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Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind"
Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind" | Alexandra Ripley
32 posts | 77 read | 17 to read
The timeless tale continues... The most popular and beloved American historical novel ever written, Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind is unparalleled in its portrayal of men and women at once larger than life but as real as ourselves. Now bestselling writer Alexandra Ripley brings us back to Tara and reintroduces us to the characters we remember so well: Rhett, Ashley, Mammy, Suellen, Aunt Pittypat, and, of course, Scarlett. As the classic story, first told over half a century ago, moves forward, the greatest love affair in all fiction is reignited; amidst heartbreak and joy, the endless, consuming passion between Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler reaches its startling culmination. Rich with surprises at every turn and new emotional, breathtaking adventures, Scarlett satisfies our longing to reenter the world of Gone With the Wind, and like its predecessor, Scarlett will find an eternal place in our hearts.
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I finally finished this book!!! The story was drugged out. It shouldn't have took me 4 months to read this book. I didn't enjoy this book like I did with Gone with the Wind. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.

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(1991) This was the bestselling novel in the U.S. for 1991 and ... ugh.

I did not like it. But it wasn't likely that I would, since I dislike Gone With the Wind in a way that's hard to describe but "overrated Lost Cause propaganda" scratches the surface. This has less Lost Cause propaganda, but nevertheless fails to be a better book.

(Clearly, I'm not the target audience. So ymmv, etc.)

Karisimo I read back in 1991 (I was in highschool) and liked it, but wonder if I would feel the same now?! I suspect not! 8mo
DocBrown The '90s were such a weird time bookwise. Anyone remember The Celestine Prophecy? 8mo
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CatLass007 My Dad gave me a copy as a gift. I thought it was awful. 8mo
swynn @Karisimo Rereading old favorites is so unpredictable. I'll be interested in your thoughts if you'd ever decide it's worth 800+ pages to find out. 8mo
swynn @DocBrown I do! Never read it, but from talk about it I couldn't see the appeal. But the '60s had the bizarre Jonathan Livingston Seagull, and the 2000's had The Shack; it's not just the 90s for strange book fads. 8mo
swynn @Ruthiella Funny you should mention that: BOMC was the bestselling book of 1993, so I'll be reading it soon. (Actually *rereading* it so I know what I'm getting into but at least it's short.) 8mo
swynn @CatLass007 Exactly this is why I rarely get books as gifts unless I'm very sure ... 8mo
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Dear authors, please don't start your 800-plus-pagers with "This will be over soon ..."

I can tell it's a lie.

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 9mo
ChaoticMissAdventures 😂 no they didn't 😂 9mo
La_Cori 😂😂😂 9mo
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TheBookgeekFrau 😂😂 9mo
bthegood 😂 😂 9mo
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Glad to be done with this book. Obviously not as good as the original and wayyyy too long. Scarlett is annoying for a good portion of the book. I did not need all her inner thoughts on every event in the book. Some plot points don‘t get resolved which is just unacceptable for a book of this length.

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My mother loved Gone With the Wind. I grew up watching it so often I knew every line. But I never saw the love story in it. I always saw it as sad. This book fixes the things I disliked about Gone With the Wind. Plus half of it takes place in Ireland which makes it a fun read as we approach St. Patrick‘s Day. #ireland #stpatricksday

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Spending a quiet afternoon catching up with my reading. #readingbuddy

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I put my board together but I decided to start with Scarlett even though it‘s not one of the #bookspin picks this month. Since March is St. Patrick‘s Day month I want to read Scarlett because of the Irish setting. #stpatricksday #imirish #irish

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Today's selection for my Little Free Library. I was delighted to see that I've had a new patron who even left a note in my guest book. 📚💗

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It‘s official ~ Little Free Library charter # 92014! 📚🔖📖(tagged book is one of the choices available inside)

jb72 Wow! That‘s awesome! I hope to build one someday. Congratulations 🎈 5y
LibrarianRyan Yeahhhh 5y
TheAromaofBooks I keep wanting to put one up here in my small town!! Maybe I will have my husband work on it as a winter project. ;-) 5y
Princess-Kingofkings @TheAromaofBooks You should...he should...it has brought me so much joy! 5y
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I loved the book Gone with the wind! It was one of my favourites! I have also seen the movie which I really liked. But Scarlett is my favourite...I don't know why but I really liked her more in this book...

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Thrift stores are the best places to get books! This lot cost me $22

Sweetkokoro Lovely haul! I would buy my books from my local thrift stores but everyone I have been to writes the price with a black permanent marker on either the side or cover and that ruins it for me. 5y
Shaneyney @Sweetkokoro that‘s messed up! Have you said anything to them? 5y
Sweetkokoro I tried asking one once and they just shrugged it off and didn‘t have an answer for me. The thrift stores in my area aren‘t really the best. 5y
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Has anyone read this? I remember watching the mini-series years ago.

