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North Child
North Child | Edith Pattou
39 posts | 48 read | 26 to read
Rose was born into the world facing north, and as a north child, superstition says that she will be a wanderer, travelling far from home. This prophecy is fulfilled when she is taken on the back of a white bear to a mysterious empty castle, where a silent stranger appears to her night after night. When her curiosity overcomes her, she loses her heart, and must journey to a land east of the sun and west of the moon to reclaim it. "An enchanting retelling of a traditional fairytale, this beautifully written story completely swept me away" - Becky Stradwick, Borders UK Shortlisted - Ottakar's Children's Book Prize 2006
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East | Edith Pattou
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This is a book that I go back to. It was one I found in high school but such a good story that I just have to keep the-reading when in a book slump.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Did we ever read the sequel 10mo
kathy88 I don‘t think we ever did. I know we were looking for it. 10mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @kathy88, I‘m pretty sure I have it on kindle 😜 10mo
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East | Edith Pattou
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Actual conversation I had at work after showing a colleague these photos :

👩🏻 : I wish I could hug a polar bear
👩🏻 : I mean, it‘d kill you but…
👱🏼‍♀️ : what a way to go
👩🏻 : *concerned look at 👱🏼‍♀️*

CaramelLunacy I love the two peeking out the window! 3y
Hooked_on_books @CaramelLunacy My thoughts exactly! 3y
RaeLovesToRead In fairness, these look pretty friendly... like all "haiiii come in... we have snacks!!!" 3y
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RaeLovesToRead I mean, you'd probably BECOME the snack, but still 💕 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @RaeLovesToRead, it‘s the circle of life 🤔😂 3y
RaeLovesToRead Look at those feets tho!!! 🐻‍❄️🐾 So cute! 3y
marleed But I mean look at how exited those babes in the window will be when mama brings your limp bloodied body in for an afternoon snack ;) 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @marleed, I just think “death by polar bear misadventure” is a more exciting way to go… imagine the conversations at the funeral 😂 (edited) 3y
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East | Edith Pattou
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Like, I‘m going to be thinking about this for the rest of the weekend.


marleed Omg!! 3y
sprainedbrain That was incredible. Thank you for sharing! 3y
RaeLovesToRead Omg their little faces sticking out of the windows!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 3y
Bookzombie Thank you for sharing! These photos are incredible. 3y
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East | Edith Pattou
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Absolutely obsessed with the photographs captured of the polar bears that have claimed an abandoned weather station.


KateReadsYA Polar bears are so beautiful. 3y
BiblioLitten Oh I read the article…Curiosity and fear of being hunted made them seek the abandoned station. 💙 Thank you for sharing 💕 3y
Bookwormjillk Polar bears are saying “Get off my lawn!” 3y
batsy "Come in, we have porridge!" ? 3y
RaeLovesToRead I can't cope with the cuteness!!!!!!! And @batsy LMAO!! 🤣🤣 3y
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East | Edith Pattou
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I'm diving into the original version of East of the Sun and West of the Moon before re-reading Edith Pattou's retelling 🐻‍❄️❄

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East | Edith Pattou
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Currently Reading East by Edith Patou. I have a whole other post to do about books I've been reading but this is what I'm currently on.

In personal news, Mom has had her surgery and from the sounds of it it was successful, so she's back home resting. Now she has to do her chemo and get some more scans done.

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East | Edith Pattou
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I‘m a bit late with #two4tuesday but I can‘t resist a fairy tale!

1. East of the Sun, West of the Moon
2. Once upon a time of a day after a long day at a time when I did a good morning with the coffee shop I was going through a few minutes before my coffee and my car and my back and my coffee was not a little off.

