Pleasantly interesting. I never thought I would like this book, but I really enjoyed hearing about her life.
Pleasantly interesting. I never thought I would like this book, but I really enjoyed hearing about her life.
While I certainly enjoyed Union‘s comedic side, it was her serious, passionate moments that really stood out to me.
I listed to this on as an audio book (I‘ve had a physical copy sitting on my shelf). I really liked this one. Union has endured so many things: racism, sexual assault, love, & loss. She has become an advocate for many different causes & has worked to make her voice heard as she makes space for women. I loved her honesty & emotion as she read her story. #bookspin bingo #nonfiction2023 prompt: Purple Rain (she has a Prince connection).
I was so pleasantly about surprised by how candid Union is about not only the difficulties she has experienced but also in sharing stories where she does not get portrayed in the best light. This collection of essays has it all- laughter, tears, serious reflection- exactly like a night spent talking with your best friend as you go through a bottle or two. Cannot wait to listen to her later book.
I never really considered myself a fan of her even though I love Being Mary Jane but after listening to her stories, I am in love with her. She really does go all in and tells everything, good, bad, and ugly ugly, with a perspective and sense of self that left me wanting more.
Gabrielle Union seems so real in these candid episodes from her life. She talks about her teenage life, touches on her marriage to Dwayne Wade, a bit of her acting experience and life as a celebrity. A great audiobook! I happened to finish this one and then had a gathering with my bffs where we took this photo and had plentyyyy of wine. 🍷 it felt like a fitting photo. I‘m on the far right in the photo😊
I've been a fan of Gabrielle Union since her 7th Heaven days. I always knew she was a great actress, but I didn't realize how truly funny she is. She writes with warmth, honesty, and humor, taking on the toughest events she's experienced. If you enjoy her movies, I highly recommend picking up a copy of this. And if you have no idea who she is, I highly recommend you watch everything she's been in and then pick up a copy of this.
This book feels like a boozy conversation with a friend, one that runs the full gamut and has you cracking open another bottle just to keep it going. That doesn‘t mean that it‘s fluffy or insubstantial. As well as exploring race and violence and sexuality, Union uses anecdotes from her life to discuss illness, death, fear, and vulnerability, too. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/were-going-to-need-more-wine-gabrielle-unio...
I really enjoyed this memoir. Union is a strong, intelligent woman, and it was very insightful hearing about her experiences growing up in a predominantly white area, fertility issues, helping to raise her husband's children (she doesn't like the word step-mom), losing a loved one to cancer, and more. I will be reading her more recently released memoir, You Got Anything Stronger?
Really loved this audiobook, which was wonderfully read by Union herself. Very real and raw in the best way.
Union is hilarious, but this is not a funny memoir. I knew almost nothing about her before reading this. She has dealt with so many extreme issues that you can't help but admire her strength. She's a rape survivor and has dealt with infertility, divorce, racism in Hollywood, and the death of close friends. It is a lot to process, but her honesty and vulnerability with which she shares her truth made the book hard to put down.
Very interesting and enlightening. I appreciated that she did not gloss ovsr the hard times and her struggles and also didn't try to make it like she is better than others or brag on herself. I loved that she chose to narrate the audio herself. Ive loved her in many of the movies she has been in.
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks need to finish 1 and start and finish 1 more for bingo.
#WondrousWednesday @Eggs
My favorite genre is Psychological Thrillers. I have read so many good ones that I can‘t say who has mastered it.
My favorite nonfiction writers are Bell Hooks and James Baldwin. Carter G. Woodson‘s Miseducation of the Negro is my favorite nonfiction book.
I loved it. Listened to it as an audio book. I love her and I love the real was in her book. Would do recommend to read.
I loved listening to her read her book. She‘s so real and open. A great look at the humanity and struggle of celebrity as well.
*Trigger Warning: she does discuss her experiences with racism, rape, and miscarriages.*
Thoughtful and thought-provoking essays that deal with fame, yes, but also race and sexual assault and marriage and being human. I very much enjoyed these.
“...you can be scared to death, as I‘ve been sharing these stories with you, and do the thing you need to do anyway.”
Loved this honest, unflinching memoir in essays. ❤️
Today‘s pick is a great memoir, I‘ve recommended this often, and haven‘t found anyone who disliked it yet...and yet I don‘t think it‘s ever gotten the attention and kudos it so rightly deserves. Gabrielle Union is so honest, so openly rawly honest about everything from her rape, to her infertility issues, her life in all its highs and lows and even with all of that her fears for her children being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A Must Read!
An honest and open book of essays about the authors personal life. Reflections on race, family, Hollywood, and a LOT of reflections on sexuality. This book was an easy, refreshing read.
Gabrielle Union is a national treasure, and this audiobook was wonderful. Right off the bat I want to give a content warning for rape. She gets very real about her experiences of sexual violence and racism, which I really appreciated. She was also so vulnerable and so honest about her own flaws and failures, and the hard-learned lessons that have come from them, which takes a lot of courage. I really loved this. Good call, @Eyelit 💙
I enjoyed this book with my favorite merlot 🍷
I loved this book she is honest, raw and she checks herself when she's wrong.
The funniest part was the yeast infection and the vanilla yogurt! OMG 😂 she talks about rape and cancer along with being a step mother. Pictured is my two favourite parts, This book is full of everything.
#readingmyownbooks #reading #lockdownreading #books #autobiography 🍷📚
"So repeat after me: I resolve to embrace my sexuality and my freedom to do with my body parts as I see fit. And I will learn about my body so I can take care of it and get the pleasure I deserve. I will share that information with anyone and everyone, and not police the usage of any vagina but my own, so help me Judy Blume."
