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The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman | Ernest J. Gaines
"This is a novel in the guise of the tape-recorded recollections of a black woman who has lived 110 years, who has been both a slave and a witness to the black militancy of the 1960's. In this woman Ernest Gaines has created a legendary figure, a woman equipped to stand beside William Faulkner's Dilsey in The Sound And The Fury." Miss Jane Pittman, like Dilsey, has 'endured,' has seen almost everything and foretold the rest. Gaines' novel brings to mind other great works The Odyssey for the way his heroine's travels manage to summarize the American history of her race, and Huckleberry Finn for the clarity of her voice, for her rare capacity to sort through the mess of years and things to find the one true story in it all." -- Geoffrey Wolff, Newsweek. "Stunning. I know of no black novel about the South that excludes quite the same refreshing mix of wit and wrath, imagination and indignation, misery and poetry. And I can recall no more memorable female character in Southern fiction since Lena of Faulkner's Light In August than Miss Jane Pittman." -- Josh Greenfeld, Life
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One of my 2021 goals is to read a Black classic every month, because it's a huge gaping hole in my education. Can I blame my high school at this point? :)

I enjoyed this, but found it slow in the middle. The more feisty Miss Jane, the better, and the parts where she plays a supporting role just weren't as dynamic. Still, an overall pick.

#readharder #historicalfictionwithpocorlgbtqprotagonist @bookriot #mmdchallenge #ownvoicesbook

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July Summet reads for my library.

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When first published in the 1970s The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman might have a fresh look into the lives for the formerly enslaved and their fight for equality. Unfortunately, the book does not stand the test of time and Jane's story seems common to those with knowledge of Black History after the Civil War. It doesn't help the narrative that Miss Pittman herself is somewhat a reluctant narrative and doesn't feel that her story is special.

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megnews This is the only Ernest Gaines book I haven‘t read. I love his work. Tried this a few times years ago and couldn‘t get past the first few pages. I need to try again. 6y
MoniqueReads305 @megnews I've only read one of his books. This one is not as strong as A Lesson Before Dying. But the audiobook version seems to have been a good choice because the format of the book is good for audio. I just wish the production quality was better. 6y
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Loved most things about this book. Calling it an autobiography rubs me the wrong way, but the voice is strong and well studied, the plot is of excellent constructed, the characters are vivid. No other complaints. 5 out of 5 on GR

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Audiobook seven. Fiction presented as non fiction. I‘ve had this recommended to me a few times.

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LMAO I like Miss Jane already. #currentlyreading #fiction #blacklitsy #blitsy

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An epic story by one of the great #blackwriters

batsy Sounds great! I'm loving the sound of all the books you've been posting :) 7y
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As usual, I am at work for the beginning of #LitsyPartyOfOne. These are two books I‘d like to read/finish this time. I have more at home that fit the category of POc.

readordierachel Homegoing is amazing 7y
Alisnazzy Homegoing is 💯💯💯💯💯 7y
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Miss Jane Pittman's story begins in the South with Emancipation and continues until the early days of the Civil Rights movement, which means this spans over 100 years. Rather than a long saga that attempts to cover all those years, Jane's story, and that of the people around her, consists of her recollections. Lots of sadness here and there, but her strong spirit keeps her going. Realistic fiction. Read for year 1971 of my #birthdaychallenge.

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I've had this book FOREVER. Since I was a kid! Inexplicably I've never read it, yet it has come with me on all my moves over the years and survived hundreds of book culls. I'm finally reading it now, because it was published in 1971 and that's the year I am on now for my #birthdaychallenge reading. I know it's supposed to be good. Better late than never, right?

TheNextBook You are making your way through this challenge!!! 8y
LeahBergen I've heard it's great. 8y
Hooked_on_books What a great way to finally get it read! (It'll actually be pretty funny if it's awful. 😂) 8y
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Bookzombie I think I read this when I was in middle school, but I'm not 100% sure so I'm going to stack it to read. 🙂 8y
LauraJ I'm on 1972 - Watership Down. What's the plan for 1973? 8y
ValerieAndBooks @Hooked_on_books so far it's good; it definitely doesn't gloss over the wrongs done to African-Americans @LeahBergen @Bookzombie its probably worth trying to find out! (edited) 8y
ValerieAndBooks @TheNextBook I actually feel like my progress is going too slowly! At this rate it'll take me over two years 😊 @LauraJ good choice for 1972! I read it long ago. I have The Stepford Wives next up for that year. For 1973 I have The Fear of Flying by Erica Jong ( @Cinfhen is also reading it for that year, and currently) (edited) 8y
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My #24in48 plan...say goodbye in the AM tomorrow to my two older kids as they go back to their colleges 😢. Finish any current reads (not shown). Then start on the books on the right (stacked vertically). Hoping March #3 is ready for pickup today. Cisneros and Dunne are for #LitsyAtoZ, Jane Pittman for year 1971 of my #birthdaychallenge. Books on left (horizontal) are as my mood strikes. I know I won't get to them all but will enjoy trying!!

ValerieAndBooks And of course I have plenty others in my TBR that I might swap out 😉! 8y
ValerieAndBooks Hmm...not sure how the hashtag in top of the pic got cut out...I even edited it within this app 🤔! 8y
Reviewsbylola I am probably going to add The House on Mango Street to my stack. 8y
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Cinfhen It's always hard to see the kiddies go off😪sending love 😘 8y
ValerieAndBooks @Reviewsbylola I didn't get to the Cisneros this weekend after all! But it's next up. 8y
ValerieAndBooks @Cinfhen thanks! The place does seem quiet now 😢 but I'll adjust! 8y
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