I made myself a Book-Sleeve! It looks a little sloppy But I love it. ❤️ 📚
I made myself a Book-Sleeve! It looks a little sloppy But I love it. ❤️ 📚
My Bookclub made TBR Jars for New Years, It was so fun, I loved how different everyone‘s turned out. This one‘s mine. The old map paper rolled into scrolls are the books on my shelf. The white map paper folded into stars are books I don‘t own, this way I know a little of what to expect when I draw a book title. The book on the side is made from scraps, I used twine to cover the rivets on the old bottle and the cork was from a dollar store candle.
I‘ve been reading “The Nightingale” it‘s pretty good, looking forward to the discussion about it tomorrow night, on the Facebook group “Monthly Book Club”. #mbcpicks
So the Tolkien Illustrated Atlas is absolutely gorgeous, full of facts about middle earth and the creatures that live there. And my dragon bookmark matches the cover dragon! So it is a beautiful win for me.
#mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread13 I didn‘t hit 24 hours but I‘m still happy with how much I got to read this weekend, I recently got back into reading so this little readathon has helped me a bunch, I‘ve had a lot of fun and already can‘t wait for the next round. Good luck everyone you guys our amazing no matter how much you read!
#mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread12 My favorite book I‘ve read this year was “Emma” by Jane Austen, But I think the book thief is gonna take first place when I‘m through reading it.
#mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread11 I am loving this book so far. I‘m a little slow, but I‘ve been reading every night. I stayed up last night tell 3:00am reading, problem is I was so tired today that I napped instead of reading this afternoon, I‘m gonna read again tonight though.
#mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread9 This is what I‘ve read so far today! I‘m gonna read more before I go to bed. Really loving the book so far.
King Thrushbeard was my favorite childhood book, I always loved looking at the illustrations in this picture book by Felix Hoffmann, when I learned to read I loved reading it. I still have this book and read it every now and again. Love the pictures and the story. #mbcreadathon #MBCfrogsread8
#mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread7 I read tell 2:00 last night, had to put the book down because I was falling asleep. But it‘s really good so far. Glad I DNF the other book for this one.
💀🚂 👧🏼 📖 ⚪️⚫️🔴 🇩🇪 🔥 📚 ✡️ #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread6
#mbcreadathon #MBCfrogsread5 🐸 📚 I need to read more, I keep getting distracted. I forgot to start my count down last night so now my times off. Still gonna keep reading!
My current read! Along with my bookshelf, I have other books in my room but here‘s my little bookshelf. #mbcreadathon #MBCfrogsread4
#mbcreadathon #MBCfrogsread3 I had to switch books, wasn‘t liking the other one. Always wanted to read the book thief anyway.
So excited to play along! Ah I hope I get to win, If not this is a fun reason to stay up and read. Currently reading “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August.” Might switch it up a little, but this is what I‘m starting out with. #mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread1
#mbcreadathon #mbcfrogsread Let‘s Do this thing! Haha I‘ve never been in a readathon before, super excited.
”To what will you look for help if you will not look to that which is stronger than yourself?”