TheSpineView Never too late to play! Happy Wednesday! 🌞😊👍📖🤩 3y
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East | Edith Pattou
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1. Paperback
2. Never had to hide. But I have read plenty in the bathtub.
3. I am grateful for my family. They have been so amazing!
Thanks for the tag @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm

East | Edith Pattou
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Happy Birthday to Me! 💌🎂 I've been wanting these for a while!

wordslinger42 I love those books so much!! 4y
KateReadsYA @wordslinger42 I can't wait to read what they are all about. 😁 4y
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East | Edith Pattou
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5/5)

It‘s been many years since I‘ve read this book, and I can still see why it was a personal favorite all those years ago. This was a great story set in Norway with a twist on Beauty and the Beast and Norwegian folklore. I enjoyed the multiple viewpoints, as it added more depth to the book. I think that a book map would have been a great idea so the reader could truly understand and appreciate the journey that Rose went on.

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East | Edith Pattou
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1. The biggest change was being let go from work due to the virus and being a stay at home mom to my son's.
2. A lesson I learned is to start learning what you love about life, what actually makes you happy and surround yourself with that!
3. There was no goal this year.-read for fun.
4. Most anticipated read is tagged as well as the second one West by Edith Pattou.
@MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm since you tagged anyone I thought I'd give it a go🎆

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Awesome! I‘m glad you did! Often when I post that at the end, no one actually does it. 😅🤣 Sometimes I really do just want to tag everyone. ❤️ 4y
KateReadsYA @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm haha since I am still new I don't get tagged lol. So this was my chance lmao 🤣 4y
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East | Edith Pattou
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I'm so excited for this, @wanderinglynn 📚 Thank you for hosting!

My goals for January:
📚 Do a little reading each day to keep up with my reading challenges for the year!
🐶 Walk our dog, Maggie, twice each day
👩‍🎨 One creative thing to take a step away from work (coloring, drawing, painting, etc)
🤸‍♀️ Yoga to get some stretching in!
📖 Read my Bible/a devotion each day 💗


wanderinglynn Great goals! 🎉 And Team BFC21 will be here to cheer you on! 4y
wordslinger42 @wanderinglynn Thank you!! 💜 4y
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East | Edith Pattou
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I read this in high school and remembered loving it. Could not resist reading it again when I saw it. Loved how you feel like you are in this magical world that is set in real northern Europe

East | Edith Pattou
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"That's the trouble with loving a wild thing: You're always left watching the door."

IuliaC Truly beautiful quote! 4y
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East | Edith Pattou
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This wasn't a bad book, it just wasn't for me. If an author is going to have 5 narrative voices that all sound basically alike, I really wish they would just write the book in 3rd person. I'm usually a fan of short chapters, but this book felt choppy, with a constantly-shifting voice - some chapters were less than a page long and then HOP to the next one. It was also overly-long at almost 500 pages - parts of Rose's journey definitely dragged. ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Like I said, it wasn't a bad book, but it definitely didn't make me want to jump into the sequel, especially since the premise of the sequel sounds almost identical to the premise of THIS book! Still, I got it for free out of a LFL & now it can go back to another LFL, so it all works out! It also netted me a BUNCH of pages for #OutstandingOctober AND checked off another #BookSpinBingo slot!

Concluded #OutstandingOctober at 2459 pages!! ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) That totally blew my original goal of 1800 pages out of the water, so I was pretty stoked. If only I could spend EVERY weekend lounging around reading, writing #LitsyLove letters, & playing Red Dead Redemption 2! 😂

@Andrew65 - Thanks for hosting as always!!
Andrew65 That‘s a lot of pages, That‘s great 👏👏👏🍾🥂🥳 Thanks for playing along. 😊 4y
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East | Edith Pattou
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#WeeklyForecast - Currently (re)reading Murder at the Vicarage (so fun) & the tagged book. I'm struggling with the narrative style of East, which involves about a page from one view, then a page from another view, then back to the first view, then a third, etc. Five narrators so far and none of them have had more than 3 pages of consecutive narration! Anyway, West is the sequel & I will only read it if East gets better lol Then I have a few ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) #BookSpinBingo books & my #LMPBC reads. Work is calming down, so I should be able to get more reading time in again, although there are a LOT of things to catch up on around the house!!

