I‘ve just taken a test for an at home job that I really want and I think I‘ve stressed myself into a migraine!! There goes my lazy reading day! Time for a nap!!😷
I‘ve just taken a test for an at home job that I really want and I think I‘ve stressed myself into a migraine!! There goes my lazy reading day! Time for a nap!!😷
It‘s been a sleepy Saturday here in the Custodio-González household. Cats and adults have spent it napping. I have been reading graphic memoirs between naps. #TrickyCat #CatsOfLitsy #Caturday
While the human is working hard to earn kibble money, these two goofballs (there are 2 🐱 I promise) are working hard at sleeping. Guess nobody is reading today 😹
Day26 #photoadaynov16 #readingcompanion We can argue whether Max is a 'reading companion' because usually he's napping & only sometimes it's by my side-otherwise it's the spare bedroom, the sink in my bathroom (I've been known to use the guest bath if he's napping when I need to brush my teeth) or anywhere else he wants. He's 12 1/2, very vocal & opinionated, diabetic & costs a ton in meds & such & is often a pain, but I adore him!🐱❤️#catsoflitsy