How I miss Jon Stewart's voice on the national stage! Jon's ability to see through the bullshit and shine the spotlight on it is simply unparalleled. I listened to the audiobook and it was great. It made me want to take the entire journey with Jon and the staff again. I did seek out YouTube for the Crossfire interview and a few other things.
Really interesting audiobook! Love this show and learning the history and background stories was so fun. #audiobook
I love The Daily Show. I think Trevor Noah is doing a great job, but I really miss Jon Stewart behind the desk. This book was a really interesting look at behind the scenes and the creation of the show.
And I am embarrassingly fangirl-ing a bit that the author of a book I reviewed, actually saw and read the review. For some reason it always shocks me that they read those. 🤷♀️😂
This was really enjoyable. Love the Daily Show and it's cast. It was cool learning about the behind the scenes, and revisiting moments I can remember. Definitely covered it all. Very reminiscent of the oral history of SNL.
The narration was interesting in the audiobook, with the various readers doing good imitations of the different personalities involved. Very well done and worth the read. Recommended!
With an Oral History I think the editor/author/compiler's role becomes a little more apparent than usual, so there were some inserts/asides that irked me. If you're a fan of The Daily Show though these little issues are forgettable and you'll get great insight into the 16 years of this fantastic show.
Great book for all those who miss Jon Stewart. His ability to cut through bullsh*t with humor, insight and clarity changed how we look at politics and news media forever.
This book is a collection of small bits of interviews from many contributors of the show, including Jon himself, Colbert, John Oliver, correspondents, guests, foes. Lots of fun and candid moments, but it makes for a choppy read - it took me 3 months, but I enjoyed it. ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
Classic Jon Stewart. Cuts through the bull.
I miss him so much. 🙁
Well lots of comics & fun reads this month, about the only challenge progress was the picture book for one challenge & a few for #MountTBR All the "serious" books, were even fun non-fiction books this month. And for me personally 4 series caught up or completed (tons to go).
#ReadingStats #May2017 #MayStats
#LitsyAtoZ #NonfictionChallenge17 #LitsyReadingChallenge #PopsugarChallenge2017
#ReadHarder2017 #MountTBR #192019 #ReadingChallenge2017
I probably could have zoomed through this book in one day, it's full of great memories, wonderful behind the scenes stories and viewpoints of people looking in from the outside. Instead I drug it out, a chapter a weekend here & there and only when I got close to the end read straight through all in one day. Sadly, I found many points still incredibly poignant and timely today as our current politics seem to be revisiting many of the same issues.
This is about getting the 9/11 responders bill passed to cover their medical expenses... so sad that they made 300 trips over 12 yrs to plead their case in DC, but it still took media attention from comedians to pressure congress to do the right thing and support our country's heroes from a time of national crisis.
I love this quote..... probably way more than I should. But it's a bit refreshing in this day and age of the "like" button, and everyone aiming for a bunch of "likes" to hear someone say that some things are more important than being "liked", that in fact, they are so important you should talk about them even if it makes some people unlike you very VERY much.
Another one of these aside quotes about conversations at the time, that just seem so topical with today's news stories.
I'm sure when they were putting this book together, they didn't have any idea how some of it would resonate with things in the news today.
“If comedy is tragedy plus time, I need more fucking time. But I would really settle for less fucking tragedy.” ~ So say we all ?
"I‘m kind of relieved I don‘t have to say anything on TV about tragedies anymore." ~ I never really thought about it that way, but considering the amount of tragedy in those last couple of years, that he had to say something about that night, I bet that was a huge burden to bare, and more than a bit soul crushing. ?
Funny coming from an official media liaison....and they wondered why people started watching The Daily Show instead of the news news....and why the news media started getting a bad reputation as not serious journalism. 🙄
Jon's just getting ready to start filming his movie Rosewater, about how comedy bits can go so very wrong, and yet can give this very good and sound advice to another comedian "news" host.