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I did not like East at all. 😅 Much for the same reason. Good luck! 😬 4y
TheAromaofBooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm - It's getting better now that I'm just sitting and reading it straight through instead of snatches here and there, but it still feels very choppy. Whenever there is a story with so many voices that all sounds basically alike, I get annoyed that the author didn't just write the book in third person. 4y
Cinfhen Good luck 🍀 4y
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East (East, #1) | Edith Pattou
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These quotes are in order.

She actually falls in love with him without knowing a damn thing about him, let alone his name. I don‘t have space here for my full, scathing rant on this joke of a book, so here‘s the link to my Goodreads review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3161371908

East (East, #1) | Edith Pattou
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It‘s only a 500pg book and the MC JUST NOW realized she knows nothing about the stranger she‘s traipsing into the arctic to rescue. She lived with the “white bear” for 11 months, has been searching for him for at least one month by my loose calculations of the timeline, and has never thought “Gee, wonder what he‘s like?” It‘s like a reverse damsel in distress from the old fairytales. The damsel isn‘t allowed a personality beyond being attractive.

East (East, #1) | Edith Pattou
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Aka: North Child in the UK and Australia.

So far it‘s ok, I‘m not sure yet how it won an ALA top ten YA award. It‘s a bland retelling of the Beauty and the Beast story. Nothing‘s REALLY happened yet and there are 5 different POV‘s the MC, her brother, their father, the White Bear, and the Troll Queen. The last two feel forced in as an afterthought. As a spinner, I do enjoy the cultural acknowledgment of spinning and weaving, but DO something!

East | Edith Pattou
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This was so nice to reread after many many years. I forgot how much of a slow burn this book is. Yet, it is worth it because this book is just a beautiful fairytale retelling. 4 out of 5.

North Child | Edith Pattou
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A stunning retelling of the Norwegian Fairy Tale ‘East of the Sun and West of the Moon‘. 💛 5*

wordslinger42 I love that cover!! I've read her books, but I've never seen this edition 4y
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East | Edith Pattou
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I'd been putting this book on the back burner forever. I had read on a blog that it was a great book to read if you love Beauty and the Beast. I had never heard of the East of the Sun, and West of the Moon fairytale before. I honestly don't know why I didn't pick up this book sooner! It was really good, fast paced but for the plot it was necessary. It was a beautiful story! Highly recommend if you love Beauty and the Beast 😊

East | Edith Pattou
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So should I post MY #BookSpin list?? Probably!! ? I have sooo been enjoying seeing everyone's lists!! So many people participating, and I love it!!

I decided to have my list mostly comprised of books from my "new arrivals" shelf, some of which, like the tagged book, have been there over two years!! ? I also threw in a few books I have been meaning to reread but never seem to get to!! Stacks are 1-10 on the left and 11-20 on the right.

TheAromaofBooks Actual list, since some are hard to see -
1. Well Met
2. Pedigree Unknown
3. Winterwood
4. Marilla of Green Gables
5. Cinder
6. The Guinevere Deception
7. The Raven Boys
8. Blue Smoke
9. East
10. Oryx and Crake
11. The Merlin Conspiracy
12. How to Save Your Child From Ostrich Attacks, Accidental Time Travel […]
13. Little Women
14. Kon Tiki
15. Heidi
16. The Riddle of Ages
17. Fangirl
18. Scavenge the Stars
19. Lament
20. Amber & Dusk
marleed How to save your children from ostrich attacks! Lol!! 5y
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TheAromaofBooks @Eggs - that is one of the ones I want to reread!! It's been several years and I loved it then, so I have really been wanting to revisit it! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @marleed - the full title is “How to Save Your Child from Ostrich Attacks, Accidental Time Travel, And Anything Else That May Happen on an Average Tuesday“ by James Breakwell. His first book, about surviving the zombie apocalypse with your children in tow, was quite hilarious so I am looking forward to this one. 5y
marleed That sounds awesome! 5y
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East | Edith Pattou
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1. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix & The Hobbit 📚
2. East by Edith Pattou. A fantastic retelling of East of the Sun, West of the Moon ❄
3. Meeting Max Boyle from The Voice 🎶

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

East | Edith Pattou
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I am not having a very good luck with fairy tale retellings lately. This one started so well, progressively slowed down and got dull enough for me to drop it 187 pages in. I will be taking a break from the genre, it might not be my thing after all.

