(Day 28 - #Footprint)
(Day 28 - #Footprint)
Goodreads recommended this based on items on my Want to Read shelf. Really?! This is why I've favored LibraryThing for years.... Luckily, it was relatively short—I knocked it all out during today's commute (and a little this morning during a sleep hiatus).
Watching the Ocean's Trilogy this weekend and I'm sad all over again that we lost Bernie Mac so young.
RIP Bernie! This was Bernie in all of his Bernie glory! If you enjoyed his comedy then you'll enjoy his memoir written near the height of his career he talks about everything. Entertaining throughout, easy to read and relate too. Not the best memoir I've ever read but fun.
Because only Bernie Mac would have a chapter with this title! 😂😂😂 What can I say?
I've been taking my time with this and it has been a great changeof pace. I'm sick which has forced me to take my time as well. Should finish later on today.
#litsyconfession I finished reading The Underground Railroad and Speak Gigantular yesterday and I was going to pick up Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Davis and I couldn't do it. I didn't read anymore yesterday because my soul needed a break. I read for a lot of reasons: I enjoy reading, it broadens my horizons and I love being transported into the mind of characters. But sometimes that can take a toll. Right now in this moment it was..