In a world gone quite mad I share with you one of my latest wee poems #poetry #poetrylovers #poet
In a world gone quite mad I share with you one of my latest wee poems #poetry #poetrylovers #poet
Been playing with words and typography of late. And dipping my toe into the creative world of NFT's - the next big thing for publishing. For more I invite you to checkout my Twitter @QueenieBeeTC Enjoy your day ♥ #poetry #poetrylovers
Buy my book and I'll be your best friend forever ;)
To get onto a bestseller list an author has to sell between 5-10K books in one week. Unless a new indie author has finances behind them this is highly unlikely to ever happen. Once a writer has a modicum of success things become easier. So, like much in our world, it is not always those with most to offer who shine. This is depressing as many talented creators across the arts fall through the cracks due to lack of cash. www.linda-laforge.com
Being creative can be an unholy lonely gig, but my writing days are brightened by these funny-furry- chumps! www.linda-laforge.com
So, it toom me 2 years to write and fine tune my first novel, Cold Heart in Eden. Then I designed the jacket and built my author website. And produced a short book trailer. It has been 3 weeks since I self published and I have had 3 sales. No family or friends have supported me on this journey. Sadly I do not have the means to pay for book promotion. Sometimes I despair. It sure isnt easy being creative. www.linda-laforge.com
And this is what I see when I step out my front gate. Nature is my comfort and medicine in dark days... And writing! #nature #rural #countryside #herbalism #foraging #offgrid #defiance #truth #love #light #faith #hope #resistance
In troubled times nature heals both literally and metaphorically - physical and spiritual sustenance with sprinkles :) And to super charge, a person can always read a fine yarn under a majestic tree!
When lost for words I wander, and wonder in nature appreciating beauty in the details.
Inspiration is upon the breeze as bees and bugs are making busy in the sunshine.
I have just published my first novel Cold Heart in Eden, and launched my author website: https://www.linda-laforge.com I invite you to visit and see if my work floats your boat!
#1001books #reading1001 #litsybookclub
If you like your romance raunchy, and with intrigue you might just appreciate my book! :) I also have three other books in the pipeline which might appeal should Cold Heart in Eden not be your thing.
If you enjoy your romance with edge, spice and a twist or two my new book, Cold Heart in Eden, might be your cup o' chai?! www.linda-laforge.com
I am an author looking for an audience. Please check out my recently launched website, and newly published first novel, Cold Heart in Eden - and let me know what you think. :) https://www.linda-laforge.com
Other than Audible where do you guys hang out for a great listen? Recommendations please...
With the world deeply troubled, and change to our lives now inevitable i am striving towards self sufficiency. I am creating a forest garden for food and medicine. Combined with the Ruth Stout gardening method. The lazy bird garden! No weeding and eventually little planting or watering - gotta be good!
I am busy building my author website using Wordpress. I am no expert but have managed to teach myself via the internet, and the book WordPress For Dummies. Many years ago I taught myself Photoshop using another 'For Dummies' publication. Above is one of my illustrations created using this software. These books, I recommend them to all :)
I read this book about thirty years ago, when in my twenties, and thought it 'da bomb!' Been considering netting myself a cooy to re read now but fear it may not live up to my memory. Have you ever been disappointed when revisiting a favourite read? Should I do this or let it remain a fond recollection!?
Sunday is the day I try out my new steam distillery setup for essential oils and browse my many books on herbalism, essential oils and forest gardens. I will also go out and about, and forage for wild rose - the petals of which are kick ass medicine...
This is to be my next purchase as i am having limited success growing, and maintaining, healthy herbs in my neck of the woods. And I require them to make kickass medicinal tinctures... Any other recommendations folks?
In troubled times I am teaching myself herbalism as I assume authority over my own body & wellbeing. I gather reference books. I gather herbs in hedgerows. Nicholas Culpepper is an acclaimed figure historically in the field of herbalism and his works both amuse & educate. I reccommend Culpeppers Complete Herbal to any thinking to kick Big Pharma to touch! & who'da known - Dock Leaves are edible? - But dont take my word for it, do the research.
I have much to do in my greenhouse, & garden - & dare not open a book for fear of being hijacked by the pesky consonants and vowels that lurk between their covers! Instead, I must be content browsing my reference books and gathering inspiration for the book I am writing about my gardening adventures, & foray into snail farming. 'All Good Things in The Gastropod Garden' is a gentle, slow meander through the seasons on our homestead in Bulgaria.
I tend to listen to most of my books these days and this particular one was superbly narrated. A harrowing tale of the human spirit triumphing in adversity it is uplifting whilst being sombre. I highly recommend it to those not looking for a light read!
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is a book about life and living creatively. It is an intriguing read that will help the reader to view the world from a different perspective. It is an inspirational read and comes highly recommended.
One of my go to authors and life teachers is the sadly now deceased Dr Wayne Dyer. His works are extensive & help us to understand our world and true essence of being. My own writing is influenced by the esoteric in tales that are difficult to strictly categorize. I have two books written & awaiting self publishing once i have a small audience - The Erotic Hotel & Mama, Mama are you there? In the meantime I highly recommend any book by Dr Dyer.
When younger I used to read like a demon, these days I write instead when I am not learning herbalism, working on becoming self sufficient or talking to spirit! I have several books written & short stories to share. Building my author website I am looking for an audience for my work & valuable connections and feedback from those that know a good read when it smacks them in the eye! I am a big fan of the works of Elizabeth Gilbert...