This is one of the best sci-fi books I‘ve ever read. It was published in 1992 and it‘s interesting how it‘s easy to notice that since then modern technologies have made some of the story somewhat obsolete in details. Still it‘s a great read.
🎧📚 Interesting alien universe.
A majority of this story involves talking alien dogs & the narration made it feel like Paw Patrol. If you‘ve got kids you know what I‘m talking about.
I suggest the paperback.
The dogs, packs are considered 1 entity, they replace parts as dogs die. They use their mouths as hands.
2 human children have crashed & are stranded.
I couldn‘t get beyond dog aliens 🙄 a lot of goodness but it wasn‘t for me.
Even though it took me like two weeks to finish due to other commitments I really enjoyed this. I thought the way the world was structured that the universe is set up into bands where technology and sentience are restricted was interesting. I also really enjoyed the non-human beings. This really worked as a standalone so I'm not sure if I want to read the sequel although I did really love the characters.
I‘ve been distracted by an influx of gaming events this week but decided to carve out some time for porch reading. I‘m enjoying the tagged but it‘s still slow going for me reading wise.
Managed to finish three this week which exceeded my expectations. I finished the Spiritwalker trilogy and made progress on the Thursday Next series as well.
My goal this week is to finish the tagged and then move on to my Book Spin pick of Pandora's Star. I'm trying to work in my library books in between my RNG selections.
Made it in to the library this morning to pick up a new #libraryhaul I hope I‘ll finish all three this time instead of just two like last time.
More than everything I loved about this book was I believed that this was probably a realistic view of how the universe looks like. Was is the next level of existence after conscious individuals? Maybe a hive mind, but what after that? After a few billion years of existence some cultures might transcend. Kind of reminded me of Asimov‘s ‘Last Question‘
Wow, this was....strange. I‘ve never so immediately disconnected from and disliked an author‘s writing style and voice. I could barely get through 5 pages of it. Immediate bail, but I know it‘s famous, so maybe this is one of those I‘ll return to later in life and love it (?).
Rolling hills and thick greenery: my favorite place to daydream
Chapter 35 page 483
“...look out on the universe. It does not care, and even with all our science there are some disasters that we can not avert. All evil and good is petty before Nature. Personally, we take comfort from this, that there is a universe to admire that cannot be twisted to villainy or good, but which simply is.”
#sciencefiction #scifi #vernorvinge #universe
Been on the reading list for a long time, really glad I'm finally getting the chance to read it. So far some solid world building and interesting ideas, with great pacing and twists. Loving the intergalactic Twitter with "1000 posts an hour!". Already got the sequel and finale lined up.
A story that requires complete devotion. It‘s total and immediate immersion into an alien universe. There‘s a handful of species each with rich unique histories. It‘s a refreshing story that should be read at least twice. A story worth the time and effort it requires. #vernorvinge #zonesofthought #sciencefiction #scifi #1990s
*deep breath*
When a galaxy-destroying evil Blight is unleashed a space librarian, an explorer resurrected from the distant past, & 2 sentient potted plants must travel to a world inhabited by dog-like alien packs that each form an individual identity* to save 2 human children who crashed there & find the Countermeasure to stop the Blight.
A glacially slow read & as dense as sci-fi gets, but so rewarding with amazing ideas & great characters.
#fireandice #RockinMay
A Fire Upon the Deep is my #currentread and is fantastic but I'm moving at a crawl. I'm extremely book monogamous, but if I'm not through by the end of the week I may take a break and try to zoom through a quick read before coming back to it.
#Maps are pretty commonplace in fantasy novels, but it was neat to see a map of the Milky Way Galaxy and all of the planets that are visited in the science fiction book I'm currently reading. #PiratesLife #WhataWaytoLive
Just a heads up! This book is free for a few days if you sign up to become a member of Tor's eBook Club!
To the humans that crash land there, Tinesworld is a #madworld in my #currentread A Fire Upon the Deep.
One Tine is made up of four to six dog-like creatures that are sonically connected to form one individual identity. A single one is viewed like a severed limb but collectives can live for hundreds of years by replacing parts that die or age. Their technology level is medieval, castles and boats, and they use their mouths as hands.
My last group of students goes back to their regular class at 2:40 so my #LitsyPartyofOne starts NOW. Just starting this science fiction classic. #teachersoflitsy #theweekendisnow
Gertie and I recommend this epic hard science fiction book. It hurt my brain in the BEST way! I have a somewhat mixed relationship with hard SF - I always want to love it, but sometimes I just get too bogged down in details. Not the case here - HUGE ideas, amazing story, just so fun. My husband often says, "I wish I could read that book again for the first time." High praise from him! #recommendsday #gertiehuck #dogsoflitsy
Looking for a great SF book that you missed the first time around? Epic. Inventive.