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Ready Player One
Ready Player One | Ernest Cline, Ernie Cline
Its the year 2044, and the real world is an ugly place. Like most of humanity, Wade Watts escapes his grim surroundings by spending his waking hours jacked into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia that lets you be anything you want to be, a place where you can live and play and fall in love on any of ten thousand planets. And like most of humanity, Wade dreams of being the one to discover the ultimate lottery ticket that lies concealed within this virtual world.For somewhere inside this giant networked playground, OASIS creator James Halliday has hidden a series of fiendish puzzles that will yield massive fortune -and remarkable power- to whoever can unlock them.
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#setinthefuture #aboutabook
I greatly enjoyed this book, although I haven't read the sequel yet. 🎮
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome 😎 1mo
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 1mo
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 1mo
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 1mo
lil1inblue #greatminds 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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I can‘t believed I‘d never read this before. It was such a fun story. I can‘t wait to watch the movie and to read book #2!

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🌼 10 Things I Hate About You, Twilight, Apollo 13
🪻 I loved Clue, Hotels, and Life
🌹 Tagged. Loved the book, haven't seen the movie.

#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs Thanks for playing 🥳🥰 3mo
wanderinglynn Love 10 Things! ❤️ 2mo
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1. So many. Halloween, Friday the 13th, Clue, Soapdish, The Mummy, , Big Bang Theory, Buffy, Charmed (1st 3 seasons), Supernatural, Bridgerton,... I could keep going.
2. We were a board game family, Clue, Aggravation, Secret Agent, and Monopoly were among our favorites. We also held family video game tournaments in the summer. Scores were put up on the fridge. I hold the high score to this day on several games.
3. Obvious pick.

Eggs Sounds like great family fun 🕹️❤️ 🎮 3mo
TheLudicReader Buffy just never ever gets old. 3mo
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1: Supernatural and Buffy
2: Go to the Head of the Class (like an early kid‘s version of Trivial Pursuit) and Parcheesi
3: Ready Player One was the first book that came to mind for this.

Eggs Great choices! Thanks for playing 😍 3mo
TheLudicReader No matter how many times you watch Buffy, it‘s always a masterpiece. 3mo
JessClark78 Supernatural and Buffy 🖤 3mo
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Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView

1. I‘m all right. I‘m good at figuring things out. I‘m the one that deals with all the electronics and devices in the house.

2. Ready Player One was the first book to come to mind.


TheSpineView You're welcome! Thanks for playing! 3mo
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1) Yes, very, until the pandemic. I did a lot of legal cybersecurity and forensics evidentiary work before the pandemic. Then my techie brain fried.

2) Tagged, a favorite with all the 80s references


TheSpineView Thanks for playing!🌞 3mo
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1. When I have time to play I think I‘m pretty decent at it, but honestly, my husband is a whiz, so i don‘t need to know anything, I let him keep that info on HIS hard drive 😉
2. Tagged
Thanks for the tag @Kshakal I‘ll take @JenReadsAlot and @BethM

JenReadsAlot I almost picked that book! 3mo
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😊 3mo
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Ready Player One | Ernest Cline
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This was a nice and fast read 📖 VR Game (with a unique prize) ➕80s theme ➕ fun characters 🎮 I would rate it a pick but I didn‘t know most of the references 🥲 still very enjoyable

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Gamer geek sundae
With dystopia sprinkles
80s pop on top

Read this with my gaming geek partner, and it was so much fun. Full of nostalgic easter eggs. Wonder if that was intentional? 🤔 I say most likely. . 🤓
Bonus mod for this audiobook was the nat 20 roll to have Wil Wheaton as the narrator. Great choice.
#scifi #dystopia #haikureview

reading.rainb0w We watched the movie after reading, and it was soooooo different. from the book (which was much better). 3mo
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I have a lot of favorites in this genre, but here are three:

1. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Fun story: Andrew and I met his father-in-law at a beer festival in Philadelphia)
2. The Martian by Andy Wier
3. Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Can I cheat? I also want to mention:
4. The House with a Clock in Its Walls by John Bellairs
5. Percy Jackson & The Olympians series

@dabbe #ThreeListThursday #HerosQuest #HeroQuest

dabbe 3 more for the TBR! And you have to start telling some of these stories; you're too good at being intriguing! 🤩 Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 7mo
lil1inblue Ready Player One is soooooo good! I even got my hubs to do the audiobook of this and he loved it. (He's a graphic novel guy.) 7mo
Aimeesue I loved John Bellairs when I was a kid, filling out those Scholastic book order forms 😁 7mo
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After selling this when I was a bookseller, I finally decided to read it. While at present I am not a video game player I do remember becoming addicted to some earlier computer games and realized I couldn't play them, because everything else got put on hold, so I enjoyed that part of the story as well as all the 80's references. . This is a book for the geeks and the nerds among us and it even has a touch of romance. It was lots of fun. 4/5

