“It's all a little grim. 🇺🇸
I know, it's familiar.
I've found myself in your place. 🇬🇧
Let me assure you
things will turn out some way
better, worse or in unexpected ways. 🤷♂️“
- A Little Grim, by Ólöf Arnalds
“It's all a little grim. 🇺🇸
I know, it's familiar.
I've found myself in your place. 🇬🇧
Let me assure you
things will turn out some way
better, worse or in unexpected ways. 🤷♂️“
- A Little Grim, by Ólöf Arnalds
A Walking Library 📚
#Grim #ChristineJohnson #book #books #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogs #bookblogger #bookbloggers #bookbackpack #bookbackpacks #booknerd #booknerds #booknerdsunite #booknerdy #booknook #booknation #nerd #nerds #nerdsunite #nerdy #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult #Anthologies #FairyTales #Retellings #Fiction #Paranormal
Elise‘s blue eyes flutter open.
She‘s living.
We both are.
#Grim #ChristineJohnson #EllenHopkins #AmandaHocking #JulieKagawa #ClaudiaGray #RachelHawkins #KimberlyDerting #MyraMcEntire #MalindaLo #SarahRersBrennan #JacksonPearce #JeriSmithReady #ShaunDavidHutchinson #SaundraMitchell #SoniaGensler #TessaGratton #JonSkovron #book #books #bookjunkie #bookjunky #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult #Anthologies #FairyTales #Retellings #Fiction #Paranormal
#Grim #book #books #booktree #bookthief #booktopia #booktoday #bookyourself #bookunion #bookutopia #bookunicorn #bookunicorns #bookunhaul #bookish #bookishfeature #bookishfeatures #bookishlife #booksoflitsy #bookobsessed #bookobsession #bookoholic #bookoholics #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphoto #bookphotograph #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult #Anthologies #FairyTales #Retellings #Fiction #Paranormal 💓💓💓
High school is hard enough without having a psychic for a mom.
And no, I don‘t mean she has that uniquely Mom-like sixth sense. I mean she‘s literally a psychic. Reading your palms, telling you your future, all for the bargain price of fifty bucks a session (a hundred if you want a full hour, but no one ever does).
#Grim #ChristineJohnson #firstline #openingline #bookjunky #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult #Anthologies #FairyTales #Retellings 🤎
#Grim #ChristineJohnson #book #books #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogs #bookblogger #bookbloggers #bookbackpack #bookbackpacks #booknerd #booknerds #booknerdsunite #booknerdy #booknook #booknation #nerd #nerds #nerdsunite #nerdy #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult #Anthologies #Retellings #FairyTales #Fiction #Paranormal 💖💖💖
We both are.
#Grim #ChristineJohnson #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #bookjackets #bookjacketdesign #bookjacketdesigner #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #bookloot #booklist #booklust #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzine #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcollection #bookcollector #bookcase #bookcases #Fantasy #ShortStories #YoungAdult 🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎
High school is hard enough without having a psychic for a mom.
#Grim #ChristineJohnson #firstline #openingline #book #books #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #bookjackets #bookjacketdesign #bookjacketdesigner #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #bookloot #booklist #booklust #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzine #bookzone #bookxcess #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ShortStories #Anthologies
Grim by: Christine Johnson
#Grim #ChristineJohnson #book #books #bookxcess #bookcollection #bookcollector #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogger #bookbackpack #bookbackpacks #booknerd #booknerds #booknerdsunite #booknerdy #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ShortStories 💗💗💗💗💗
We both are.
#Grim #ChristineJohnson #EllenHopkins #AmandaHocking #JulieKagawa #ClaudiaGray #RachelHawkins #KimberlyDerting #MyraMcEntire #MalindaLo #SarahReesBrennan #JacksonPearce #JeriSmithReady #ShaunDavidHutchinson #SaundraMitchell #SoniaGensler #TessaGrattoon #JonSkovron #funko #funkopop #popvinyl #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookxcess #bookcollection #bookcollectir #bookcase #bookcases #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ShortStories #Anthologies
A collection of fairy tale retellings including The Three Little Pigs, Beauty and the Beast, and Bluebeard. Some worked well - I really enjoyed The Key, The Twelfth Girl, Better, and Untethered - but others were either too short and ended before they really got going or they just didn't work for me. A mixed bag overall. 3⭐️
High school is hard enough without having a psychic for a mom.
