#SummerSouls Day 29: Definitely #Shells here.
#SummerSouls Day 29: Definitely #Shells here.
Absolutely loved this book!
Gilbert has guided me along, as I was so stuck with my own creativity. She guided & ensured me & reasoned, in so many ways, to keep going, if for no one else than for myself & for the sake of enjoyment, not torture or angst.
So eloquently written & spoken, I enjoyed the images I conjured up as she told her stories. So easy to.listen to.
I loved Eat Pray Love, but I loved this book so much more and in a whole new way 😍
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. I will provide no description and no reason for wanting to read it. I just do. Some will be old, and some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!
Day 2
Enchanting, motivational, entertaining, inspiring!
The magic of creativity for a fulfilling life.
“Only when we're at our most playful can divinity finally get serious with us.”
I liked the references to her friendship with Ann Patchett and Brené Brown.
"Best of all, at the end of your creative adventure, you have a souvenir—something that you made, something to remind you forever of your brief but transformative encounter with inspiration."
✨MAGIC✨ is my word of the year for 2023.
“Regeneration. Hope. Gratitude” were my words for 2020, 2021, and 2022. These words sustained me, and were essential to my survival & healing. But now, it is time to LIVE and remember the MAGIC in living. So this year, I will make Magic a priority. Making magic, living magically, and seeking out the magic in every day living.
✨What is your #WordoftheYear for #2023 ? #Magic
This wasn't the most exciting book, and it took me about halfway through to start liking it. In the beginning I thought maybe I wasn't the right audience because it seemed like it was meant for people who were too tentative to unleash their creativity. Once she started focusing on writing specifically, I began to connect to it a bit more, and even felt inspired by a few bits and pieces, but overrall, didn't love it.
Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.
Check out my book review of Big Magic on Book Interrupted‘s Manuscript Monday. https://www.bookinterrupted.com/post/manuscript-monday-big-magic
I listened to this on audiobook which was part of the problem for me.I can listen to fiction on because there is a plot that I can follow, but when I try to listen to non-fiction or self-help, it just feels like someone is reading a list of random statements.Aside from my own issues, I just felt like Gilbert contradicted herself at times. Devote yourself to your art—but don‘t take it too seriously. Don‘t make art your job—but I write for a living.
3rd post today! Steady 49steps! Maybe too much magic tea 🍵 Thank you‘ Paragraphe Library (Montreal‘s British bookstore) for this popping paper back, that was desperate to be freed from the crammed shelves and land in my mittens like magic!
The hard back was read last year! There is no denying that Elizabeth is my ‘Glenda the good witch‘ of literature. Her sentences sparkle in surprising threads of creative wisdom.👌✨
One of the best books about embracing creativity that I have ever read. ❤
Book #62: 🎧 Audiobook. I started listening this when I was starting a new creative project at work. I was reminded not to be afraid to show my work, and also not to be so attached to my work that I can‘t take feedback or change it. It was really helpful and I‘d recommend it to anyone in a creative field.
Refreshing and motivating, she's funny, positive and knows how to bring a smile to your reading face!
What a great book in creativity! Even if you don‘t subscribe to the more woo-woo ideas about where inspiration and ideas come from, she captures the feelings about it perfectly. There were many quotable phrases, too many to pick! I will definitely be recommending this to my “stuck” authors.
It‘s been ages since I‘ve listened to an audio book and this one was great. Like listening to a good friend, egging you on and some fantastic advice. I really enjoyed this. 👍
This was my second read of this book and every time I find it so incredible and helpful.
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is a book about life and living creatively. It is an intriguing read that will help the reader to view the world from a different perspective. It is an inspirational read and comes highly recommended.
When younger I used to read like a demon, these days I write instead when I am not learning herbalism, working on becoming self sufficient or talking to spirit! I have several books written & short stories to share. Building my author website I am looking for an audience for my work & valuable connections and feedback from those that know a good read when it smacks them in the eye! I am a big fan of the works of Elizabeth Gilbert...
Today's #thinkpositivebepositive #mondayquote is from Elizabeth Gilbert.
