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Die vielen Leben des Harry August
Die vielen Leben des Harry August: Roman | Claire North
MANCHMAL IST EIN LEBEN NICHT GENUG, UM DIE WELT ZU RETTEN! Harry August stirbt. Mal wieder. Es ist das elfte Mal, dass Harrys Leben ein Ende findet. Und er wei genau, wie es weitergehen wird: Er wird erneut im Jahr 1919 geboren werden - mit all dem Wissen seiner vorherigen Leben. Harry hat akzeptiert, dass er in dieser Zeitschleife festhngt, auch wenn er nicht wei, wieso. Doch dann steht pltzlich ein junges Mdchen an seinem Sterbebett und berbringt ihm eine erschtternde Botschaft: Der Untergang der Welt steht bevor! Und das auslsende Ereignis findet vermutlich zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts statt. Harry, der bald wieder im Jahr 1919 sein wird, muss nun nicht weniger tun, als diese Zukunft zu verhindern ... "Meisterhaft erzhlt - ein bemerkenswertes Buch!" Booklist
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I actually gave this #DNF of 2015 a second chance… finishing it this time. Originally, I had wanted this to be the same sort of magically tragic romance as The Time Traveler‘s Wife, bailing 46 chapters in and feeling like the story had no direction. Knowing what I was in for (& seeing reviews that said the ending was more exciting), I stuck through it… but I didn‘t ever find myself enjoying it. I didn‘t like the characters & the meandering plot.

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
TorieStorieS @dabbe Thanks!! I love the tag!! 🤣 1mo
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Movie: The Adam Project

Klou Brilliant! 11mo
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I was about to start reading it in French when I saw that it was 0.99$ on amazon in Original Version .... I do prefer non translated versions if possible.

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The writing was so infused with tension and suspense that, even with slow plot development, I could not stop listening to this audiobook. Claire North is a new favorite author!

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#TemptingTitles #WithaMonth I‘ve read a few books by this writer and have enjoyed them all.

Eggs Sounds good! 1y
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🎧 Ground Hog Day ish.

For the first half of this book we jump around in Harry‘s past lives. It doesn‘t seem to make sense. We get bits & pieces which we are meant to put together. Then you DOH see the villain & after that the book seemed to zoom right along at break-neck speed! Ugh poor Harry.

I enjoyed this book & you probably will too … good ending!


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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cool cover 🖤 1y
Eggs 💙🤍💙 1y
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A slight pick and a good audio book if you want to just listen to something. It doesn't add anything new the genre and sometimes I got the feeling that there are some open questions about dual time lines. But it's nicely read and all in all isn't that bad. I like the ambivalent relationship of Harry and Vincent. Still, I have the feeling that I might will forget about this story pretty fast.


Not my normal genre, but very enjoyable read!

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Another new favourite!

Harry August keeps reliving his own life, but now the end of the world is coming.

I love the worldbuilding, especially the secret society of sort-of time travelers and all their traditions and customs. It also gets really tense in the end, in the best way.

#adventrecommends @emilyrose_x

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6-14 Apr 22 (audiobook)
A literary sci-fi novel.
Harry August is a Kalachakra - a person who is destined to relive their life again and again. Harry joins the Cronus Club, a group of Kalachakras which works to preserve the timeline and the world. But messages are being sent back that the end of the world is coming earlier and earlier and Harry must work to find out why.
A little slow, but interesting study of small changes having a big impact.

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Hazel2019 Cute doggie 🐶 🥰 2y
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I was struggling through this one. I was ready to give it up which is rare for me. Then it took off and sucked me right in. I was on a headlong ride and enjoying it. I'm not sure what genre this one fits in. It is a different style altogether. The first third or so seems to drag, but it quickly consumes you beyond that. I was glad I stuck with it. This was my December #bookspin. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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12 days in and I haven't read either my bookspin or doublespin. 😳😳 This is my #bookspin for December. Let's get reading.

wanderinglynn I haven‘t picked up mine either! 😆 3y
BookDadGirlDad @wanderinglynn I was wondering going into December if I could carry my bingo streak forward. Let's say....hahahahahaha...no. 3y
wanderinglynn I gave up on bingo a few months ago. Maybe I‘ll try again in January. But for now, I‘m just hoping to get my bookspin book read by the end of the month. 😉 3y
MeganAnn I really loved this book if that helps! 😊❤️ 3y
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An interesting concept which kept me intrigued throughout the many convoluted chapters. This is a book which requires concentration to keep the story straight at first but once the characters were familiar to me it got easier to follow.

