about it on Twitter.
2. Infancy
3. The Chronicles of Prydain
5. Exploring
6. I can't binge watch anymore, but I recently finished OH MY GHOST (at the sedate pace of an episode per day).
7. Anything drawn by Fiona Staples.
8. I don't formally join challenges, but I'm out to read every. Single. X-Men. Comic. (Not hyperbole.)
9. Nope
10. My grade 7 Language Arts teacher, Ms Boles
1. Suggestion on @DeweysReadathon FB page
2. It's always been there. Been reading since age 3.
3. Noel Streatfield's Shoe series, A Wrinkle in Time, Little Women
4. When Breath Becomes Air
5. Sherlock
6. Doctor Who
7. The Selection series
8. @hpchapteraday, #LitsyAtoZ, #MMDReadForFun
9. In the middle of a 3-month BOTM gift subscription
10. My parents are both voracious readers.
1. @MrBook
2. Before I can even remember clearly
3. Anything by LM Montgomery
4. The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi
5. Speculative fiction in film & television
6. Secrets of Great British Castles
7. The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter
8. None
9. None
10. My entire extended family. I grew up in a big family of readers.
1. Page Habit book club on Facebook
2.When I was little because I went to the library a few times a week.
3.Anything mystery and thriller
4.Milk and Honey
5. Obsession for True Crime
6. The Flash
7. The Sookie Stachouse books because of the original covers
8. GoodReads
9. Book of the Month Club
10. My mom. We both read constantly and have similar taste in books.
#10Questions @LazyOwl
#10questions @lazyowl
1. Brother randomly mentioned it
2. As a child. Always read past my bed time.
3. Babysitters Club and Number the Stars
4. Sugar in the Blood, Radium Girls
5. Traveling and baking
6. Friends, The Office
7. Illustrated Sherlock Holmes story book
8. #Lotrchapteraday
9. No.. too expensive for me
10. My mom and brother.
1 Book Riot
2 When I was about 10
3 Watership Down and The Last Unicorn
4 The Ocean At The End of The Lane
5 Doctor Who
6 American Ripper
7 The Barnes and Noble edition of Interview with the Vampire
8 #awesomeautumnbooks
9 BOTM, The Nocturnal Readers box, Page Habit and Read Dog. I have a problem.
10 my Meme
#10questions @LazyOwl
1. Coworker
2. 3rd grade
3. Little House series
4. Milk and Honey
5. Puzzles, Disney
6. Supernatural
7. Winnie the Pooh
8. None
9. No... I don't know any
10. My 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Johnson
#10questions @LazyOwl
#10questions @LazyOwl
1. Book Riot fb post
2. my mid-20s
3. #ToKillaMockingbird
4. #InfiniteJest
5. making jewelry
6. GoT
7. #Saga series
8. Goodreads (met my 2017 goal of 65 in July, so now trying for 100), plus I set my own specific reading goals each year
9. nope
10. my husband 💕
1. @britt_brooke
2. In elementary school
3. #AnneofGreenGables and To Kill a Mockingbird
4. A Man Called Ove
5. #BigBrother on CBS and my #schnauzers
6. #TheSinner
7. So many, but most recently #EmmyAndOliver
8. #AwesomeAutumnBooks photo challenge
9. #BOTM 📚
10. My late grandmother and late aunt Felicia 💕
1. Saw a Facebook post about it, and then my friend @Ross encouraged me to join
2. Birth?
3. Babysitters Club, Boxcar Children, Enid Blyton
4. The New Jim Crow
5. So many. Star Trek, Doctor Who, Firefly, Buffy, Star Wars
6. The Good Place
7. I am obsessed with picture books, so this is too hard.
8. #LitsyatoZ, #Litsybingo, #Popsugar, #ReadHarder, #Goodreads
9. Nope
10. My dad
1. Saw it on Instagram/I love talking about books. 2. Age 2? 3. Harriet the Spy, Chronicles of Narnia. 4. The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner. 5. Writing. 6. The Good Place. 7. Cover: Ramona Ausubel's A Guide to Being Born, Illustrations: This One Summer. 8. 50 Book Challenge. 9. Owlcrate. 10. My grandma, posthumously. I read a lot of her favorite books as a way to connect with her after she passed when I was pretty young. #10questions @LazyOwl
1. Book Riot Facebook post.
2. When I was born.
3. Cinderella was the first book I read all on my own. Nancy Drew was life.
4. Hunger by Roxanne Gay
5. Crocheting, needlepoint, crafty things.
6. The Walking Dead, with my 11 year old. He's hooked.
7. The Essex Serpent
8. #LitsyAtoZ and The 50 book pledge
9. Nope. Because I live in Canada and the shipping costs are crazy.
10. My mom. ❤️ Thanks mom!
1 Saw an article about it.
2 Childhood
3 The Velveteen Rabbit & Choose Your Own Adventure
4 (Not including re-reads) New Jim Crow & Kindred
5 Star Wars, Legos, Jim Henson, and many book related fandoms (Harry Potter)
6 Game of Thrones
7 My Favorite Thing is Monsters (and I haven't read it yet)
8 #LitsyAtoZ #LitsyReadingChallenge #TBRBingo #192019 #Nonfiction2017 Read Harder, PopSugar, Goodreads. Will I complete them all, No!😂
9 No
10 My Mom!💙
1. @Liberty mentioned it on a podcast 2. I cannot remember a time I wasn't obsessed with books 3. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Outsiders, Dr. Seuss4. The Hate U Give and All The Ugly and Wonderful Things 5. Music-I have no talent but I'm a devoted and obnoxious fan 6. Blue Bloods 7. I don't think I have one 8. Too many to list! 9. No, I can't afford that 10. My dad #10questions @LazyOwl