If anything has ever been important. This is important.
I am more than my uterus.
There are so many things that are not referenced in the constitution. If you think this ruling stops at Roe you are very wrong.
If anything has ever been important. This is important.
I am more than my uterus.
There are so many things that are not referenced in the constitution. If you think this ruling stops at Roe you are very wrong.
A friendly reminder that early voting has started...
Happy Super Tuesday! (Loving my county‘s sticker.)
🇺🇸 🗳 ✅
My husband is a History major. I‘m surrounded in red, white, and blue on my bookshelves all day!! Here‘s just a sample.
I don't fully understand the 25th amendment and I keep seeing it all over Facebook.
Just got this in the mail . It's so awesome because it's on parchment! I love it getting it framed and hung in my library ! #knowyourrights #nomoretrump
Downloaded from Amazon for a buck. Required reading for every American, especially now. #history #government #civics #stayinformed
Forgot to post this! Last week's reading January 29-February 4.
Loving the Overdue podcast, the podcast that tells you the plot, background and importance of the books you should have read already. This one about the Constitution, its origins, and the Bill of Rights. Really fun and quite timely 🤔😏
I goofed off a lot during my high school American history class, and my citizenship class was...subpar. Now, more than ever, I have the need to understand law, government, and politics much better than I do. I'm not sure how well I'll absorb it just through reading--I might enroll in a college course sometime this year--but if you have any recs on primers, I'd love to hear 'em!
#ReadJanuary #ATopicYoudLikeToKnowMoreAbout
Book 8 in #BooksToReadDuringATrumpPresidency... The Constitution of the United States.
Because we should all read and understand the User's Manual!
I love the Black Friday sale at B&N. All of this for under $50!
Follow my blog: https://lifeinyourtwenties203.wordpress.com/blog/
Facebook keeps deleting my last post on the election. I don't know why but now it is making me spread the word about my blog.
After a long and arduous process and with ironic timing my O1 visa got approved yesterday! Woohoo! 🎉🍾🇺🇸