Here‘s to all the women marching today. I could not join the Hartford CT march this year as my husband is ill, but friends I marched with 2017 are carrying my spirit there! #womensmarch2018
Here‘s to all the women marching today. I could not join the Hartford CT march this year as my husband is ill, but friends I marched with 2017 are carrying my spirit there! #womensmarch2018
My New Year's resolutions:
1) smash the patriarchy
2) read more books
3) smash the patriarchy some more
#smashthepatriarchy #booksarebetterthanpeople
Took a little break from wrapping to read this. (Really reread this because I realized that I didn't add it to my finished list). Loved this. One thing I wish they had done is to include a blank page at the end with a space for the reader to "add your photo here". I plan on doing that anyway but it would have been a great way to connect with readers who marched. Thanks so much @ReadingSusan for gifting this to me for #halloweengoespostal
This has been a super busy day spent traveling, stuck in the DMV and doing Halloween activities but I could not let it go by without opening my #halloweengoespostal package! @ReadingSusan put together a fantabulous gift! How have I never heard of the Soap Librarian? I stopped mid package and perused Why I March 😍and the journal is beautiful! You rocked it!!! @BookishMarginalia
"The images represented here serve as beacons of vigilance and hope." ?
Yep, definitely needed this one today. As if the week wasn't bad enough, watching the natural disaster coverage makes me feel like we've learned nothing since Katrina (or since the civil rights movement, or a million other landmarks I thought we had crossed, learned from, and were equipped to respond better to). As a famous journalist used to say: "Good Night, and Good Luck"
I am so glad I picked up this little picture book on a whim. Great photos from around the world, all royalties donated to nonprofits, a bunch of links to resources at the end. And I have I feeling I might be randomly flipping through this one again when I need a pick me up, or to feel less alone in this surreal world we find ourselves in.
And the back pages are filled with resources and links!
And the back pages are filled with resources and links!
Another great poster I hadn't seen before!
I love these images from around the world that day!
I have not seen this image before and I LOVE it!
X Busy
Practicing Witchcraft
Becoming a ________
What? Feminist maybe? Resister? Marcher? Rebel?
And some signs have all new layer and meaning since they originally appeared and where photographed 8 months ago.
Sadly, some things haven't changed since then...
Just flipping through this book about the Women's March in January. It seems forever ago, but it's making me smile a little after watching some horrible news the last few days.
Allllllrighty guys. I got goosebumps going through this. There's a big resource list in the back, and all royalties are going to nonprofits affiliated with the march. Only $15. This is the kind of book you'll want to get so you can show your grandkids, someday (if they don't already know about it!).
Also got a cool book about the Library of Congress and , a book I've been DYINGGGG to read about various women's marches that were held globally. The bottom note says "all royalties will be donated to nonprofits affiliated with the march". Omg. I have high, high hopes for this one. I'll share some snapshots of the photos inside. #plsplsplsbeintersectional #exclusionaryfeminismwashighattheDCmarch
This book is full of images taken during The Women's March on January 21, 2017. I attended a march that day in my hometown and it was inspiring to see photos from other marches from all over the world. The result is powerful and made me feel less hopeless and alone.
Cool note: all the book's royalties are being donated to nonprofits.
Yes. Yes. Yes. ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
Today's selection for "pick-up time" waiting for my boys matches my water bottle. Unfortunately I did not attend the march near me but I look forward to seeing pictures from here and around the world. It's so amazing!! #womenrock
Picked this up today at the library from the featured case. This book is full of many of the beautiful images from the women's march.
This book actually made me feel ashamed of myself. We had a sister march near me that I didn't attend, I had to work. My sister-in-law was lucky enough to go however. Shout out to @emilia
I feel like I as feminist could be doing so much more. I feel like I am almost doing a disservice by not being more active.
Not a bad stop by the bookstore
I love looking at everyone's clever protest signs, and I love seeing people come together in peaceful protest. But of all the powerful, emotional and funny signs, this little old lady with her "Not Usually a Protester But Geez..." made me laugh out loud (and would totally be my sign of choice).
Great record of the march. Loved the signs from Antarctica #Internationalwomensday #adaywithoutawoman
We aren't posting for 24 hours to support a #DayWithoutAWoman.
We support women everywhere of every race; ethnicity; sexual orientation; gender identity; economic/employment status; Native/indigenous identity; religion; age; disability status (physical/mental); victimization by sexual, physical or emotional abuse/violence; & immigration status.
We know everyone cannot strike but hope you'll join us in supporting it in whatever capacity you can.
Starting at midnight I am going on a social media blackout for a #DayWithoutAWoman. I am wearing red, not doing any paid or unpaid work, and not buying anything.
I hope you'll join me in whatever capacity you can. I understand not everyone can take off work, but please support the ones that can or can't and are risking it.
Here is why I strike: https://thebookfeminist.wordpress.com/2017/03/08/a-day-without-a-woman-why-i-str...
Picked this up at Union Books in Knoxville, TN today. 🙌🙌 It was a great bonding experience with the staff there who had attended their local march, so we swapped stories. 🙂 I love how the march has created a connection with strangers that I never had before, especially since I don't have that connection in my day-to-day life. And I just love signs! #whyimarch
I just got yelled at for bringing too many books over to our table at B and N (we're gaming). Humph. No such thing.
Awesome #bookmail that I cannot wait to share with my daughters. (The teen really wanted this one.)