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The Alchemists of Loom
The Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova
Her vengeance. His vision. Ari lost everything she once loved when the Five Guilds' resistance fell to the Dragon King. Now, she uses her unparalleled gift for clockwork machinery in tandem with notoriously unscrupulous morals to contribute to a thriving underground organ market. There isn't a place on Loom that is secure from the engineer turned thief, and her magical talents are sold to the highest bidder as long as the job defies their Dragon oppressors. Cvareh would do anything to see his sister usurp the Dragon King and sit on the throne. His family's house has endured the shame of being the lowest rung in the Dragons' society for far too long. The Alchemist Guild, down on Loom, may just hold the key to putting his kin in power, if Cvareh can get to them before the Dragon King's assassins. When Ari stumbles upon a wounded Cvareh, she sees an opportunity to slaughter an enemy and make a profit off his corpse. But the Dragon sees an opportunity to navigate Loom with the best person to get him where he wants to go. He offers her the one thing Ari can't refuse: A wish of her greatest desire, if she brings him to the Alchemists of Loom.
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Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova
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Well, frankly, I'm intrigued by this world. Not perfectly written...there's some clunkiness and you go through the majority of the book not having much of a frame of reference for a lot of what they are talking about...it's action-packed and I love the main trio. Hopefully, the world building in this first one will help the second one feel smoother. I also got crazy Lila Bard and Kell vibes from Ari and Cvareh! Cheers!

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This started off slow and really confusing. The author just dumps you into this world and makes no effort to explain anything about it. But, once you understand the world, it really picks up. The characters are engaging and the plot pulled me in. It's a solid start to a fantasy trilogy.

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In my defense I was unsupervised....and my anxiety was having a field day.....🙄 So...book haul! I‘ve been wanting the tagged book for ages. Can‘t wait to get to these!

I‘ve already read Poison Study but didn‘t own my own copy.

kgriffith Oooh this sounds intriguing... 5y
RainyDayReading @kgriffith I‘ve heard great things! 5y
BookwormAHN I recently read The Genius Plague and it was quite entertaining. I love The Silmarillion. 5y
RainyDayReading @BookwormAHN I‘ve had my eye on The Genius Plague for a while, it seems to be floating under the radar. Glad to hear that it was entertaining! I haven‘t read The Silmarillion yet but I couldn‘t pass up on this edition! Think I‘m going to do a re-read of Lord of the Rings before I start it. 5y
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OMG OMG OMG .... I have been in a huge reading slump, I flew through this book in record time for myself. All while taking care of household stuff and working full time. I may npt only meet but blow my reading goal out of the water this year :)

I am definitely going to be buying the next 2 books in this series today!!

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I've been in a reading slump and decided this year I was going to watch less TV and read more. Kova has broken this slump with the amazing writing working to keep me on my 2019 goal to spend more time reading :)

Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova
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Had a real hard time picking a book off the shelf tonight .. hoping this ome grabs my brain focus :)

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This was a fun, entertaining read. I had some editorial issues, and thought the writing could be better, but it didn‘t bother me enough to distract from the fast-paced plot. Cool world building that takes some patience to understand. Ready to jump into the second book.

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This was such a fun, fast-paced, steampunk adventure that I couldn‘t put it down - especially since it had this video game feel to the world that was kind of cool.

I loved this world that was created, of monochrome and rainbows and magic and machine.

I loved the characters and the descriptions and Overwatch meets Hellgate London feel the cities had.

I enjoyed this one. A whole lot.


I‘m also loving this book without it‘s dust-jacket 😍

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Don‘t remember if I reviewed this on Litsy the first time I read it & figuring that out is too daunting a task so...I enjoyed this book as much the second time as I did the first. As a big fan of both steampunk & fantasy, this really comes as no surprise. Ari wants to kill dragons. Cvareh, a dragon himself, wants to overthrow the Dragon King & so an unlikely alliance is formed. A fun read with a great cover & loads of adventure to come...I hope.❤️

Yeah_I_Read I liked her air awakens series so now this is on my tbr 6y
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Some might look at the clock, see 5:45am and think, “Wow, that‘s early!” I prefer to think of it as extra reading time! So, diving into my reread this morning.

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Not a great picture but oh well. Today‘s book haul includes several books I haven‘t read and the tagged book which will be my first reread of the year. I remember enjoying it enough the first time I read it that I decided to get my own copy ahead of reading the sequel. Now the hard part—which should I read first?!? Decisions, decisions...


#cupidgoespostal #Valentinesbookexchange I love books with Steampunk elements in them.

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Finally getting to this book. Work and coaching tennis has taken all my time. Finally taking a vacation with my family and it's time to relax and read. I really like this introduction. My grandfather is on vacation with us and I love that I am so close to him. My family can't believe I plan to finish books at a beach house. Come on.....like I would go anywhere without books.

