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A Beautiful Work in Progress
A Beautiful Work in Progress | Mirna Valerio
Runners' vocabulary is full of acronyms like DNS for "Did Not Start" and DNF for "Did Not Finish," but when Mirna Valerio stepped up to the starting line, she needed a new one: DNQ for "Did Not Quit." Valerio has tied on her running shoes all across the country, from the dusty back roads of central New Jersey to the busy Route 222 corridor in Pennsylvania to the sweltering deserts of Arizona. When you meet her on the trail, you might be surprised to see she doesn't quite fit the typical image of a long-distance runner. She's neither skinny nor white, and she's here to show just how misguided these stereotypes can be. In this prejudice-busting, body-positive memoir told with raw honesty, an adventurous spirit, and a sharp sense of humor, Valerio takes readers along on her journey from first-time racer to ultramarathoner and proves that anyone can become a successful athlete.
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Everyone knows what is best for fat people, and everyone thinks they can solve our “problem” with some quick fix pill diet, or seven-minute workout, or a vile-tasting shake.

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Nobody ever achieved anything epic without doing the reqisite work, even if the work itself is humdrum, boring, run-of-the-mill kind of work.


I despised the book from the first page, but unfortunately I was at a point in my life in which finishing what I started reading was an absolute necessity. I‘ve become wiser since then.”


I truly enjoy this little gem after The Sympathizer. It feels light and easy, and I share some of her experiences when she started running.


I discovered what running really was then—moving unencumbered through the world on my own two feet.

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When you are minding your own business and the Halloween references find you 😂 🧡🖤

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CW: weight loss

I didn‘t make any August #BFC2022 goals but I have actually been making some progress I feel good about. I earned 2 new Fitbit badges for the first time ever and even moved my cardio fitness score 1 point. Seems small but it took 3 months to move that number. I‘m now almost in the fair category 😂 I am actually finding a lot of joy in being active again which is why I‘m glad the tagged book is my September #BookSpin. 👟👟👟 ⬇️

MatchlessMarie My September #BFC2022 goals are going to be to catch up on my Goodreads goal. Won‘t say how behind I am 🙃 I also want to shoot for an average of 12K steps a day and/or 30 active zone minutes a day. 2y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🎉 And great goals for September! 2y
Read4life Congratulations! Great progress. You‘ve got this. 2y
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I seriously love this woman! If I was into women, I might even marry her! I loved this book. As a big, curvy girl who loves a good run or a tough workout, I get this book. This book gets me. I loved hearing about Mirna‘s fitness journey and her own health issues that started her running seriously, and the various injuries along the way. I love her on instagram, and I loved her even more here. I really hope she writes more books.

GingerAntics This one definitely gave me so many great things to think about and inspiration to keep me going. If you‘re not the traditional athlete, this is the book for you. #MirnaValerio #audiobook #busbooks #running #haes #iamabadassfatassathlete #athletesofallshapesandsizes #inspiration #abeautifulworkinprogress 2y
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📸 from Mirna‘s instagram

A good read on how she started(+restarted) running, high school to prep for lacrosse, taking it up again as an adult after a health scare, to becoming an ultramarathoner. Realistic struggles. Tales from the trails. +how she became a motivational speaker and body positivity/HAES icon.

Ultra running is not for everyone, but that barrier shouldn‘t be size/gender/race, mental fortitude counts most. Mirna‘s a great example.

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It‘s funny because I frequently list off the things I am afraid of, and some of the things are just wild. I don‘t like to wear flip flops because I‘m scared animals will eat my toes. This is a solid list 😂 we have some, but not a lot of over lap (driving and diving… I hadn‘t really thought about wild boars though so that might get added in)

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I never got a police escort, but I definitely finished a 6k in the bottom 10% with a guy dressed as a hotdog on literally the hottest day of the year 🌭🌭🌭

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Book 175 of 2020.

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Some suggestions for African American History Month! I loved all of these books. There's herstory, history, and social commentary in here.

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I‘ve posted about how much I loved this book before! A Beautiful Work in Progress is my recommendation for favorite motivational book for the week 3 photo challenge. Mirna will inspire you to go out and doing something just for the pure enjoyment of it!
#bookfitnesschallenge #bfcr2 #booknerdherd

5feet.of.fury I love the Mirnavator! 5y
Crazeedi Sounds very good Mary ! 5y
wanderinglynn It sounds interesting. I‘ll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing! 5y
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Inspiring story of Mirna Valerio's running life
#everythingismovingsofast #timbittunes @Cinfhen @TheKidUpstairs

Cinfhen This looks great!! And I need a book about a female athlete so this is perfect xx thanks for sharing❤️🙌🏻 6y
TheKidUpstairs This sounds like an interesting take on an athletes story! 6y
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I‘ve been following Mirna for awhile and I picked up her book when it was an Amazon First Reads. I really enjoyed getting to know her better and race stories are always inspiring. It is so nice to focus on other than elites.

