The third book never fail to deliver the same feelings that Book 1 and 2 did to me! I wept and felt for Hina. I was enthralled from page to page. Definitely a big fan of Lina Hearn‘s writing. Five stars!
The third book never fail to deliver the same feelings that Book 1 and 2 did to me! I wept and felt for Hina. I was enthralled from page to page. Definitely a big fan of Lina Hearn‘s writing. Five stars!
She's guarding my book.
#coolspines on this series. I love when spines come together to form an image. #riotgrams #bookriot
The adventure continues! I can't wait to see how it ends. 😁
This series just keeps on delivering. I'm obsessed with the detail. I'm pretty curious to see how this all wraps up in the final book. I'll probably put that off for another year so it never ends 😂
*whispers* Here we see Tia in her natural habitat.
Yep. I got caught being super focused trying to keep everyone's names straight. Didn't even notice 😂
Not a bad way to spend a Fall evening 😍
So I didn't plan on participating in the #bookisholympics , due to the fact I was supposed to be moving tomorrow. Thanks to an electrical issue my move date has been pushed back . 🙄🙄 If I can finish this book in time I can still earn bronze since I polished off more than 250 pages of The Night Circus this week. Since I'm upset I got my favorite almond milk on my way home to get me through this 💁🏻
This one went a lot faster.
This series just gets better and better. Every time I finish one, and have the agonizing torture of waiting for the next book to arrive, I think it can't possibly measure up. But every time I'm proven wrong! While this one didn't have the action as the previous two it just was as compelling. All of the puzzle pieces are coming together. The story is nearing an end and I'm excited, hopeful and already sad it's almost over.
This third installment of the Shikanoko series was definitely a little less exciting than the first two; it was, however, full of valuable knowledge and answered a lot of questions the second book had left hanging. I really enjoyed this book, and now that I know what I know, I cannot wait for book 4 to come out next month!!
BOOK MAIL!! I have been waiting for this one for months!!
SOOO EXCITED!!! I have been waiting and waiting for this!!!
Two appointments today so here's what I'm reading while waiting. LOVED the first two books
Squeeeeeeeeee Book 3 has arrived. I'm almost done with the first book and am loving Hearn's Tale of Shiksnoko series. Everything I've come to expect from her