Starting 2018 with some light reading 🤓
"...the expectation, now common among Democratic strategists, that the way to a win on election day is to troll the center right for the votes of the old “Main Street Republicans” and then presume that fear of a totalitarian right will keep everyone who stands to the left of center on board.”
This was written in 2011... ?
"From the beginning of capitalism, workers have struggled against the imposition of fixed working hours, and the demand for shorter hours was a key component of the early labour movement. Initial battles saw high levels of resistance in the form of individual absenteeism, numerous holidays and irregular work habits. This resistance ... continues today in widespread slacking off, with workers often surfing the internet rather than doing their job.”
I've been reading this off and on for a while and figured I should add it here! It can get a little dense but I still highly recommend. #anotherworldispossible #trysocialism #universalbasicincome
Way too young for me, although I would recommend to a younger reader! Definitely a fan of the all-girl cast and girl-empowering story! Just not my style.
Jumping right into this! Lumberjanes has been on my TBR for a while and I chose this to fulfill the "Read an All Ages Comic" challenge for @bookriot #ReadHarder2017 !
Eeeeehhh. I'm writing up a review for Goodreads, so I won't get into it here, but I liked the story of this book but not so much the way it was told. And it didn't pass the Bechdel Test!
Eeeeeee!!! Got a notification that Lumberjanes was ready for me to pick up at the library and Version Control was there, too! Now if only I can find enough hours in the day to get through all the books I have!
Rereading this as part of the @bookriot 2017 Read Harder Challenge. I've always feared this tale moving from fiction to fact and reading it again now under the DT regime is giving me chills. Resist! #ReadHarder #ReadHarder2017
"That was part of being a girl — you were resigned to whatever feedback you'd get. If you got mad, you were crazy, and if you didn't react, you were a bitch. The only thing you could do was smile from the corner they'd backed you into. Implicate yourself in the joke even if the joke was always on you."
“I waited to be told what was good about me. I wondered later if this was why there were so many more women than men at the ranch. All that time I had spent readying myself, the articles that taught me life was really just a waiting room until someone noticed you — the boys had spent that time becoming themselves.”
Second book started in 2017; first book finished. At times hopeful and terrifying, Frase presents some scenarios that could be our future as capitalism continues to collapse. I'm a huge proponent of the universal basic income and was glad to see it featured prominently in this work.
My last read in 2016 and a perfect way to get ready for the new year.
Current read! I thought it would go well with coffee because Seattle. 😏
My first post! Here's what I am currently reading. (Tbh, slogging through. But it's picking up finally.)