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#TBRPile 📚 “The second cataclysm began in my eleventh life, in 1996. I was dying my usual death, slipping away in a warm morphine haze, which she interrupted like an ice cube down my spine.”

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Day 58.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Managed to finish Harry August this week and get about 100 pages into Pandora's Star. I also still have two books left to go in Seed to Harvest.

My goal this week is to make good progress on Pandora's Star and if the miraculous happens and I finish to head back into Seed to Harvest.

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Well this was exactly as advertised being a recollection of the first fifteen lives of Harry August. The way Harry tells of his lives is not linear but more thematically with those portions being told related to a theme or event he is pursuing. I liked that you gradually see how things relate and that by the last sentence you want to know even more.
This was my #CalibreRoulette pick for July.

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Even though the weather is nice and a good breeze is blowing there‘s too much sun for porch reading. I decided instead to do some driveway reading since the house blocks the sun and I still get that outside feeling.

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I‘m annoyed by this heat wave because I can‘t sit on the porch and read. Today I‘m sitting by the closed window with Simon trying to make the best of it. Please ignore the cat hair on the curtain this is his favorite spot to lounge. #CatsOfLitsy

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This week I only managed half of my goals by finishing Many Colored Land. I'm still in the middle of Seed to Harvest and about 20% into Harry August

My goal this week is to finish Harry August and Clay's Ark in Seed to Harvest.

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Starting this one while waiting for customers at my volunteer bookstore shift.

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When I put it all in one place I kind of feel like I've been overly ambitious with my #JulyTBR This includes my library books for the summer reading program, two months of BookSpin, and my CalibreRoulette pick for the month.

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“Death” is a reminder to hit reset. As when you die in a video game, you have the chance to start fresh putting to use what you learned in the last round. That is what Harry August does in Claire North‘s ambitious novel. The narrative weaves amongst his first fifteen lives as he learns who he is and what, if any, is his purpose. At one of his deaths, a message from the future arrives warning of the end of the world. Can he stall its arrival?

Meaw_catlady Woah!! Sounds like a great story!! 🖤 4y
Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira That reads really interesting, thanks for the highlight; 📚 add for me 😊
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2.5🌟 This is a book that I'm glad I read because I'll enjoy talking about it, but if it hadn't been for book club, I don't think I would have finished. The unique take on the repeating lives, “Groundhog Day“ theme was interesting and the plot was compelling enough that I wanted to know what happened. Unfortunately, there were many times that I felt the narrator simply wanted to hear himself talk, and the pacing needed to be tightened up.


Pretty good, exciting read

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Klou Love this choice!! It's a book that's high up on my tbr! 4y
EadieB @Klou I want to read that one too! 4y
Klou @EadieB have you heard about this other book by the same author? 4y
See All 6 Comments
EadieB @Klou No I‘ve never heard of it. 4y
Klou @EadieB it's another one of hers that I'd love to read. Sounds just as good! 4y
EadieB @Klou Yes it does sound good. 4y
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A very timey-wimey book, so lots of jumping back and forth in time. I love that sort of thing, so a winner for me. Great concept, very high stakes. Best read uninterrupted.


I got through about 40% of this book and could not get into it. I‘m personally not a fan of bouncing back and forth through time. I was hoping that they would go through his lives in order, but you jump around making it more complicated to follow what he is learning. There was a lot of good in this book, but I just couldn‘t keep going.

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#BookMail, via a friend. She ordered this for me and dropped it off this afternoon. She asked a lot of questions about what I might like, so I feel like I‘ve received a mini book spa or bibliotherapy session too ☺️

MinnieTimperley I really loved this book. Enjoy it! 4y
rabbitprincess @MrsWatsonReads It looks right up my street! Looking forward to it 😄 4y
Copwithabook This was the first Claire North book I read. I freaking loved it! And then I devoured all her other books 4y
rabbitprincess @Copwithabook Excellent, glad to hear it! I wasn‘t sure what to think when I saw the title because I was conflating it with 4y
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I stumbled onto this while searching for one more book to order from one of my favorite local bookstores (BookBar). I was looking for SciFi book whose story relates to time.