Mommamanzi Enjoy your vacation! 7y
Jess_Read_This What a gorgeous view! Enjoy your vacation and happy reading!❤️ 7y
398.2 @Mommamanzi @Jess_Read_This THANKS! It's a relaxing vacation. I am catching up on my reading! 7y
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Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova
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This book was so bloody, & the world-building so complex I had to reread sections to follow it, but dang, if I didn't love it in the end. A creative blend of steampunk & fantasy, set in a fascinating stratified society with a cast of intriguing & well-developed characters. I loved the prickly Arianna, her devoted pupil Florence, & the enigmatic Dragon Cvareh, and enjoyed following their complicated relationships. A bit different but recommended.

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Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova

Loving this one so far!

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While the first book in the Loom Saga didn't fully captivate me, as Kova's Air Awakens series, there were elements of the book I liked. I love high fantasy and this world is so intricate (Guilds, technologies and dragons). I struggled at the start connecting to the main character (Ari) and her distain for the dragons. I wanted more of her history at the beginning. Ari was fierce and loyal and became more intriguing as the story progressed. (4 ⭐️)

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Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova

This was fantastic. It had evocative world building, deep characters, and a plot that was a constant surprise. All the love.

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😍😍😍 I never get tired of staring at this cover.

the_literary_escapist I have it on ebook and I wish I had the hardcover! 7y
howlinglibraries @the_literary_escapist I had gotten the eBook on sale recently but the hardcover is SO gorgeous that when I won an IG giveaway for a book of my choice a couple of weeks ago, I picked this one! 7y
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Throughout the story, I found myself getting comfortable with the way things were heading and hoping for Ari, Cvareh, and Flor to succeed in their quest. Of course, before I could allow myself to be completely comfortable with the flow of things, it was interrupted by perfectly timed plot twists. It was very interesting and immersive.

You can find my full review on my blog.

BookishMarginalia Welcome to Litsy! Hope you love it as much as we do! 7y
VicariousBookworm @BookishMarginalia Thanks! So far I'm liking the interface. It's like Goodreads and IG had a baby and it hasn't learned how to use its inside voice yet. 😂 7y
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Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova

This was actually really quite good. I felt like it was a bit rough, but the story was engaging enough that I'm invested in the characters, and itching for the next one.

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Holy crap...I just had one of those frantic moments where I was hoping my book was missing chapters but then realized it was a cliffhanger and I have to wait for book two. I am hella ready for the sequel and it has been preordered! So good! I love all the magic and politics and dealing with prejudices and... Everything!

398.2 I just saw this author. She's really cool. She has her own pod cast. This has been on my TBR shelf. 7y
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Taking a break from Hunted. It's just not the pace I need to finally picking up this book. It killed me inside to pay almost $30 CAD for a book but I absolutely love this author and the cover and NEED to read it since the sequel comes out soon.

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Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova
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Such a Badass cover! 😍

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I really liked this book- I feel like I would have loved it more if I literally hadn't read it after ACOMAF- terrible timing on my part. This was a totally different world from Kova's #AirAwakens series, but I liked it. She really describes this steampunk world well so that you gradually sink into and flying airships and dragon organ black market trade seem totally normal haha. Then there is the flawless Florence who loves cookies as much me!🍪

Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova
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Got my hands on this baby early! Although it isn't released until tomorrow, I'm so happy to have it in my hands because I've always wanted to read Elise Kova's books.

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This had a promising premise but a lot of little things that felt off lowered my enjoyment. The world was small and cramped, which really helped the steampunk feel of it but also made understanding it harder. And the relationships bothered me, more and more as I think on it. From the glossed over 'relationship' with her female apprentice to the love triangle. It's the first in a series, so it could improve, but on its own it left me feeling 'meh'.

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What a whirlwind riveting ride of a novel. Elise hooked me once again with her characters and the fantastic world she has created. Can't wait for the next book!

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Perfect for fantasy and steampunk lovers! Lots of exciting action! Such an amazing unique world! I really enjoyed it! 🤓👌🏻

Check out my full review of Elise Kova's The Alchemists of Loom on my book blog: www.bookishlionheart.wordpress.com

Full link: https://bookishlionheart.wordpress.com/2016/12/19/book-arc-review-the-alchemists...

#TheAlchemistsofLoom #tAoL #LoomSaga #EliseKova

Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova

This book was absolutely amazing! I loved it more than I did Air Awakens, to be honest. I wrote a full review on my blog, if you're interested in seeing my thoughts on it :)

Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova
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A promising start to what will hopefully be an awesome steampunk fantasy series! I didn't like this as much as her Air Awakens series (I freaking loved that one) but I really liked this! I'm hoping for a smidge more romance in book 2 and I'm happy I don't have to wait too long to read it!

Alchemists of Loom | Elise Kova
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Hey all! I got a cover reveal for Elise Kovas new book! Go check it out on www.bookishbrainreads.wordpress.com

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