“If I choose today to tone it down, if I choose today to shut up, tomorrow me and you and all of us will be forced to. And today what‘s considered a luxury will be taken away.”
That reminds me, I need to look for Bassem Youssef's new book.....
I remember those pieces, the interviews, and the fallout after....who would have ever guessed a joke comedian "spy" would lead to such a devastating conclusion. By the way, I've read the book Maziar Bahari later wrote about his ordeal....and that one's I'd recommend too.
"When we promised during the campaign, “Change you can believe in,” it wasn‘t, “Change you can believe in in eighteen months.” It was, “Change you can believe in, but you know what, we‘re gonna have to work for it.”"
*Still relevant today!
Awwww... back when we were trying to get healthcare passed 8ish years ago. 😢
So surreal reading it in today's context!
After reading The Big Short last year, I'd have to agree that that is the crux of problem, and the essence of the last financial meltdown, and since we haven't done anything to fix the underlying problem, it will also be the essence of the next meltdown...and the next...and the next...where the individuals with pensions lose but the big institutions end up making money before it's all said & down, and most likely (like last time) tax payer money.
Awwww.... I really miss Larry's show!!!! 😢. I still can't believe they canceled it and didn't give it time to grow a bit! I so miss his show and his POV....something that is sourly needed in our dialogue!
That may be the most romantic meeting ever! Hahaha, and in the most unlikely of places! 😂😂
How John Oliver meet his future wife...talk about a 'meet cute'
Classy lady! And completely understands the thick skin you have to have to be in politics. 👍
No hard feeling from the Writer's Strike even now, right.....sheesh, just a bit touchy there. But I have to say this makes me think even better of Jon Stewart.
And that is when I first heard the name Mike Pence, soon to be a future Vice President of the United States. Oh the memories! Who would have thought...seriously, who would have guessed from this early blip on the national radar. Certainly not the writer of this book published last year I bet, LOL
I still feel like too many news stories just "leave it there" and don't follow up. ☹️
"It's got to mean more than this." ?
This is probably one of the biggest culture shocks for foreigners with America (well this and portion sizes), and it's so much a part of our culture that we don't even see how odd it is to most of the world.
Still funny! And it certainly explains a lot!
#TBRTuesday What I'm reading now, and what's up next on my exponentially multiplying piles. Fingers crossed I can get through some of these yet this month. 👍
His name was Ari Fleischer...and his name will probably be remembered by me, just like his current incarnation, Sean Spicer, for much longer than I'm comfortable devoting brain cells to this information.... 🙄
Sad sad, and so telling of our inbreed prejudices...you only get called to read for the stereotyped role.
That's sounds like a great motto! 👏🤜🤛👍
These beginning stories of people joining the crew are so touching and funny. And props to JK Rowling!
This was a joke in 2000 - little did we know that Stephen Colbert was a prophet.
I picked this book up randomly from my husband's bedside table (I got it for him for Christmas, but he only read 6 pages). It was not on my immediate TBR, and the format is a bit hard to follow, but now I am hooked.
These were my reading possibilities I posted in the beginning of March, so how did I make out? ..... eeh.
Not my best reading month.
Hopefully April will be better. :-/
Some of these early stories about finding their niche, getting their groove are so interesting. LOL
#TBRTuesdays. I'll probably finish up Coretta Scott King's tonight (very good). And then I think I'm gonna take a break from the serious non-fiction for a bit and play some literary hooky, ie read just for fun, and catch-up on some of the series I enjoy. Sadly I could probably do that for the next month and still not catch up with all those series, LOL!
Trying to up my NF intake. After the PhD, I dropped dramatically and it's time to start ratcheting back up. This is a good one to warm back up with. 😁
The stories in this book are hilarious.
A fun walk down memory lane!
I'm calling this a pick because I really enjoyed it, but I'd only recommend it for people who watched the show a lot. The oral history format means there aren't many explanations of what's happening.