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This has been waiting for me to read and now seems like the right time. #reading #mirnavalerio #running #ultrarunning #mindfulness #meditation #focus

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Last night I met Mirna The Mirnavator! She is very inspirational and awesome sauce!! She knew me and I couldn‘t figure out how since I had never met her. She read my article in Experience Life in the March issue this year.

tammysue ❤️😊 6y
GripLitGrl Awesome!😎💕 6y
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"This body is fierce, beautiful, and unapologetic. It's meant to move through the world as it wishes: lifting, walking, and running, rolls and all."

Absolutely loved this book. Mirna is such an inspiration!

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Most important part of the new apartment is complete 😍 #shelfie

CouronneDhiver Looks great 👍🏽 6y
KristinaRay Beautiful! 6y
Nute Fabulous! 6y
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Cannot put this book down! Such a great read so far! #workinprogress #morningreading

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So excited for this one 😍 #running #currentread #workinprogress

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Well... it's still very much a work in progress... but this is my new "book nook"/library(/guest room.. you can't see the bed ?) in the new house! I've already culled nearly 300 books ?. I'll still need to shed a few more, but I fee pretty good about this! (*And* all the NF, cookbooks, religious, and humor are in a different room!!)
#JustSharing #BookShelfie #BookNook #HappyPlace #NewHome

LaraReads Looks wonderful! 6y
DebinHawaii Very nice! 📚📚📚💚 6y
Texreader Wow! How awesome!!! 6y
See All 12 Comments
MemoirsForMe 😍📚👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
CindyE09 #goals 😍😍😍 6y
LeahBergen Wonderful! 6y
tonyahoswalt Looks great! 6y
kspenmoll Fantastic! So many books! 6y
Avanders @LaraReads @DebinHawaii @Texreader @UwannaPublishme @CindyE09 @LeahBergen @tonyahoswalt @kspenmoll aww thanks everyone!! 🤗🤗🤗 It sure does make me happy being in there ☺️☺️ 6y
Gissy Lovely cozy place!📚📚📚📚❤️I wish I could have a spot like that but I live in a doll's house☺️it is so tiny. I need to develop an idea but I'm so bad on that. 6y
Chrissyreadit That looks like a perfect nook! 6y
BiblioLitten 😍 6y
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“Lean into the discomfort.”
I picked up this book for some running inspiration, but it is so much more. The author became known for running ultra-marathons and writing a blog called Fat Girl Running. After reading this book, I‘ll try to have the courage to call myself a runner and an athlete and continue to work towards my goals. Excellent pick for #booked2018 #bodypositivity #bodypositivememoir #pocauthor

Kaye Keep on going. If I can do it so can you. I will hit one year at the gym in 5 days and I just paid for another year today. 👍 7y
mhillis @Kaye Thank you💕 7y
Cinfhen Sounds so good❣️stacked and yay on completing your first prompt 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️ 7y
mhillis @Cinfhen Thanks!! I actually planned to read a different book for this prompt 😂😂 hope to still get to it 7y
Cinfhen Oh, I remember you posting that❤️that one sounded good too❣️❣️ 7y
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BookishMe I LOVE Mirna! Absolute INSPIRATION 😍😍 7y
mhillis @BookishMe I didn‘t really know anything about her before reading this. Running, teaching, practicing music, coaching, writing poetry 😍😍😍 7y
BookishMe @mhillis I follow her on FB and IG. I used to run and got to know through running news. After your post, I now plan to read her book for #Booked2018 body positive memoir :D 7y
mhillis @BookishMe oh good! I hope you like it! I need to find her IG 7y
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This audiobook — engagingly narrated by ultra marathoner Mirna Valerio herself— is captivating even a couch potato like me.

Kappadeemom I am in awe of Ultra runners 💪🏼 7y
Anna40 This sounds awesome! 7y
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What else does one read while in Chicago for the marathon?? Cannot put it down!

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If there's anything I love more than food and books, it is running and books. I cannot wait for this one. Mirna Valerio is an inspiration, and I am so excited to read her memoir I could practically burst. #running #memoir #weneeddiversebooks #wndb

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Won my first #goodreads giveaway ever! If this isn‘t a good omen for this month, I don‘t know what is! 🎉📚😁

JoeStalksBeck Hey could you send me your address to joestalksbeck@gmail.com? I‘ve gotten it lost in my other email ❤️ 7y
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Excited for this #KindleFirst September selection 😍 I follow Mirna Valerio's body positive hiking adventures on instagram and look forward to learning more about her 🌲👣 #mommyreads #hiking #ebook

MaleficentBookDragon Darn it! I should have chosen this one. 7y
alanacristin @MaleficentBookDragon i actually bought this before reading the other summaries and ended up going back and buying the true crime one as well since i liked the author's other book Murder City (though that one might have been more interesting at the time since i was living in that city, but fingers crossed this one is also good!) all the tbr 😂 7y
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