Johanna414 I had to force myself to finish this one. Everyone else seems to love it, but it bored me - and fairy tale retelling are usually my catnip 6y
Booksbymybed @Johanna414 omg I am so glad I‘m not the only one! 🙏🏻 everyone does love it, but I just couldn‘t deal with all those POVs and bland storytelling 6y
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East | Edith Pattou
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It's definitely a slower pace and got a very traditional fairytale tone/writing. This was enjoyable overall. I liked the concept of the North/South/East/West born threads. I enjoyed the main characters and even though the romance wasn't built up as I would've liked, it fit the tone of the book.
I also love Tooki. Also, why did it take me to the age of 26 to read a book where someone makes a get away via a reindeer instead of horse?!

suzisteffen OMG I love this book. 6y
JazzFeathers Staked! 6y
businessmermaid That cover! 6y
mrsmarch What is this book about because I need to live that cover. 6y
shawncapito I thought it was the golden compass at first. 6y
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East | Edith Pattou
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8leagueboot WHAT?!?!!!? 6y
parasolofdoom @8leagueboot I KNOW RIGHT!?!? I saw this on NetGalley! 6y
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East | Edith Pattou

Loved this! Magic, superstition, love, trolls and a bit of Greek myth all rolled into a super to read little bundle. It was exactly what I needed.

East | Edith Pattou
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I just told someone on here today how much I dislike books with a full cast. And yet, here I go. Hopefully it won't be terribly distracting. It's been on my tbr and I have laundry to fold.

tricours I usually dislike it too. Then I listen to a normal audiobook with some guy doing an awful impersonation of female characters and think they may not be all that bad after all... 7y
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East | Edith Pattou

Objectively, I am giving this book a So-So, but I also enjoyed it a lot, so I want to say Pick as well. This is a retelling of East of the Sun, West of the Moon that is pretty faithful to the original. I really loved the development of the Troll Kingdom. The author tells, more than shows, and she switches points of view between several characters when she really could have stuck to three.

East | Edith Pattou
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#LitsyPartyofOne Furry Companion number two. Bosco. He is my brudder dog. I found him at the shelter when he was only a few months old. He had been found alone by a dumpster. I took my mom to see him, and we adopted him for her Birthday. He's very silly, and very loyal. He's a mix of several things, but boxer is one of them.

tpixie 💕🐶💕 8y
DebinHawaii He looks so sweet! 🐶❤️ 8y
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East | Edith Pattou
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#LitsyPartyofOne Furry Companion number one: Gemma. She is my rescue dog. Her breed is Dachshund Pomeranian mix, which I like to call Pomeweenian :) She is a stinker, a sweetheart, and just the cutest!

tpixie 💕🐶💕 8y
DebinHawaii Adorable! 🐶❤️ 8y
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East | Edith Pattou
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#LitsyPartyofOne SO...I don't have anything super exciting to eat. I have just recently been put on a strict diet for Interstitial Cystitis. Basically, all my favorites: chocolate, tea, alcohol, etc. are off limits. I am allowed white chocolate so I whipped up some white chocolate blondies. They are very satisfying. I still miss dark chocolate.

tpixie The blondies do look Delish though!! (edited) 8y
MiqueMarie They are!! I'm really pleased with how they came out! 8y
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East | Edith Pattou
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#LitsyPartyofOne I am going to start by reading this, which has been on my TBR shelf for a while now.

East | Edith Pattou
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I'm so excited for this batch of ARCs! #bookmail

annahenke I have this waiting on #netgalley 8y
annahenke So excited! 8y
ferskner @annahenke Yay! Let me know what you think! 8y
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East | Edith Pattou

I just finished rereading an old favorite of mine: East by Edith Patrou. It's so poetic!

East | Edith Pattou

It lays East of the Sun and West of the Moon.

East | Edith Pattou
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The classic high fantasy opening. Nice.

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