It‘s good but not nearly as good as the two previous ones in the series. It‘s entertaining but nothing really new is added or gets resolved. I think he just basically ran out of ideas.
This is one of the best sci-fi books I‘ve ever read. It was published in 1992 and it‘s interesting how it‘s easy to notice that since then modern technologies have made some of the story somewhat obsolete in details. Still it‘s a great read.
I am so freaking bummed by the ending of this book! I wish this was a proper trilogy, and not a duology with a prequel set tens of thousands of years earlier tacked on at the end 😭
🎧📚 Interesting alien universe.
A majority of this story involves talking alien dogs & the narration made it feel like Paw Patrol. If you‘ve got kids you know what I‘m talking about.
I suggest the paperback.
The dogs, packs are considered 1 entity, they replace parts as dogs die. They use their mouths as hands.
2 human children have crashed & are stranded.
I couldn‘t get beyond dog aliens 🙄 a lot of goodness but it wasn‘t for me.
Even though it took me like two weeks to finish due to other commitments I really enjoyed this. I thought the way the world was structured that the universe is set up into bands where technology and sentience are restricted was interesting. I also really enjoyed the non-human beings. This really worked as a standalone so I'm not sure if I want to read the sequel although I did really love the characters.
I‘ve been distracted by an influx of gaming events this week but decided to carve out some time for porch reading. I‘m enjoying the tagged but it‘s still slow going for me reading wise.