Gabrielle Union is such a human gem.
Thank you @Eyelit for the rec! ✨
Loved the humor...and interaction with the reader. Very easy read. Enjoyed it...some parts we not too entertained and I could not relate to (e.g high school experience)
Finally it has arrived 3 week's late but none the less it here and it's my book for the #EasterExtravaganza #readingmyownbooks #booksiown
I wish Gabrielle Union and I were friends. Listening to her tell about her life has felt like spending an evening with a close friend, telling stories and drinking wine. Union‘s life hasn‘t been easy, and hearing her tell about her trauma was heartbreaking 💔
Could this count for a book about wine for #Booked2020?? @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft
I listened to this one and adored it! Gabrielle is a great storyteller, her literal voice is soothing, and she‘s clearly put in the work to have a lot of perspective on what she‘s been through. I‘m in awe of her strength.
I have been doing some #audiogardening today. Although, gardening might be a bit of stretch since it was done on our balcony 😅
Now I‘m all ready for Spring and Summer, with a (hopefully) flower filled balcony 🤞 I planted different spices (thyme, tarragon, parsley, sorrel and oregano), roses, carnations and hydrangeas 🌸🌼🌺
Such a fun book! Definitely one of my favorite Hollywood memoirs. More about her life as a person than juicy celebrity gossip, if that‘s what you‘re looking for. She especially focuses on her romantic relationships. I‘m glad she and Dwayne finally got their baby. 💕 #audiobook #scribd
“We can‘t afford to leave any woman behind. We need every woman on the front lines lifting each other up . . . for the good of all of us and the women who come behind us.” #audiobook #internationalwomensday
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Like all essay collections it‘s tough to like every essay. Some of the oversharing felt a bit icky - especially when some of the people she talks about are still walking the earth. I did really appreciate her reflections on race. If I‘d read just those stories it may have been a 5 star read for me.
Keeping it simple...I respect the fact that Union was honest about the things she chose to share. I just do not believe some parts were genuine and sincere. Although I truly empathize with the struggles she endured growing up, I believe she is still struggling to identify who she is, today.
A #blameitonlitsy read. Totally worth the hype. The best celebrity memoir I've ever read. She's incredibly candid about sex, rape, race and fertility among other things. 100% recommend.
Finished the tagged book which covers POC author for the #mandmchallenge2020 @BarbaraTheBibliophage
This book is on sale on kindle in the US today. I originally listened to it on audiobook from the library, but picked up the ebook copy for myself anyway today....because I know I‘m going to want to revisit this one at a later date.
I‘ve read a bunch of “Celebrity” memoirs & this one was so deep and insightful on many topics from assault, to race, & gender, I‘m forever disappointed it didn‘t garner the accolades I think it rightfully deserved.
My top 5 books of the decade (by genre) -- Memoir
Finished this tonight. This might be the most educational & deep thinking celebrity memoir ever. I knew Union was raped by a stranger but didn‘t know the story. I was very interested in her views about race& her concern about her step-children. It was touching to know about her struggle with fertility. I didn‘t think some of the sex stories were necessary-I feel like celebrities overshare about sex. Very good on audio.
I have Educated on audio & have listened to about 2 hours. But when I was cooking last night, I really wanted to start the tagged. I‘ve been on hold for weeks & don‘t think I‘ll get this one & Educated done in the time limit. I decided I‘d rather read the physical copy of Educated so will go back to it later when library hold comes in. It‘s interesting to hear about Union‘s experiences growing up in a mostly white school.
I'm so glad I listened to this, because the experiences in this book are what I need to digest, as I make concerted efforts to educate myself on diversity and inclusion.
Gabrielle Union‘s book is less of a memoir, and more a collection of essays that are honest, smart, funny, and real. I prefer essays over a memoir, and I 💜 this book. Topics she talks about include sexual assault and rape, her “black bomb” discussions with her family, racism, and infertility. She is candid and thoughtful, and makes some powerful observations.
#nonfiction2019 written by a POC. 8 prompts to go & I currently have BINGO 3 ways!
1. 🎧 book
2. Girl‘s night out at a wine bar tonight, hosting a few of Maya‘s friends at the pool tomorrow, hiking in Grayson Highlands Sunday, possibly hosting Dorian evacuees Sun/Monday.
3. Ben & Jerry‘s Chubby Hubby
4. Flute
5. 👍👍
“Here‘s to us being afraid, and doing it anyway.”
(A paraphrase of a Carrie Fisher quote)
I think this one is going to be much better than my last audiobook!
This book was so moving, I couldn't recommend it enough. I appreciate Gabrielle's raw honesty in her autobiography. She gave serious reflection on her life and admitted to all her mistakes, but also spoke up on how her industry and society has failed her for being a black woman. Her account of when she was raped and the strength it took from being a victim to a survivor was powerful.She has given me so much to think about in how to support others.
Without a doubt the most beautiful place I've ever run. No audiobook, I wanted to focus on being present. Got up at 4 AM to head up to Hopi Point and watch the stars (4 shooting stars included), dawn, and sunrise. Then at 6:20 AM I started my run down the trail!
#BFC check-in: got my 4 runs in this week and finished one book (tagged). Good week. 👍😊 #BFCr3 #BookFitnessChallenge #bookdragons @Hestapleton @wanderinglynn
While walking home from work today saw that my neighborhood popup library was finished being built! This little cutie is our tiny library until the original one is finished with renovations next year. I predict a lot of side tracking on my home in the future....😍