September #Roll100
I'm currently reading the 4 pick from August and have already read 79 so that just leaves 47: The Gray House
I've had this on my kindle for years so I'm excited to finally get to it
September #Roll100
I'm currently reading the 4 pick from August and have already read 79 so that just leaves 47: The Gray House
I've had this on my kindle for years so I'm excited to finally get to it
I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it. Some will be old, some will be new - don't judge me, I have a lot of books.
Day 95th
Join the fun if you want!
Well, there‘s 36 hours of listening time I‘ll never get back. Some reviewers found this debut novel charming. For me, it was somewhere between weird and annoying. Amateurish writing with no logical story arc until about 85%. And then only maybe. Pick something else for #Armenia my #readingasia friends.
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2021 #readingasia2021
I picked this up at World Book Day three years ago. The author is Armenian, so I‘m hoping to use it for #readingasia #armenia. That said, the reviews are clear … it is weird magical realism. And it‘s 36 hours long on audio! So far it‘s intriguing but I can see I need to really put some time into it and hopefully it will grab me.
Woo boy do we need to talk about this book! I have questions! Where are the adults? How do they get things from the Outsides? What about their former lives? When do they phase out? Where do they go?
700+ pages of constant confusion. I still don't think I fully understand what happened.
This was an award winning book in Russia, where it was initially published. A quick search online unearthed a healthy number of fans. This was a big reason I stayed with it when I wanted to bail. In the end, I must admit perhaps magical realism just isn't in my wheelhouse.
#wtf #chunkster #ReadingEurope2020 #armenianauthor @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
This reminded me a little of Lord of the Flies but with disabled kids. It‘s very long. The audio wouldn‘t hold my attention so I had to put it down. I chose it for “Women in Translation” so I may revisit it at a later date when I can focus better. The writing is excellent and I love stories where the house is a character.
August is Women in Translation Month, and I will take any opportunity to rave about this book. It‘s one of my favourite novels, truly. It has nuanced characters I was deeply invested in. I will admit it‘s dense and almost shyly obtuse, but it‘s a world you can really sink into, and it will reward a reader willing to spend time with it. I‘ve read it twice and expect I‘ll still be discovering its secrets on my third pass. #womenintranslation
I really don't know if I can recommend this one for all the reasons stated above. It was not a very enjoyable read for me. I had to bail.
Please read my full review here:
Having a hard time getting through this in the kindle app. Love the amazon #readtheworld giveaway, but i think this is a book i need in paper. Keep wanting to flip to beginning to check character names, and just overall hard for me to get into language flow w constant swiping. Plus this is an 800 pg book, but it's 3 or 4 x that in the app bc of the short digital pages. Also the litsy 'add image' module stinks.
I see that many are just enchanted by the story, but I honestly don't get it. There were a couple of occasions when I thought I finally discovered the plot, just to see that there is none. I made it through around 30 hours of the audio book and then decided that I cannot listen to this one minute longer. I tried.... I really did.
I have invested 15 hours into this book and still have 22 more to go... unfortunately, I am still pretty clueless what this book is about, but if I finish it, I can cross off #trilogy from one of my reading challenges. Help! Does anybody know what‘s going on???
I haven't started this yet, but WOW the cover.
I did you a little crazy yesterday at the World Book Day sale! 😣😣😣
Super excited to read more international fiction with free ebooks for World Book Day! http://amzn.to/2Gdw6p0 #readtheworld #freebooks #international
Sharing, because this is too good to pass up on!
For #WorldBookDay, Amazon is celebrating by allowing free downloads of 9 books!
I had planned to just grab a few, but couldn‘t resist getting all. Happy reading, Littens! 😄
"There is #nothing except the house." #quotsyjan18
The Guardian calls this "Rowling meets Rushdie via Tartt". I disagree. It's more like China Miéville and Chris Adrian rewrote the ETA parts of Infinite Jest (sans tennis), added a healthy pinch of William Golding and then went to Mark Danielewski for an extra dash of crazy. Dark, labyrinthine and complex, it's totally engrossing with a loveable (if psychotic) cast and a claustrophobic, brooding atmosphere. It's early but this is the one to beat.
This book is just utterly, sublimely bonkers. I have no idea what is happening or where is going but it's completely engrossing.
Saturday ♥️♥️♥️
I heard about this one on the Get Booked (Book Riot) podcast and I was instantly intrigued so I bought it...It's enormous!
Hey, fellow #WelcometotheJungle #SerialReader #readalong folks, our reading ties into this passage of my #NetGalley read! Tabaqui and Bandar-Logs!