I love how the author incorporates a mirror at the end of the book and saying peek a you, so adorable!
Peek-A Who? By Nina Laden, 2000. Picturebook. This book uses big font and bold text to interact with the audience. The illustrations in this book are so lively and help children to participate in the game of peek a who. The author uses many different colors and even patterns!
The now-6-year old's favorite book as a baby/toddler was Peek-a Who. Favorite part? Peek a YOU! #boardbookbonanza @ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress
So so sick today and my usually unstoppable, energetic son "read" to me.
My husband reading on the balcony of our beautiful hotel room. #someoneelsereading #vacation #fallintoreading
Belated shot of babe's holiday book haul including Christmas gifts and books purchased while traveling to Nagano and Osaka that commemorate first shinkansen trips as well as first Shogatsu (Japanese New Year). Also pictured: mom's holiday book haul 😭 though I did get many kindle deals! #babyreads #babytravels #Japanese #boardbook #picturebook
My amazing, adorable 4-year-old built a book holder for me using green and blue Duplos "because those are your two favorite colors" (he's right). Then he decided he needed one, too. What a sweetie! ? #raisingreaders