Spruced up my patio to be more friendly for reading and writing. I have three chairs out here, but this is where my dog insists on being while I read.
I enjoyed this book and how she looks at creative living. She strips away the seriousness of it and injects playfulness, fun and magic. It‘s not a matter of you should create, but you could create and what would that look like. I also love how she says how the idea will find another outlet if you choose not to accept the challenge. It was an enjoyable read and I‘d recommend it for anyone in the process of putting something out there in the world.
your soul has been waiting
for you to wake up
to your own existence for years
Create whatever causes
a revolution in your heart
my soul desires only one thing: wonder
it quiets the hungry ghost
any motion whatsoever beats inertia
inspiration will always be drawn to motion
trust that if you make enough of a glorious commotion eventually inspiration will find its way
home to you again
Liz Gilbert breaks down some dated notions. I love that she encourages people to embrace even mundane creativity & not demand that it be significant nor expect it to financially support the artist. Her approach should be available to all who have an open mind.
When I started my position as a program and outreach coordinator at my library things were pretty darn normal. 2 weeks later the world went into lock down. I applied for a job that was straightforward and normal! All the sudden I was thrown into the world of virtual. It‘s been a struggle mentally and emotionally but the journey has been so fulfilling. If you would like plz watch one example of my virtual life 🖖 https://fb.watch/3iTtLWw8BO/
Two phrases:
Progress over perfection
Done is better than good (from Big Magic)
These two phrases will (hopefully) push me this year to work on my own goals and challenges.
I've been going through alot of interview prepping and experiencing rejection alot more in a short time frame then what im used to. And I feel like it's making me retreat. Retreat in regards to my thoughts, in regards to being vulnerable and putting myself out there, showing people what I have to offer and what I bring... and just causing me to second guess myself. So im trusting that I picked this book for a reason. And im glad I did.
I loved this mini chapter in big magic. Its something I've been working on in general this year and so her writing this reminded me I have to keep pushing myself to talking to myself everyday and give myself positive affirmations.
Figured id get my pages in for thr day while waiting for dinner to get done
Cruising along in this book. So far so good ✌👍
Got my reading done in the early morning hours with the sound of the dogs and ryan snoring in the background.
Pure bliss 💜
I started the 75 hard challenge for the month of October and one of the things you must complete everyday is 10 pages of a personal development book.
So I started with this one that I've had since it was released but never read it.
If you have recommendations for other personal development books, im def open to other ones to read after this one!
This book is one that‘s been floating around on my TBR for a while. I wish this book had been around when I was in my early 20s. As I‘m now in my mid-40s, I think I‘ve already learned many of the lessons and ideas she brings across here. But even though I didn‘t feel it added any real value and only validated my own thoughts/ideas, I still think this is a good book for anyone to read on living a creative, authentic life.
#nonfiction2020 #education This was really inspiring and insightful, and authors voice is calm yet energizing at the same time. She includes her thoughts on fine arts (writing) MBA‘s - that they‘re not worth the $, you‘re better off just continuing to create, create, create, and finding your own peeps to inspire creating with.
I loved this book. It was such a fantastic, joyful read. Just what I needed in these desperate, sad corona times.
The quote by the author's mother? " Done is better than good" is something to live by.
The little brother story was sweet & made me laugh like a child. Give this book a go. You won't regret it.
Definitely an Invest grade book & for the artistic types this definitely is a heirloom grade book.
Maybe the reason this book sat unread on my shelves was because the world knew I needed to save it for a time it would be just what I needed to consume. If in this crazy world right now, you feel your creativity is waning, Elizabeth‘s words here might be right for you, too.
1. 80 degrees and sunny. So sunny . I went outside to read and was blinded by the light. This vampire hissed and skulked back into her cave .
2. Tulips, Roses and all the herbs
3. Tagged. And for fiction The Girl Who Drank The Moon! 🌝
Thanks for the tag @AsYouWish !!
Tagging @litenthusiast
This wasn‘t a terrible read, but it did take me a long time to be motivated to finishing. Had some really good points about living a creative life which I enjoyed.