Read this series in high school. Forgot how much i loved them! Book 3 outta 20 for the year. Hope this book hyperfixation i have going stays lol
Read this series in high school. Forgot how much i loved them! Book 3 outta 20 for the year. Hope this book hyperfixation i have going stays lol
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick. I love Patch and Nora so much 💕 I haven‘t read these books in a while but i keep thinking about them so I‘m going to have to read them again.
I finished reading Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick a few days ago I really enjoyed it but I enjoyed hush hush a lot more because someone spoiled me who the bad dude was which I wasn‘t surprised at all,Okay so Patch and Nora are so adorable but the break up was horrible! In the end Patch said I love you 💕💕it was so adorable and awwwww can‘t wait to pick up the ret of the series so very very soon! I hope y‘all have a great day!!!
My Rating-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I love this series so much. In this book there is so many unexpected twists and an unexpected ending. Spoiler warning: I wasn't expecting Rixon to be the bad guy and Marcie's father to be his vassal. I love the love story between Patch and Nora as well but, when they broke up and the thing's Patch did pissed me off. I was so happy when they got back together in the end.
Would I recommend? Yes, this book had me in aww
Book mark I made and current read
Should I add these kind of bookmarks to my shop?
#ravenclaw_princess913 #ravenclawprincess913
I‘ve read this series once before but it‘s been a while so here I am. Once again. Just like the first time. It‘s 2 am and I‘m crying my eyes out bc Nora told patch she no longer wants him as her guardian angel.
Omg. Talk about plot twists!!!!
Patch finally said I love you!!! My heart!!!
This one book made me scream, made me squeal, made me groan, made me roll my eyes, made me swear and cuss a lot and made me fall in love with three boys that go by the names Patch, Scott and Rixon. I love this.
#hushhush #fallenangel #angel #murder #blood #action #horror #paranormal #books #bookslut #goodreads #bookstagram #bookgeek #bookworm #youngadult #booklover #bookish
Hey everyone! How‘re you all doing? I‘m doing a lot better, so here‘s a new post! Do you guys remember a few years back where angel based YA books became all the rage??! Hush Hush was one of my faves, but I look back now and cringe a bit about it! I‘ll never forget waiting for each book like my life depended on it. Ahhh what it was like to be 13!!!😄😄 I found my old copy of the second book, so here‘s some nostalgia for those who‘ve read it😊
Meh. Maybe I‘ve just read too many of these kinds of books but I feel like there‘s not much that distinguishes one from the other. It was entertaining but I‘m not rushing out to go get number 3.
Mi actual lectura es El Segundo libro de la saga Hush Hush. Esta saga es muy conocida por todos, y seguro muchos lo leyeron ya que es bastantes años atrás, y yo llegue un poco tarde. De todos modos, debo decir, que me está encantando y estoy muy metida en la historia.
What‘s a book you used to like but have grown out of?
I was obsessed with the #HushHush series but the last time I tried to reread them, the magic was gone for me.
It's a bit like meeting up with old friends and realising you don't have anything in common anymore—kind of sad, but a sign that you've grown up without realising it.
#crescendo #silence #finale #beccafitzpatrick
This book has the same problems as the first one with the added annoyance of Patch and Nora being dumb about each other, and the multiple cringe-worthy moments. But there's enough of a twist at the end, with actual hints along the way, that it's worth the read.
I really shouldn't be eating these, but I have to indulge once in a while, especially when reading a book!!!
Just finished first #24in48 book!! Can't wait to start Silence. Was SOOOOO good. Plot developed nicely, twist was awesome and heartbreaking, and it made me cry. 👍👏😊😍😆😭😱
#24in48!! Super excited and just started reading Crescendo. Got a great recommendation from my friend and was hook on the first book. Gods, I can't wait to finish!!