Cortg Yep! Not nearly as good as Gone with the Wind but I didn‘t want GWTW to end so it satisfied me. 6y
TorieStorieS I haven‘t read this in years but it was a favorite of mine for a while- but I am a huge Scarlett and Rhett fan!! 6y
Amie I read it years ago, like probably soon after it was published. I loved it then but I was a much younger and very different person, so I don't know what I would think of it now 😀 6y
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Mollyanna I read it years ago too. It was an entertaining read, but not on the same level as GWTW in my opinion. I am glad I read it though. 6y
Shaneyney Not the same caliber as Gone with the Wind, but I felt the author did a good job of wrapping up great story that kind of left us hanging 6y
GypsyKat I‘ve loved Gone With the Wind since I first saw the movie at 6 years old, and the book since I was 15. I read this one years ago and remember being disappointed in it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
toofondofbooks I read it back when it was first published and remember wishing I hadn't bc it was no where close to as good as GWTW 6y
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My favorite book character is Scarlett O‘Hara from Gone With The Wind. I just love that spunky girl!

#favoritecharactername #readingresolutions @Jess7 #may

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For those who love Gone With the Wind, the sequel (not written by Margaret Mitchell!) is on sale today for $3.99. There are mixed reviews and feelings about this book, but personally, coming from someone whose favorite book is GWTW, I‘ve always really enjoyed this one. It‘s been awhile since my last reread so I‘m happy I stumbled across this!



Wife I read this when it first came out. I can‘t really remember anything about it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
Cinfhen Dargusch girls where do you stand on the sequel??? For or against?!? @Mdargusch @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola 6y
Cinfhen And no, I‘m NOT reading it!!!!! 6y
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benchley1 I really didnt like this book, the miniseries was epic, so bad and so good. The Rhett Butler book though I loved 6y
Mdargusch Of course I read this and I think any GWTW fan probably should. But it doesn‘t compare to the original. 6y
Zelma I read this as a teenager and loved it. It felt epic and over dramatic and like a soap opera. I know it‘s nothing like GWtW but it was still a lot of fun. 6y
Reviewsbylola I like that this was endorsed by MM‘s estate. I thought it was well written and I enjoyed it but it wasn‘t what I would have personally wanted Scarlett‘s life to evolve into. It‘s way better than any other GWTW “knock off”, that‘s for sure! @Cinfhen 6y
Cinfhen Nice to know it met with both of your seals of approval @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola 6y
emilyhaldi Lol @Cinfhen but I haven‘t read it either- you sure you don‘t want to do a buddy read?! 6y
Cinfhen Ha better chance reading this one than ever reading #Dunces again @emilyhaldi 6y
emilyhaldi Ouch @Cinfhen that hurts!! 💔 6y
Cinfhen Sorry 🙈 @emilyhaldi and sorry for hijacking your post, Jen💕How‘s the baby doing???? 6y
emilyhaldi It‘s ok!! @Cinfhen I‘ve hated on quite a few of your fav books too- we can still be friends 😄 and hi!!! Jen 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 I have been known to hijack a few posts in my time here on litsy😬 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Cinfhen @emilyhaldi lol no worries! I always welcome a dialogue about GWTW! I understand the mixed feelings about this one but I always liked it. I‘ve never been able to finish Rhett Butler‘s People or the one about Mammy. And Jace is doing better, hopefully coming home in a couple of days! 💚 6y
Cinfhen Glad to hear he‘s improving, I bet you can‘t wait 🤗🤗🤗 6y
Mdargusch I hope he gets home soon! 💙 I just finished The attachments and I ended up loving it! You gave me a great list of books! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Mdargusch awesome, I‘m glad you liked it! I remember staying up til 5 in the morning one day to read that. I just started The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie today. And thank you! He was supposed to come home today but not gonna happen, going crazy here! Hopefully he gets home within the next few days. 💚 6y
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Happy, Happy Easter, indeed! I'm overjoyed by all the things @Chasing_Pages was kind enough to get me. Wonder Woman, Harry Potter, chocolate, books, need I say more?
Love it all! Thank you and Happy Easter, everyone!

Gissy 📚😍❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Chasing_Pages Yay! I hope you enjoy everything! 6y
JoRead @Chasing_Pages 😍😍😍 6y
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I was one of the winners of the raffle tonight at the event!