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It seemed to start off a little slow, but then it picked up so I kept listening. This is the first book I‘ve listened to narrated by Wil Wheaton and I wasn‘t exactly sure how I‘d react to a story read by Wesley Crusher. But he did a good job. I could tell which character he was voicing when he spoke, which I believe is vital when listening to a book. Down with books narrated by AI! Enjoy folks! Now back to our regularly scheduled reading.

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One of my tasks at work today was deleting our weeded books from the catalog. Then they go out on the “free” table for anyone to take. So I took a couple home! #bookhaul 📚

Ready Player One | Ernest Cline, Ernie Cline
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Klou 👍😊 1y
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A re-read of an old favourite! Did this one as an audiobook through the Libby app!
Still as good as I remember it. Now, onto #readyplayertwo

RamsFan1963 Sadly, Ready Player Two isn't as good as the first book IMHO. 2y
LittleBowBook @RamsFan1963 That‘s what Goodreads is saying, too 😔 2y
RamsFan1963 @LittleBowBook Don't get me wrong, I'd still give RP2 a pick but I think it takes too long to get started and Wade is such an unlikable jerk after winning the prize. 2y
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LittleBowBook @RamsFan1963 Oh no! Book 1 ended so perfectly…I could just pretend it‘s a stand alone 😅 2y
Annmcoop I have had this on my kindle forever and I kept circling back to it only to pick something else. Too many books, too little time. I am finally reading it because my daughter has it as assigned summer reading for high school. 1y
LittleBowBook @Annmcoop that‘s a great summer reading book for high school! I hope you enjoy!! 1y
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My son heard that mecha Godzilla features in this book, and he knew there was a movie. He hinted that he wanted me to read the book to him because he knows I'm a book before movie fanatic. Well. I'm not ready for him to read this, and a mother should not read it to her son. The movie is only pg-13, so I might just let him skip to the movie. Prove me wrong. This turned out to be a great way to break my fever. I go back to work tomorrow.

Texreader I agree. I loved the book and the movie but for, ahem, reasons, I‘d let him skip and go straight to the movie 2y
Blueroseis Not the sort of book I like but my Grandson read this book when he was ten. I had to buy him a copy of player two as soon as it was released as he enjoyed the first so much. 2y
Reggie As a person who is not a parent why should he not read this? I read it over 6 years ago but I can‘t remember a, I would never let kids read this, moment. 2y
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Scochrane26 The movie is fun but very loosely based on the book. You‘ll get really irritated if you compare it to the book. 2y
mandarchy @Scochrane26 I never watch movies anymore, so I can save myself the irritation. I'm sure he'll love it. 2y
mandarchy @Reggie, you can't remember the gross masturbation chapter? I don't have a problem with him reading it, I just can't read it to him. 2y
mandarchy Replying to myself, I hope one day, I can forget it 🙃 2y
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I knew this book was not for me and never would have read it, but my book club picked it. I had to listen at 2.5x speed so I could get it over with quickly. I don't play video games, I hate reading about games/matches/battles, and I don't like dystopian fiction. I appreciated some of the 80s references but even those got old pretty quickly.

ItsAnotherJen This was one of my favorites. Bummer you didn't like it! 2y
DivineDiana I don‘t play video games either, but as a former high school teacher, I found this method of engaging students remarkable! Even went to see the movie! 2y
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#CyberMonday 💻 #NovemberNarrative 🍁🤎❤️🧡💛

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs ❤️📚🤩 2y
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Ready Player One | Ernest Cline
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You ever read a book and know it was written by a male for other males? This book would be a hit for all the guys who, when hearing someone likes video games, immediately asks “ok well if you‘re a fan, name all five orchestras on the soundtrack” or something like that. The actual plot wasn‘t too bad, but I just couldn‘t shake the feeling that the book perpetuated that gatekeeping. Not for me.

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I thought this was a fun and entertaining read. Plus, I was an ‘80s kid, so I loved all the ‘80s references.

