Happy Juneteenth 🖤
Many of the celebrations in my area were actually over the weekend, but wherever you are today I hope you‘re all having a wonderful day!
Happy Juneteenth 🖤
Many of the celebrations in my area were actually over the weekend, but wherever you are today I hope you‘re all having a wonderful day!
On sale on Kindle today, this was a great read.
My #Recommendsday for today! You may only know her by her famous husband, but Coretta had a noteworthy life of her own before she ever met Martin and for years after he passed. From the fire bombings of her childhood, to setting up a legacy that would survive long after her husband passed, Coretta was a force to be reckoned. Her words so powerful they could even get a current Senator censured even after Coretta passed on.
List 2/2 #blm (non fiction)
1. None. I like my life.
2. Neither but I can quote the he'll outta Big Bang reruns.
3. My dad. He has the best and unique dad sayings/stories.
4. @Kdbybee @Fombell @onepageatatimebooks
#TuesdayTidbits @JenlovesJT47
Time for a little #TBT.....what was I reading last year this time? Apparently some really great nonfiction books! I loved both of these and still recommend both!
"Yet, I lived with the terrible reality that our days together were numbered. I knew that sooner rather than later I would not have Martin..."
Coretta's friends is trying to play matchmaker.
#amreading #currentlyreading #autobiography #blackhistorymonth #bhm #readsoullit
Not exactly a beach read but I need to some Vitamin D.
#amreading #currentlyreading #nonfiction #autobiography #readsoullit #blackhistory
This is the opening line to the Introduction of My Life, My Love My Legacy by Corretta Scott King and Barbara Reynolds. And it basically sums up why I decided to read it.
Im book hopping cuz i just cant settle. Ive been waiting to read this one for awhile so im hoping i can finish it before its due back! #librarystruggles
From her childhood, growing up & education, through meeting Martin & their life together, but that's just the first half of this great biography. It was the second half that I found even more interesting, her struggles to create the King center, with gender inequality as she pushed forward after Martin, her work with & commentary on every POTUS from Kennedy to Bush, working with leaders around the world while often ignored in her own country....
"True effective change was hampered by a lack of registered black voters"
What was true then is true today, and from reading The New Jim Crow...maybe we need to concentrate on getting their voting rights back first, because then many other things can change. @LitsyFeministBookClub
Between this and The New Jim Crow, I feel like we are moving backwards instead of progressing ahead. 😞
"There comes a time when time itself is ready for a change"
What Martin called "the divine dimension"
Odd book coincidence for today:
- Last night I left off reading Pride and Prejudice where Mr. Collins, the clergyman, is courting first one woman & then switching to another who is better suited to him.
- I picked up my audiobook today and it starts where Coretta first meets Mr. King, the minister, who quickly switches his attentions from the girl back home to the new one, and tells her outright she is much better suited to him.😉
Next audiobook up for me, fresh from the library! Only 8% in so far...but so far very interesting. Looks to be another good book for both #OwnVoices #Nonfiction2017 #BlackHistoryMonth and #ShePersisted
#17booklove I can't wait to read this. I have a hold on it from the library. #nonfiction
No one can argue that Coretta Scott King was a bedrock to her husband's success. But what I wanted from this autobiography was to see more of the woman behind MLK. This started off so promising, reading more like a memoir, but King rushed straight through her childhood, as if her life didn't begin until she met her husband. The first half was a rehashing of the civil rights movement, which is a vital piece of history, but she was overshadowed.
This is how I party. #bathandbook #litsypartyofone
This passage had me crying. Only 77 pages in and Coretta has dealt with her childhood home being burned down and her marital home being bombed. How do people treat one another like this? 😢 #blackhistorymonth
I've seen some others on Litsy sharing Coretta Scott King's letter from the 1980s opposing Jeff Sessions appointment as a federal judge for today's #Riotgrams. In light of tonight's vote confirming Sessions as AG, I'm sharing this, too. Frustrating to watch so much progress being ripped away. #Riotgrams #BlackHistoryMonth #Resist
These aren't the only books on my shelf that would work for this prompt, but these three are the three I hope to read in February in honor of #blackhistorymonth. I have started the Coretta Scott King but I feel like my reading is barely creeping along this month. I hope I get to all three!#riotgrams
CSPAN and chill 🙃 the new normal for 2017.
I'm watching Cory Booker speak on the Senate floor right now, using the words of Coretta Scott King and John Lewis. I've also been catching some reading time during recesses. 📖 #multitasking
Today many women across the country and indeed the world are marching right now and becoming the soul that we all need. Let us stand together in love, in friendship and in unity. We've worked too hard to see everything fall apart! ✊🏽✊🏼✊🏿✊🏻✊🏾
#resist #wemarch #constantvigilance
New book day 🎉🎉
These are the nonfiction books I've been really looking forward to that are out today. TBH I can't think of a better day/week to release Coretta Scott King's memoir. Really looking forward to learning about her legacy since it's often overshadowed by MLK's. At Mama's Knee looks amazing, and Sirens does too. Two Dollar Radio always does great work. 📚
#newreleases #socialjustice
This one looks really interesting! http://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/11/books/review/coretta-scott-king-memoir-my-life... #diversebooks
Most people who have followed my career from afar, or even given me a second thought, know me as Mrs. King: the wife of, the widow of, the mother of, the leader of. Makes me sounds like the attachments that come with my vacuum cleaner. In one sense, I don't mind that at all. I'm proud to have been a wife, a single parent, and a leader. But I am more than a label. I am also Coretta.