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GypsyKat I love Gone With The Wind, it's too bad this sequel wasn't any good. 7y
JacintaMCarter @GypsyKat I bought this book right after I read Gone With the Wind, but I keep putting off actually reading it. 7y
GypsyKat @JacintaMCarter Did you ever read it? And I'm sorry if my opinion came off as too blunt. I have some strong negative feelings about this book, but it's still just my opinion. 🙃 7y
JacintaMCarter @GypsyKat I still haven't read it, mostly because I'm afraid I'll probably share your opinion on it. I loved GWTW so much, so I doubt this one could even come close to it. 7y
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Anybody ever go into a thrift store looking for books and find your all time favorite book on the shelf that you already own for super cheap? When that happens to me, I have to buy it. Already read all of these but Scratch Beginnings and own two of them but I couldn't leave them behind.

Jenni_Capps The Help 😍😍😍😍 my favorite 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks The Help ❤️ 7y
SilversReviews Loved THE HELP. Liked THE WOMAN IN CABIN 10 too. 7y
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Look what I found in my apartment's free area! There was also a copy of Gone With the Wind that I picked up until my husband reminded me I already had it. 🤦🏼‍♀️ This is missing its jacket, but still cool. Also love finding notes like this inside! 💕 I should really start doing this when I gift books.

Rachbb3 Score! 7y
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It's a pick, but it felt way too long. It never felt like a sequel to GWTW. It's an entirely different Scarlett.

Laura317 It definitely is not the same Scarlett. 7y
CocoReads I agree. You could totally read this without reading GWTW! 7y
Sace @CocoReads I hadn't thought about it, but wow you're right! 7y
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It's not GWTW, but it's a quick, entertaining read. I'm enjoying it even though it feels like I'm reading about 2 different people.

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I'm going to regret the hell out of this but I can't stop myself.

Amie If you're craving more Scarlett and Rhett there's also this one 7y
Zelma I read this as a teenager and thought it was trashy fun. Don't expect Gone with the Wind and you might enjoy it. 7y
Sace @amie have you read Rhett Butler's People? What did you think? 7y
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Sace @Zelma I read Scarlett in 1995 or 1996 and I can't remember a thing about it! 7y
Amie @Sace it's been so long since I read it that I can't really remember. Definitely not as good as GWTW of course. I think I found it interesting because just because it fills in Rhett's back story, and of course I needed to know if they got back together! 7y
Smangela lol I loved this one! But I'm one of the few 🤣 7y
Sace @amie I am going into it with lowered expectations. I know what you mean. I am just not ready to let go of the characters. 7y
Sace @Smangela I'm glad you liked it! I think I'm going into it with the mindset that it is not GWTW. Hopefully it will help. 7y
Rachbb3 I was thinking of reading this too! 7y
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So I recently discovered that I have 3 copies of Scarlett. One is going to a friend but if anyone would like this paperback copy I will pay to mail it to anyone in the US. Let me know if you're interested in giving this book a new home!

Mdargusch I have three copies too. I bought used copies whenever I found them to give to my family because I wanted everyone to read it. 😊I guess I bought a few copies too many. 7y
DogEaredBooks @Mdargusch it's good to know I'm not alone! I think I just kept picking them up at library sales because I remember loving it when I was younger and then the process repeated. And repeated 🙈 7y
Bklover I would love to read it! Just now rereading GWTW so it would be a great follow up! 7y
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DogEaredBooks @Bklover That's perfect timing! Please email me your address so I can send it along! My email is jessicabyers410@gmail.com 7y
Bklover Just sent an email! Yay!!!!! 7y
DogEaredBooks @Bklover the package was just sent you should get it next week! 7y
Bklover @DogEaredBooks Thanks so much! Can't wait! 7y
Bklover @DogEaredBooks I just received the book and postcards in the mail! Thank you so much!💖💖💖💖 7y
DogEaredBooks @Bklover that's great! I hope you enjoy it! 7y
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Nothing like Gone with the wind!!

KikiLovesBooks Ugh I read this when it came out and was horribly disappointed! Complete garbage! Original GWTW only, please! No authorized spin offs. Thank you. 7y
jfalkens @KikiLovesBooks agree! I'm kind of scared now tho because I ordered Rhett Butler's people from Book Outlet last week 😨😱😨 7y
KikiLovesBooks I think that one might have been better. Let's hope they learned after the first fiasco! 7y
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Don't even begin this book.. put it down and walk away.. the film adaptation is just as horrid. I have no idea what Ripley was thinking.

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Centrepiece at yesterday's Australian Romance Readers Awards dinner. #arrc2017 #romantsy

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I love Gone With the Wind and I love my little box. The GWTW sequel, Scarlett, is unreadable though. #threwitacrosstheroom #photoadaynov16

ValerieAndBooks I was very disappointed with this book -- read it when it first came out. 8y
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#Day11 #SomethingForSept I seem to have more red or off white books


#Day11 #SomethingForSept I seem to have more red or off white books


I threw this book across the bookstore it sucked so bad!