I loved this story. I‘ll definitely read another of Claire North‘s books. Harry August was a great character and the ouroborans (not really a spoiler) a super fun concept. It provided a lot of food for thought while remaining enjoyable throughout. Highly recommended.

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A little murky at times, but overall an interesting premise of people who are reborn into the same life after they die and their impact on the world. #catsoflitsy

jordanremington Hello there, how you doing today? 5y
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Where to begin ...

Well Harry August is someone who dies but is consistently reborn to live the same life. Over and over.

The plot summary pulled me in.

Unfortunately this one lost my interest pretty quickly. I couldn‘t find the heart in the story. And to be honest, I was quite often rather confused!


Mccall0113 I‘m so glad you posted this. The premise sounded so good but I just couldn‘t finish it either 5y
KristenDuck @Mccall0113 I finished but trust me, you‘re not missing out on anything lol 5y
VeryLazyDaisy Oh wow. I actually loved this, but I did the audiobook version. I don‘t know if I‘d have stuck with it in print, but I did love the story. Sorry it missed the mark for you. 5y
LiteraryinPA I bailed on this. It looked so good but I couldn‘t get into it. 5y
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“The world is ending and we cannot prevent it. So now it‘s up to you.”

As good as this quote may look, I sadly do not think the book is living up to it!

Trying my best to finish the rest but so far this is just not interesting me!

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So excited to play along! Ah I hope I get to win, If not this is a fun reason to stay up and read. Currently reading “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August.” Might switch it up a little, but this is what I‘m starting out with. #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread1

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#mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread Let‘s Do this thing! Haha I‘ve never been in a readathon before, super excited.

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Thanks, @sudi this was fun!

sudi All good choices 👍. 5y
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So far, so good!! 👍🏼

Definitely completely different from all of the Karin Slaughter novels I‘ve been reading lately!!

#slaughtersquad #fiction #bookreviewer #timetravel #somethingdifferent #amreading #summerreading #currentlyreading

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I really liked the concept of this. It blended historical fiction and the idea of reincarnation well. The problem I had with it was that it was a bit slow in parts and wordy. Overall, I think it‘s really worthwhile to read, because it is so different. I just found parts of it to be a little bit boring.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Some of the science-y bits went over my head - but I loved it overall. Very different, I agree. 5y
Davor I DNF'd it few years ago because I found it a bit slow for my taste, even though I loved the idea behind it. Maybe I should give it another chance 🤔 5y
TheAromaofBooks I tried to read this a while back and just couldn't get into it. It's one of those that I sometimes wonder if I should try again! 5y
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First book done for #24b4Monday. For a while I thought I would dnf this meandering mixed up time journey. Thankfully the pacing finally picked up the last 25%. It was just Ok. The timelines are distracting and there are whole passages that seem pointless. The main plot is interesting enough for me to give this a so-so.
@TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 @RadicalReader @Clwojick

BeansPage Oh that sucks, I hope the next one will be better for you! Doing great on time 👍 5y
Clwojick 11 hours already! Way to go! ♥️ 5y
Andrew65 Well done 😊👏 This one has mixed opinions. (edited) 5y
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Evening read with pups. This one is a slow read, but I am determined to finish for my book club.

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1. Tagged book for my book club and The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren on #audiobook
2. Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris
3. The Hate U Give
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

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I need to finish this one up

LibrarianJen I absolutely loved this one! 5y
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I loved this book so much! If you like wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stories, this is for you.

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#BookHaul from book sale number 1, minus 2 James Patterson books in my car.

ItsAngel I love the Stephanie Plum series by Evanovich!! 5y
msgriffith Stephanie Plum is the best! 5y
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“I longed to lose my mind entirely, and push out my eyes and live in madness.”

Drop what you‘re doing, and pick up this book.

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My Saturday night plans include this one for a little book club I do with some of my family.
@Addison_Reads @thealymo

Addison_Reads @Canndor 💚 I'm excited to see what you think about this one. 6y
Canndor @Addison_Reads only 10 chapters in but enjoying it much more in print than my failed attempt at the audiobook version. 6y
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