Finished! And very enjoyable as have been all the books in this series. Content notes for OCD/ anxiety.
#Pantone2023 @clwojick
Dipping back on into the Winstonverse, because comfort zone.
Something that I haven't mentioned is that I've been dealing with a rheumatoid/lupus flare going on months now. I just had my third shot of a new treatment and it hasn't kicked in yet, but I'm holding out hope. Happily we have a very quiet holiday season planned, because my fatigue and pain levels cannot cope with any more. Other AI folks : I see you.
On my hook : same as before!
BEAU!! Oh man, you almost surpassed Cletus but it was a close tie. I can‘t sell this series enough. Each book is so cute, funny, and all the feels. With this novel, we get a few more twists and story movement. Things are shaking up!
Kudos to Reid for dealing with mental health issues in this one. As she states, everyone deserves to see themselves as the main character of a romance. We all deserve love. I can‘t agree more.
I have other audiobooks, but the bearded brothers take precedence. #currentlylistening
I am loving this series! All of the Winston brothers are unique. I have loved reading about all of them and the amazing ladies in their lives. Shelly with her OCD made this one more real. Great read!
I liked this one, but i can‘t see it being one of my favorites in the series. Getting to know both Beau and Shelly was nice, but all of the revelations about the Winston family were what really propelled me into the book. I‘ll be starting the 5th one shortly.
Book 1 of #DeweysOct2020 #readathon
There are, I think, 5 Beard brothers books out that somewhat follow the knitting club books. They share several characters. They are cute romantic, quick reads. I‘m waiting for the next book to release in the series...at least I hope there is another book because there is one more bearded brother and I‘m anxious to hear his story. The knitting club books are good too!
Beard in Mind by Penny Reid (Audiobook)
Narrated by: Angela Dawe and Chris Brinkley
Series: Winston Brothers, Book 4
Rating: 3.5 Stars - A perfect match for each other
Review: https://tinyurl.com/y9rdzu6q
#Audiobook #Review: Beard in Mind by Penny Reid. This series always makes me nostalgic for home, and I loved the depth of our main characters - Beau and Shelly.⠀
#bookbloggers #reading #romance #bookreview
What a great read.
I seriously loved that both Shelley and Beau had problems, were snarky, and ran from their problems as much as I loved reading about them falling for each other.
Also I think I like making image boards vs posting the book cover...
I would like to say I have been busy reading - but really I have been busy avoiding...
#FallIntoBooks #GuiltyPleasure #MindCandy #SorryNotSorry
I thought I needed fluffy romance but this book was surprising. It‘s cliche, but I literally did laugh and I did cry! The hero is still grieving the death of his mother and the long separation from his twin. The heroine has a complex diagnosis to overcome. What I like about Reid is her stories aren‘t formulaic. Just when I think I know what‘s going to happen, she pulls a switcheroo. She zags when I‘m sure there‘s a zig in the wings. So much fun!
Wow! Honestly, I never thought this series could get any better but it did. Every time I pick up a book by Penny Reid I find a piece of me in it. It doesn't have to be a main character, but something rings so true. In this book it was a lot about both MCs that "was me". Penny's note at the end brought me to tears. So true in so many ways.
#MashUp - which I try to keep spoiler free.
The heroine in this book is quite #vulnerable. But with the hero, she can #overcome her vulnerability because she would really like to get to know him and his beard and his #🌽.
#emojinov @RealLifeReading
#noteworthynovember @Jess7
#tuneintonovember @Cinfhen @Robothugs
Pic from Internet
Good morning Littens!
I'm doing some hand exercise while listening to my #audiobook. I have muscle atrophy in both hands and need to work on rebuilding. I never thought that a bit of finger shifting could cause sore muscles. 😶
Did I just read #Caturday anywhere?
My kitten is napping, again! This seems to be a comfortable position.
#audiobook #audionapping #audioknitting
Not exactly #birthdaycake but #cake.
Listening to this brand new #audiobook while knitting on a pair of wristwarmers for a friend.
#emojinov @RealLifeReading
I love this series and this story didn‘t disappoint.
Shelley is OCD and struggles with touching people. Beau has always been know as the easy going twin either of Duane.
I loved these two together. Beau wanted to be the one to fix Shelly but with help from her therapist they both learn that she will never be fixed but Beau can help by being there for her. I loved how he understood that she wasn‘t broken.
Dang Beau! Why must you make me cry with your sweet words?!
A talented metal sculptor/car mechanic, Shelly is hiding herself away because of OCD. After starting off on the wrong foot, Beau Winston is drawn to the brutally honest, socially-challenged beauty. Both try to break from their old patterns & cope with new changes in Reid‘s latest charming installment of the small-town Tennessee Winston brothers series (set concurrently with Beard Science). Old favorites Quinn & Janie make an appearance #romantsy
A heroine dealing with OCD. Reid (in my non expert opinion) is doing an amazing job conveying what it involves for the person coping with it and for those around them. #romantsy
My weekend at a glance... I am so glad I randomly downloaded a Penny Reid book after seeing a Litsy post because she is amazing! Her guys have me really bumming about the fact that my hubby can't grow a beard to save his life... think I could trade him for Cletus or Jethro?! #romantsy
Finallyyyy. I just know that I won't be sleeping tonight.
Started this last night, ignoring all of my library books, as a reward for surviving the week. This book is one of my favorites in the series, if not my favorite. Love Penny Reid. #romantsy
Penny Reid's best characters (for me) are quirky and fall somewhere on the autism scale. Shelly is grappling with a mental illness (OCD) on top of a highly idiosyncratic way of thinking. One thing I loved about this book was its brutal realism. There were a few odd aspects--why was she an artist? Wasn't it enough to be a gifted mechanic? His romantic history. Her confession. I'll leave it there but basically, very enjoyable. #romantsy #romance
Oh! So! Good! I think one is my favorite so far, really got me in all the feels! I always get a good giggle from her books but Reid had me tearing up quite a bit this time too. I loved Shelley and Beau and how they fought for each other without losing themselves. I like how Reid faces these tough issues head on without sensationalizing or making light of them. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Finally, release day!!! Penny is my absolute favorite and I've been missing those Winston boys! So hard to wait until I got home to start this book but it deserves my undivided attention. And sleep? Who needs it! Can't wait to read Beau and Shelly's story. #pennyreid #winstonbrothers #BeardinMind
Every book I think "no way could this be better then the last one" and it's always better! Beau & Shelly's story was awesome, heartfelt and quirky, as except. But, it was also dealt with some heavy mental health and family issues in a positive and realistic way. I ? this series and everything this author writes. #romantsy.
Penny Reid constantly surprises the reader with the depth of her characters and her stories. Shelly and Beau are no exceptions. For me they are as real as you or me. Beard in Mind is one book that you definitely should read.
Penny Reid does it again. Great characters, well written, with humor, awkwardness, and tears - I loved Beau and Shelly's story. And now my Reid-athon is officially over until she releases her next book, whenever that may be. *sigh* I feel a little lost.
I NEED to get work-work done today. I have a long list of stuff that MUST be done before I walk in the door tomorrow. It's 5:47 pm and I have done NONE OF IT. Instead, I bought the new Penny Reid on iBooks because you can't get it on Kindle until 8/1, but you can get it early on iBooks, and I've been reading all day. Guess who won't be sleeping tonight, because she'll be up working. #adultingishard #imakebadchoices #ihatemyself
💕 Just got this super cute postcard in the mail reminding me to buy this book on August 1! #pennyreid #romantsy