Enjoying the fresh air and a new book. Spring has sprung!
@RainyDayReading your book is coming home! Expect it Wednesday! #lmpbc #round2 #atleastmostofuswerealsoslow
I really love the #LMPBC! I just finished reading this, a book I never would have picked for myself and absolutely loved reading something so much out of my wheel house. I went into this book really not enjoying it, thinking I'm just going to push through and move on to the next one. About half way through though, something clicked and I stopped focusing on what it isn't and started focusing on what it is and was able to really enjoy it from there
I'm excited to start @RainyDayReading 's pick for #lmpbc! Thank your for the thoughtful gifts! The bee wind chime is adorable. Doggy treats not pictured due to sharky, greedy behavior interrupting photo.
Trying to read my #LMPC pick and someone wants to play instead 🙄😪 she‘s so hard to resist. Sorry Finn, my fur baby comes first 🖤 Even if she smells like corn chips. #dogsoflitsy
Reading this as my pick for the #LMPC. I‘m truly enjoying this one, but I‘m just having a hard time focusing on reading in general. I‘m guessing based on the email that I‘m supposed to send this out to you @whatsthEStorey ? I‘m going to do my best to get this read and sent out by this weekend, but it‘ll probably be sent out on the 2nd. Wish my head would just allow me to read and stop distracting me with other things 😪
Going to start reading my #LMPC pick and I found these cute little reaction tabs! Thought about using them to tab up the book but worried it might be too spoiler-y. What do you think @whatsthEStorey @VanChocStrawberry @Amanda61 ?
What a great entry into Urban Fantasy! Light hearted and fun, this was a great read and a fun way to re-experience the 80s.