I went to download a hold today and these were the recommendations that popped up. I feel like the library is spying on me. But they aren‘t wrong. lol
I went to download a hold today and these were the recommendations that popped up. I feel like the library is spying on me. But they aren‘t wrong. lol
My anxiety has really bad over the past few months, and I began talking to my 2 sisters-in-law about it. I found out that we are in the same situation, at varying levels, which stinks but is also comforting in a way. When I got home yesterday, I had 2 packages waiting for me- a book from each sister-in-law that they found helpful. Books always make things better. 😊❤️
Today really tried me with my anxiety.... So glad my day is finally over and I can just cuddle up and read 😊
I'm struggling. Here's hoping I can just get through the next two weeks.
(PS: I saw this as a tweet posted on FB, but the grammar was driving me nuts so I made it into a graphic. I didn't come up with it myself)
Anyone else feeling a little bit anxious over our takeover? I feel anxious just posting this because it‘s not a book or a review. I‘m daring to post a joke 😂😂
I am so excited for my #wintersolsticebookexchange, but my package hasn‘t arrived yet. I really hope my secret Santa didn‘t forget me. I tend to get a bit anxious, so hopefully my secret 🎅 will forgive me if they have already sent it and I‘m worried for nothing
I need help, Litsy fam!! My elementary aged great niece has anxiety, and her mom is asking for recs on some books to help her understand what she is going through & help her cope. Any suggestions would be most welcomed and appreciated!!!
So you ever have those social interactions that you have picked apart to death and feel like you made a horrible impression on someone? I had to bring my dog in to the vet (pretty sick) and I felt like they thought I was a horrible person 😥 and now I am waiting for a call back with a huge weight in my belly.