#AlphabetGame #LetterR

A book you‘d recommend whose title starts with the featured letter.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻📚 2y
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Ready Player One | Ernest Cline
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“ I created the OASIS because I never felt at home in the real world. I didn‘t know how to connect with people. I was afraid, for all my life. Right up until I knew it was ending. That was when I realized, as terrifying as reality can be, it‘s also the only place where you can find true happiness. Because reality is real. Do you understand?” “Yes” I said. “Good,” he said, “Don‘t make the same mistake I did. Don‘t hide in here forever.”

Ready Player One | Ernest Cline
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Overall pick- some things I loved and some things I didn‘t. I‘m glad I was finally able to finish it!

Life update since it‘s been a while: I went back to school last year to finish my Bachelor‘s, after a ten year break, and graduated in May! (Finally finishing this book was my celebration.) I might go back for a Master‘s in linguistics eventually, but not anytime soon. It was really hard to balance my illnesses, homeschooling, and (cont‘d 👇🏼)

obviateit 👉🏼 and college courses. For now, I‘m proud of my brain for pushing through brain fog, and I‘m excited to be able to read for fun again! 🥰🎉 2y
rabbitprincess Congratulations! Enjoy your fun reading 😊 2y
BkClubCare 👏👏👏 2y
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Larkken Congratulations! That‘s a fantastic milestone and it‘s not easy even when you are able to devote 100%!! 2y
BookNAround Congratulations! That‘s a major milestone accomplishment. 2y
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Saw a slide for this movie on a streaming service and remembered it was on my shelf. I‘m absolutely loving it. All the dystopian novels for me please! #dystopian #playerone #hellolitsy

StaceGhost This was a fun read! RP2 wasn‘t a terrible follow up either 2y
Amabear @StaceGhost ohhh I didn‘t even know there was a sequel 😍😍 2y
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Very good

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Pretty good. Audio on recommendation from a couple friends. Want to watch the movie now. I had some inkling of H‘s IRL identity.

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La trama l'ho trovata originale e mi sono piaciuti molto i richiami ai videogiochi, canzoni e film.
La scrittura è fluida, lineare e molto ironica.
Mi è piaciuto molto l‘utilizzo della prima persona, perché da la possibilità al lettore di immedesimarsi nel protagonista
Ho letto davvero pochi libri così particolari e di questo me ne sono totalmente innamorata.

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Klou Perfect choice!! 3y
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This book is amazing. It relates to my life for most of it; I like to be in Virtual Reality for a lot of the day. It‘s a great story about a teen in the year 2044 and technology has swept the world and it‘s a mess. I like how Ernest Cline gets Wade to express how he feels instead of keeping it inside and giving the book no expression. Over all probably my favourite book!

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Ready Player One | Ernest Cline
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Day 152.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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I really enjoyed this novel. It was very suspenseful at times but fun at others. While I love the 80s, I do think the nostalgia and references were a bit too much at times. The characters were also super cringey but I found that endearing, showing that even society‘s “losers” can be heroes. I also loved the theme of taking down monopolies and big corporations, almost as if it was directed at Jeff Bezos. 🤣


This book gets intense, so there is a lot to this book it‘s all over the place but in a way that you can understand what‘s going on in about 3 pages there was death there was love and there was heart brake. It‘s a great book you should check it out if you haven‘t already it‘s a great realistic fiction mystery I guess you could say

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I started reading this book a little while ago but never finished, when I picked it back up it‘s so easy to get hooked on it. If you don‘t know it follows a high school kid named wade watts and it the future everyone goes to the oasis to get away from reality and when they find out about Halidays‘s egg everyone wants to find it. It‘s a great read!

DrexEdit I liked this one too. Loved the old school video gaming! 👍 Welcome to Litsy! 3y
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Ready Player One | Ernest Cline

Guys this book is great. This is a profound piece of pop culture that truly embraces 80s nostalgia. I love both the book and the movie equally. Definitely go check this out.

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Eggs 👍🏼📖💙 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice!! 3y
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Eggs 💜📖💙 3y
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Ready Player One | Ernest Cline
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This book appeared on my radar when I saw Littens exited for Ready Player Two. When I found this copy out thrifting, I thought I‘d join the fun. I loved (and lived!) the references to 80s pop culture. I noticed from the cover that Spielberg was adapting to film. Cool when? 2018! Where have I been!?

#14Books14Weeks2021 B10W10

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Was no one going to tell me how awesome this book is!?!! I‘m literally a decade late to this party 😅 and it took buzz from the sequel to get me to read the first one.

So I immensely enjoyed the world building, politics, adventure, riddles, 80‘s pop culture…. Everything about this book. I was a little left out on the old gaming stuff since that‘s not my thing, but I can appreciate well described and paced scenes.

Top tier sci-fi pick for me 👾🕹

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