#Grim #ChristineJohnson #RachelHawkins #JeriSmithReady #MalindaLo #JonSkovron #SaundraMitchell #EllenHopkins #TessaGratton #JulieKagawa #SoniaGensler #ShaunDavidHutchinson #KimberlyDerting #ClaudiaGray #MyraMcEntire #SarahReesBrennan #AmandaHocking #JacksonPearce #book #books #bookxcess #bookcollection #bookcollector #bookcase #bookcases #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ShortStories #YA ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Grim edited by: Christine Johnson #Grim #ChristineJohnson #ClaudiaGray #MalindaLo #KimberlyDerting #book #books #epicreads @EpicReads #bookend #bookends #bookedit #bookeditor #bookediting #bookending #bookendings #read #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #bookreport #bookreview #bookriot #bookreports #bookreviews #booktoday #booktopia #booktattoo #booktree #bookthief #bookyourself #bookunion #Fantasy #YoungAdult #ShortStories #FairyTales 💟💟
Grim edited by: Christine Johnson #Grim #ChristineJohnson #RachelHawkins #JeriSmithReady #MalindaLo #JonSkovron #SaundraMitchell #EllenHopkins #TessaGratton #JulieKagawa #SoniaGensler #ShaunDavidHutchinson #KimberlyDerting #ChristineJohnson #ClaudiaGray #MyraMcEntire #SarahReesBrennan #AmandaHocking #JacksonPearce #book #books #booktattoo #booktree #bookthief #booktopia #bookyourself #bookunion #bookutopia #bookunicorn #bookunicorns #unicorn 💟💟
We both are. #Grim #ChristineJohnson #lastline #closingline #book #books #EllenHopkins #AmandaHocking #JulieKagawa #ClaudiaGray #RacheHawkins #KimberlyDerting #MyraMcEntire #MalindaLo #SarahReesBrennan #JacksonPearce #JeriSmithReady #ShaunDavidHutchinson #SaundraMitchell #SoniaGensler #TessaGratton #JonSkovron #bookxcess #bookcollection #bookcollector #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookclub #bookvibe #bookvibes ❤️❤️
Grim edited by: Christine Johnson #Grim #ChristineJohnson #RachelHawkins #JeriSmithReady #MalindaLo #JonSkovron #SaundraMitchell #EllenHopkins #TessaGratton #JulieKagawa #SoniaGensler #ShaunDavidHutchinson #KimberlyDerting #ClaudiaGray #MyraMcEntire #SarahReesBrennan #AmandaHocking #JacksonPearce #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #shelfie #bookstack #stack #stacks #bookstore #bookshop #bookshopper #bookshopping #booksale 💟💟💟💟💟
No matter what choices we make in life, suffering is always a part of what follows. #Grim #ChristineJohnson #book #books #bookfeature #bookfeatures #bookfair #bookfan #bookfandom #fan #fandom #bookfever #bookfrenzy #bookgeek #bookgeeks #bookgang #bookgiveaway #bookgasm #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #bookhaul #bookhauler #bookholic #bookholics #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #bookjackets #bookkeeper #bookkeeping #bookkeeperlife ❤️❤️❤️
Grim edited by: Christine Johnson #Grim #ChristineJohnson #RachelHawkins #JeriSmithReady #MalindaLo #JonSkovron #SaundraMitchell #EllenHopkins #TessaGratton #JulieKagawa #SoniaGensler #ShaunDavidHutchinson #KimberlyDerting #ClaudiaGray #MyraMcEntire #SarahReesBrennan #AmandaHocking #JacksonPearce #book #books #bookshelf #bookshelves #bookshelfie #bookstack #stack #bookstore #bookshop #bookshopper #bookshopping #bookdesign #bookdesigner 💟💟💟💟💟
Some truth...doing a little reading for my nano work #cunning #slytherintrue
High school is hard enough without having a psychic for a mom. #Grim #ChristineJohnson #firstline #openingline #RachelHawkins #JeriSmithReady #MalindaLo #JonSkovron #SaundraMitchell #EllenHopkins #TessaGratton #JulieKagawa #SoniaGensler #ShaunDavidHutchinson #KimberlyDerting #ClaudiaGray #MyraMcEntire #SarahReesBrennan #AmandaHocking #JacksonPearce #book #books #bookcollection #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcase #bookcult #bookclub #bookvibes 💖💖💖
A collection of fairy tale retellings, with a dark twist. It had me wanting to reread the stories over and over again. I loved all these stories.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #Grim #ChristineJohnson #RachelHawkins #JeriSmithReady #MalindaLo #JonSkovron #SaundraMitchell #EllenHopkins #TessaGratton #JulieKagawa #SoniaGensler #ShaunDavidHutchinson #KimberlyDerting #ClaudiaGray #MyraMcEntire #SarahReesBrennan #AmandaHocking #JacksonPearce #book #books #booksoflitsy
I bought this several months ago and have yet to read through every story so since it's October I'm giving it another go! #booktober #grimfairytales #youngadult